Oddbean new post about | logout
 OK. I will. 
I may go back for dinner and pay $14 only if she is there. She wasn't working at lunch today. I hope I see her again. 
 Keep trying bud. 
 You're a good honest Christian man. 
 I keep thinking that there is no way this girl is single. 
 trying to be a side piece andrew...for shame... 
 :impaler: :impaler: 
 Well you never know. :animu_smug8: 
You're gonna have to talk to 
her to find out. :animu_okie: 
 Not after you get a hold of her... 
 Makes sense to think that but you never know until you ask her out 
 That's being defeatist. That's Satan trying to warp your thinking. Ask your Guardian Angel to guide you and tell Satan to go away. The universe provides, but you have to ask for guidance and be grateful when you get it. 
 Her: I appreciate the effort, but I have a boyfriend already

You: Oh, no problem! Sorry to intrude! (Sucks for you that you chose him over me, bitch)

Don't say that last part out loud 
 NB4 "SHES A NICE LADY :swat3: " 

 I talked to/met another girl who gave me advice. She said to ask her for when she gets off work. She said I should say I want to get to know you better to the girl. She also said when I talk to her that I let her know I want to date her. 
 did you ask her out too...competition drives them wild here... 
 yeah cover your mouth with your fist and make like you are coughing when you say it...