Oddbean new post about | logout
 Nostr is not the problem. 


 Hacker.news commenters are retarded 
 Same with Reddit 
 Smcleod and bogwog buying at 250k 😂 
 Their loss ✌️ 

Did anyone mention it’s an open protocol?

They could make their own little area. 
 The Venn diagram overlap between hackernews and men whose wife's boyfriends cut their meat for them is a platonic circle  
 I’m howling 😂

What a douche bag 
 Blow it out your ass, Bogwog 
 “stench” 🤡🤡🤡 
 I logged in to get laid but everybody talks about bitcoin 
 TIL nostr is a booty call protocol 
 Nasties and other things transmitted by relays 😳🫣 
 Wanna see my private key? 
 Talk dirty 
 talk doity 
 DMs are open 😆 
 Wait, I thought we talk about your private key? 
 bitcoin and chill 
 Not everybody 
 You are doing the Lord’s Work 
 +5 to stench  
 hope you weren't getting shilled lies like I found on Twitter today

 Hahahaha 🤣 
 For a good time call 555-425-3948! 
 Hey I was talking about the 13 month calendar last week. I can talk about non-bitcoin things sometimes 😂 
 99.9% of people here can't go all January without using the word bitcoin or referring to it metaphorically. 

And that would be a great start, but we also need feature for nostr that don't center around bitcoin. Fat chance I that happening. 
 Bitcoin is a feature, not a bug 
 Is your whole family on nostr?

Why not?

It's not a bug and a bug at the same time. 
 No but everyone on Nostr is my family. 
The take posted in the screenshot by Gigi is the mental attitude of a 6 year old child, extreme low IQ take or extrem high emotional take because of vested interests in what they believe to be a competitor to Bitcoin (there is none). 

Nostr doesn't need you but you need Nostr, what applies to Bitcoin applies mostly to Nostr as it is the social protocol on top of it. 

"I'm not going to use Email because Tomlinson just wrote some mundane stuff in his first ones rererere "  
 Hard time taking in most of that but mainly "Nostr doesn't need you but you need nostr"

Pretty sure nostr is just code sitting without humans using it as humans make all the things they interact with, actually work as intended.

A faucet, without a human letting water flow through it is just a pile of metal and plastic.
Only has use and meaning because we as humans give it to the objective when interacting with it.

Would be interesting to see what nostr would be without all of us....
 No, you took this far out of how I mean it. 
It does not need YOU specifically, if all you do is complain about it's content. There are people who need it and want it. 

So there are two simple solutions i propose:

- adopt a mindset with a little less ego and start asking why do people post so much on Bitcoin here. Maybe even propose the Idea to your mind that there might be something to learn. Something or some angle to view it that you have not seen yet.

- post content which is not about Bitcoin, if it is valid content I will drop a like, 80% of the posts I like are not about Bitcoin

When I wrote YOU above I don't mean you Nostronaut but a generaliziation of the critic mentioned in the screenshot.

Complaining, crying is easy, creating and changing is hard.  
 Nostr 100% does not need me. This is proven fact.
Tbh, I have no clue why or how I even have followers here.... 
I just be noting and zapping. 🤷

Solution 1 is a daily thing for me. Always learning and ask why to everything.
Ego? More just curious about the world and I need to use ? more at the end of sentences. Any form of communication is not my strength. 

I definitely do solution 2 and post non bitcoin content.

Complaining, crying, and playing the victim roll will always be the easy paths but I see this person as correct and of free will to make what ever choices they want.
As a half breed, bit-normie, Nostr is labeled as "the bitcoin zone". Its like an episode of the twilight zone, but about a new currency called bitcoin and the evil government, for regular folks when they join...

So from their shoes, i can see why they don't want what they build, to be attached to that kind of energy. 
 Yeah I can get behind that point of view, but let me assure you the third or fourth post of the person complaining about bitcoin will be a post about shitcoins, I've seen this before and I actually tried to post less about it for this exact reason you mentioned but in reality they just want you to bend the knee 9/10 times and that's why I tell them to kindly go fuck themselfs 
 yeah, this kind of factional nonsense is a recurring cycle in the lifetimes of protocols and platforms

think of all the fights that go on between microsoft and apple fans since the beginning lol

almost certainly there will be a shitcoiner "fork" of nostr but probably the gulf will not be very wide technically, just some small things that keep the networks apart

i'm a bitcoin is money guy but i also know distributed systems theory and there is a place for pBFT in the nostr back end stack and that's what shitcoin nostr is probably gonna look like (in fact i'm probably building some part of it lol) 
 if nostr isn't about talking about whatever you want, then i must have missed the point

even if that somehow happened that i didn't think about how i save my money, i'm sure some whiny bitch would complain about carnivore diet, conspiracy theories, toxic masculinity, potty mouth, christianity, new agers, have i missed anyone? 
 Sounds like the offended swallowed an ocean of salt. Maybe it’s his own stench that he’s caught a whiff of? 
 They cleanse themselves with $SHIB 🤣 
 The Nostr is probably like a tone down version of 4Chan. They are mainly tech savvy people. 

