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 If i could make a short list of ubiquitous stuff I don't want my kids eating it would be this, and in this order:

1) Soy and flax anything
2) Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, colorings & fortifications (e.g. enriched wheat)
3) Yellow prussiate of soda, anti-fungals and anti-yeasts (such as magnesium sulfate)
4) Oils high in alpha-lineolenic acid (but I repeat myself)
5) Any plant exposed to weed-killer (glyphysate)
6) Fluoridated or reverse-osmosis water
7) Hydrogenated oils
8) Shellfish, mussels, eels, pork and rodents (squirrel, raccoon, etx)
9) Wheat with bran and/or germ (whole wheat)

Yes, I know, you didn't ask