Oddbean new post about | logout
 She is working, not expecting to be hit on. 
 Keep going back...
ALL the time. 
 She'll figure it when you buy 6 muffins each day. 
 she is definitely expecting it...whether she wants it is a different story...make a bold move...show up in a suit and serenade her...can you play the guitar... 
 Bring her a flower :pepe_chocolates: 
 yes...hide a microphone in it... 
 No :animu_blush2: 
 if she finds it...she'll know you're serious...no downside really... 
 No microphone :animu_okie: 
 She said thank you when I told her she was very cute. She was cute with her hair braided and freckles/no makeup. 
 Bring her a flower. 🌹 
She will know for sure you like her then.
She will probably think it's cute too.
 Simple flower.
No microphone tho. 😅 
 yeah i dont know what i was thinking...no microphone...go with a transponder...track her movements throughout the day... 
 Give her this......

 Plenty of room for @le Chevalier des Grieux 's transponder. 
 No transponder... :animu_blush2: 
 Don't give me that eyebrow 🤨
It's a bad idea. 
You know it.
I know it.
No transponder :swat: 
 Das rite, take that heifer 
 How would I approach her again? 
 They want ou to use your 
transponder and just follow 
her from a distance... 🥸

Don't do that tho. 😅 
 It does encompass the NC operational guide to "be sneaky" 🤔 
 This is not the appropriate 
time for sneekyness.  🥸 :pepe_chocolates: 

Baby steps. 😎 
 I read the rest of the thread, yea don't take my advice Andrew. 

It uhhhh......yea just don't. 
 same way you complimented her before... 
 You're cute 🥸 
 If I see her again, I will tell her. I may just give her my number. 
 I was joking that after the transponder thingy that's how you would greet her. 

You're cute. 🥸 (disguise you forgot take off from when you were following from a distance)

Seriously tho, keep is simple.
Follow our gut.
No transponder. 
No stalking.
 flower plus number in a little note...tbh (to be hitler) i dont see how the disguise would hurt though... 
 What if she doesn't like flowers? I can't believe I am seriously considering this.

Where are @Rose  and @HockeyDoxie when you need them? 
 You are overthinking it.
It's just a flower. 🌹
A simple gesture. 
I doubt she doesn't like 
 I do overthink a lot... :nicechan_sigh: 
 I know the feeling. 
Keep it simple.
One thing at a time.
Try not to get ahead of yourself. 
 Go for it, she’s probably waiting.
Its not easy but in the long run rejection is better than never knowing.  Good luck;) 
 You: How long you worked here?

Her: answer

You: Nice! Any aspirations for the future? Going to school for anything?

Her: answer

You: That sounds interesting, actually! Well hey, I don't want to hold up the line to long. I wish you success in your future endeavors, if you have time later I would love to grab a bite to eat and chat if you wish, your choice of place, I'll buy! *Slide number* Here's my number,feel free to call or text anytime, I'm not busy usually. Hope the rest of your day is wonderful! 
 Simple questions break the ice quick. Doesn't have to be fancy or complicated. 
 Simple 😏🌹 
 At least make sure it's chocolate so she can eat it. My wife never cared much for flowers cause "I always have to watch them die" 😂 
 Same. Unless it is potted but that's a shitty first gift. "Here is one more thing for you to have to take care of you're welcome" 
 She works in the school café, so I assume she is going to school for something. There are a million different ways I could go... 
 Always remember the KISS method


Small talk, thazzit 
 Don't tell her about your love of warhammer 40k until AFTER you've been dating. 
 *walks up*

Hi! May I take your ord-

 She'll get the ick for sure, ladies only wanna hear about your Astartes. 
 Don't play 
 Whatever your nerd thing is, hide that power level. At least for a month or so. Mine didn't see my collectable star trek plates for at least that long. 
 This is a lie nothing will get her pussy wetter than hearing about your encyclopedic knowledge of transformers. 

 These kind of girls can't wait to get me in the sack for pon farr, it's all about the spocker. 
 Ask if she would like to get together for a coffee or lunch. ASK for her #. I have never  called a man in my life. If he fancies me, he'll ask for my #. I've never chased a man. If she is a nice girl (which I'm still praying for you) then she will want you to make the first move. 
 ive been told by some service industry girls that they prefer when the guy gives them his number... 
 i dont see why we should hit andrew with a bat...but if you think it will help... 
 OK. I will. 
I may go back for dinner and pay $14 only if she is there. She wasn't working at lunch today. I hope I see her again. 
 Keep trying bud. 
 You're a good honest Christian man. 
 I keep thinking that there is no way this girl is single. 
 trying to be a side piece andrew...for shame... 
 :impaler: :impaler: 
 Well you never know. :animu_smug8: 
You're gonna have to talk to 
her to find out. :animu_okie: 
 Not after you get a hold of her... 
 Makes sense to think that but you never know until you ask her out 
 That's being defeatist. That's Satan trying to warp your thinking. Ask your Guardian Angel to guide you and tell Satan to go away. The universe provides, but you have to ask for guidance and be grateful when you get it. 
 Her: I appreciate the effort, but I have a boyfriend already

You: Oh, no problem! Sorry to intrude! (Sucks for you that you chose him over me, bitch)

Don't say that last part out loud 
 NB4 "SHES A NICE LADY :swat3: " 

 I talked to/met another girl who gave me advice. She said to ask her for when she gets off work. She said I should say I want to get to know you better to the girl. She also said when I talk to her that I let her know I want to date her. 
 did you ask her out too...competition drives them wild here... 
 yeah cover your mouth with your fist and make like you are coughing when you say it... 
 Have your wingman beatbox the metal mario theme while you rap to her with interesting facts about marine life
 just don't pick the wrong color flower... 
 Okay.....but if she turns out to be a member of some satanic vegan commie nudist cult, that's all on you. 

It's just a flower... :animu_smug8: 
 one of my mates just asked for the phone number of a girl who works at the restaurant literally by saying “i think you’re cute, could I have your phone number” and my boy got it and is going out on a date on Thursday 
 It's literally that simple. 
 so it’s perfectly fine to ask her phone number while she’s on the clock brother 
 Andrew you March back in there and tell her you're gonna marry her. Wyatt Earp her, chick's love being Wyatt Earp'd!