Cool part is there are a lot of really smart people here willing to help others. It reminds me of the mid 90's internet when we were slinging *.HTML code in notepad to *.FTP our file and pics to our 5MB web space to host a webpage. 
 What shitcoining does to people. 
Bring in more pain  
 Not the first time someone has noted my stench. 
 They'll sing a different tune in a couple years. Until then, we build. 
 One persons opinion 🤷‍♂️ 
 I having a feeling the bitcoin marketing team is going to go wild after the ETFs launch. They'll change their opinions, because others will be doing the legwork for us along with NgU. 
 Nostr is easier to find than Bitcoin Twitter.

Soon enough they will come because of Bitcoin & not despite it being here.

In 4 years time we'll be here helping people sell their ETF shares to acquire & custody actual UTxOs. These HNW people will sell items of value for sats on the Nostr marketplace. Controllable UTxOs will fetch a premium on ETF derived prices.

It's going to be wild!  
 Someone has to be first. It was either Bitcoiners or pig farmers.  
 Smells like free spirit 
 We stink. Oh my feelings 
 Let’s bottle that asap! 
 I love the smell of Bitcoin in the morning.....Smells like Victory    
 Hahahah people are dumb with what they complain about  
 "I don't like skiing because snowboarders use the mountain too"

so they're morons, got it 

 I can’t even imagine the stench of smtp associated with all of life’s shit 😆 👃🏼 💩 
 What a pussy 
 gfy bogwog5. hfsp. 
 Your post is creating a buzz.
Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed 
 Pretty normal that in this early stage of Nostr we don't have many "Cooking with grandma" content or whatever those punks are looking for instead. The people that are on here understand why they're here and why it does relate to bitcoin. They're both top tier freedom technologies so ofcourse they complement each other, but those shit for brains don't get it yet and would rather get their fill by an algorithmic feeding system. 
 Perfectly stated. 
 Eh we have zap.cooking @seth 
 If you can smell the stench, then you're standing close to a bitcoiner. And you should take the orange pill.  
 Doesn't like the smell of Money, must be a Commie 
 Funny, it’s the reason why I love nostr.. My Bitcoin community 🤙💜🫂 
 Have fun smelling poor. 
 That's the smell of napalm in the morning, the smell of victory.  
 Lol, God forbid having any association with Bitcoin! I'm almost glad these people self-select away from the platform entirely. They can just, idk, build their own closed community though, idiots. 
 When everything you are used to is broken, then what works feels incompatible with your existence. 
 Topic specific relays can solve this. People should have option to follow only what they choose to see.  
 antibitcoiners are also a minority, fuck them 
 True, the place is infested with cultists and became a little thematic circlejerk club, you guys stink. Oh the irony of posting this from from this account, a story of my life.

 Darwin at work. 
 More and better contents besides the bitcoin topic are in need. 
The feature of inclusiveness hasn’t been well presented yet. 
 Is that possible to let user set a sifting list based on their own preferences? 
 topic specific relays might be a solution 

than again, I am here for the #Bitcoin content

not interested in fiat centralized shit  
 Well, you can not represent others, shit or not depends on people’s personal preferences. 

Has anyone ever said Nostr only for bitcoin? 

Would you feel good when people say your Bitcoin content is shit? 
 people can say whatever they want about any kind of content. It is their right to consume and create the content they wish. 

Nostr is not for Bitcoin only, and I truly hope that one day it will attract a wider audience and become wildly adopted by everyone, but there is no denying that the #Bitcoin community embraced #nostr very early on and has done a lot for it.  
 No one denied anything, the whole conversation started with some other contents that beyond bitcoin topic are in need so that more could join here. 

I think that the zap feature is very appealing to bitcoiners, hence their activity on the platform

We do not just need diverse content pn #nostr but we also need features that appeal to a winder audience  
 Imagine how they will feel at the next ATH.

HN sour-grapes never disappointing since 2009 

 i occasionally find mildly helpful information on that forum but it seems like a similar crowd as reddit 
 It had its time. But was always a non hard money fiat fest. 
 It's like r/buttcoin lmao 
 Yea there’s no v4v layer 2 instant reward for proof of work here… nothing to do with bitcoin lol 
 Sounds like a post someone would write in linkedin  
 I rub bitcoins on my skin to scare off the normies 
 Sounds like a solid plan!  
 Stinky and proud!

 I've said it before, and I'll say it again--some people will learn the hard way to value their freedom. No sympathy for the willfully ignorant and arrogant at all

I do think there should be topic-specific relays, though 
 Which is why I try to post mostly non-BTC stuff. 
 could have easily just said that he's ghey, no need to be so salty about it 😆 
 Baby-dick Reddit energy. 
 Proud of my stench. 😌 
 I love the smell of Bitcoin and NOSTR in the morning. 
 I love the stench of bitcoin! 
 Odorous #Nostr 🧅🐟🪠

#memestr #plebchain
 Let the young chap build his dreams around the stench of debt (fuat).  

 And they don't even know about our well buttered organs yet.
 Imagine the stench on that 🤣 Take a big whiff  
 deodorant disrespector 
 I doubt that’s even a genuine opinion. Reeks of astroturfing 
 The crowd there has their pet prejudices. It is what it is. 
 Knowing without knowing stinks more than knowing by knowing. 
 It's not even a bitcoin thing, it's a maxi-thing. Sure, there are level headed and open minded individuals here, but the maxis are so fucking prominent and arrogant.. they're the ones that stink, only really appealing to like-minded people.

Bitcoin is a surveillance coin, not that any maxi would ever acknowledge all the problems this causes, such as front-running and discrimination.

Personally, I did once consider developing on nostr but, yes, this maxi thing "bitcoin is not crypto" shit is just so off-putting. At the moment, all I see is one big echo chamber. If you were all talking about cars, cats or cathedrals instead, that too would be just as unattractive.

Want to prove me wrong? Then integrate a coin agnostic system. Let's see Lightning decred, or truly fungible options such as beam or grin.

Now watch the maxi replies that prove this point of how fucking obnoxious they can be. 
 #Bitcoin > “Crypto” & #Bitcoin > “Blockchain” 
 If it really bothers you, leave— nobody is going to change for you here, it’s a free space for people to do and say whatever they want. 

If you can get past that, you also can do your own thing here. Nobody can stop you from integrating decred or grin or shib. And they can’t stop you from muting obnoxious people (and at least there’s not an algorithm shoving similarly irritating info your way) 🤙 
 blockchain is a technique invented in the early days of distributed systems research for making a tamper resistant chain of database update bundles

practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT) is a technique that uses a 2/3 quorum and a block derived random number to select the leader in a distributed database cluster that can tolerate 1/3rd malicious nodes

the Nakamoto consensus is a technique that Satoshi discovered that enabled the lowering of this threshold from 1/3 malicious nodes down to 1/2 malicious nodes, by using a partial hash collision search

most shitcoins, except for monero and a few other holdouts, use a variant of pBFT that fallaciously adds "stake" as a "mechanism for security" when in fact it's only a way to limit the number of "authoritative replicas" in a pBFT - because by the cost of messages across the network, as the Cosmos project determined pretty definitively, no more than 100 can participate in such a procedure without dramatically reducing the latency of the system and causing updates to take more than 3 seconds to absorb a new block

stake is not a security mechanism, it's a concurrency mutual exclusion lock for 20-100 nodes to get the role of authoritative replica

bitcoin solves this problem but can't do better than 1mb/10 minutes and the simple fact is that this means that only one blockchain can be secure with more than 100 nodes in the consensus

UTXOs are pseudonymous, the location of the key holder is not revealed by the spender, and anonymity is an absolute, not an achievable, mathematically possible outcome, without weakening some other aspect of the system

in general this trade off eliminates the auditability of supply, and no matter what you monero fucks say, your coin does not guarantee supply, there has been multiple inflation bugs and you assholes think that doesn't matter

it does. it matters a lot, because the security of a money depends on its hardness, and without hardness, it doesn't matter how private it is, it's scrip. 
 "in general this trade off eliminates the auditability of supply, and no matter what you monero fucks say, your coin does not guarantee supply, there has been multiple inflation bugs and you assholes think that doesn't matter"

I can give you that as long as you can acknowledge that a *public* ledger will never have real privacy (transactions and values aren't hidden) and have a weaker form of anonymity (psuedonymity) than monero. You'll never do that though because you think trade offs only exist for Monero.

There have also been inflation bugs in Bitcoins past. Even one that would've been undetectable by node runners that was prevented by a single honest anon.
 Imagine having the balls to call someone arrogant then going on about how you’re entitled to have someone else build you a “coin agnostic” shitcoin casino for free. Either go capture some code slaves, throw down serious dough to get it done,  get off your ass and do it yourself or shut the fuck up. We owe you nothing and you’re lucky you don’t get your ass kicked when you come to our events. 
 It's all crypto "currency" and it's all shit.  
 I'm fine with overly toxic maximalists keeping certain demographics away from here. Manifest that toxic energy.

 Seriously, that's my primary concern for nostr adoption. Ramp up of new users should not be forced through Bitcoinfluencers. Regardless of self-serving incentives. One has to look beyond that.

For example I'm forced into following bots reposting bloomerg, wsj, FT and polluting my feed by bots, because there's no organic discovery mechanism apart from ineffective tags and global feed. 
 Reeks of corn around here 
 Hmmm, reasoning missing. Quite judgemental by my observation. 
 Sometimes I think these comments on such forums are made by sour bankers or bots. I doubt they’re even real people. 
 These people definitely deserve bitcoin somewhere around $250k+ in my estimation 
 THIS!!! Speaking as a woman…
 “Bro-culture” is a LOT to get past. 

Went to Primal & saw …

“Hey Nostr Bros…” & immediately felt in my tummy a sickness that turned me away. 

Still, I believe in goodness of humanity & will do all I can to bring more love ❤️ 💜🙏 https://image.nostr.build/35aa1e9495bd6e1c4555a403ced585734ffc58d0b8dd6d3cb9716473d41d3f11.jpg  
 there's also another way to put it lol

 Lololololol 🤣🤣🤣 
 I agree with the ppl who say that tbh. Not interested in bitcoin, almost completely puts me off Nostr seeing it. Although I love how this all works :/ 
 @jackspirko does this need attention?


 how is possible that the US never had a female president?
and if we try, we destroy her honor and reputation?

235 years and never a woman president? 
private email server when you are a public responsible president is not good for democracy, this affects transparency and trust in public government.

even after an FBI investigation, no laws were broken

this is wrong. 
this does not contribute to a healthy open-transparent govt. 
this is not good for DEMOCRACY 
 That’s why I share all my emails in public
 we need a new framework for political systems

framework for politics
framework for government
framework for lobby

framework for the next century. 
 this is great https://image.nostr.build/8af3594ca60b28405b5b4debda72f59e8eabcd9e8be07b26d90cae9ab76a8fc6.jpg  
 but we need to make amends 
 no more exemptions

and not just in America
Let’s make this ACT a priority in INTERNET GOVERNANCE
same level of priority as the PROTECTION/SECURITY of HUMAN/DIGITAL RIGHTS.
 private email server for official communications 
 same Hunter Biden laptop
emails to Ukraine / Chinese entities
 Two investigations:

ELECTIONS 2016 /  HILLARY emails / FBI
ELECTIONS 2020 / BIDEN emails / CIA

BOTH have same issues

FBI is domestic
CIA is international

make your own judgment 
 IC interference 
 both were IC intromissions on politics in the U.S.
we need to END THIS. 
 the only way to fix it
 if everything is open and transparent 
we can all build and fast-track trust 
 👆🏻 check where those 51 former intelligence officers are now: mostly media and academy

there is no difference between

we all can monitor (nations-states and markets)
 without interference
non-interference of any type
 interference distort communication 
 this is the problem
 this is the solution
 we need a new social construct
we need a new worldwide agreement
new peace treaty
no Westphalian. Eastphalian
 we are locals and global citizens
we have local and global responsibilities
 we need laws to protect the commons
we need to make the commons LEGAL.
we the internet
we the commons
we the third party that judge all others (nations states and markets)
we the people 
 Male domination is the problem 
 “I smell pussy” by 50 Cent

Yay we are beautiful pussies♡ 
 Let that stink in!  
 I got a ton of flak on 𝕏 for talking about Bitcoin.

More recently, the negative comments have gone down significantly, so I think some progress is being made 👍 
 I see nothing but upside to the Stench Security System. 