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 It's not even a bitcoin thing, it's a maxi-thing. Sure, there are level headed and open minded individuals here, but the maxis are so fucking prominent and arrogant.. they're the ones that stink, only really appealing to like-minded people.

Bitcoin is a surveillance coin, not that any maxi would ever acknowledge all the problems this causes, such as front-running and discrimination.

Personally, I did once consider developing on nostr but, yes, this maxi thing "bitcoin is not crypto" shit is just so off-putting. At the moment, all I see is one big echo chamber. If you were all talking about cars, cats or cathedrals instead, that too would be just as unattractive.

Want to prove me wrong? Then integrate a coin agnostic system. Let's see Lightning decred, or truly fungible options such as beam or grin.

Now watch the maxi replies that prove this point of how fucking obnoxious they can be. 
 Shitcoiner says what? 
 The homie thinks NOSTR has a CEO making decisions or something lol 
 Make the things you want to exist! 
 #Bitcoin > “Crypto” & #Bitcoin > “Blockchain” 
 If it really bothers you, leave— nobody is going to change for you here, it’s a free space for people to do and say whatever they want. 

If you can get past that, you also can do your own thing here. Nobody can stop you from integrating decred or grin or shib. And they can’t stop you from muting obnoxious people (and at least there’s not an algorithm shoving similarly irritating info your way) 🤙 
 blockchain is a technique invented in the early days of distributed systems research for making a tamper resistant chain of database update bundles

practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT) is a technique that uses a 2/3 quorum and a block derived random number to select the leader in a distributed database cluster that can tolerate 1/3rd malicious nodes

the Nakamoto consensus is a technique that Satoshi discovered that enabled the lowering of this threshold from 1/3 malicious nodes down to 1/2 malicious nodes, by using a partial hash collision search

most shitcoins, except for monero and a few other holdouts, use a variant of pBFT that fallaciously adds "stake" as a "mechanism for security" when in fact it's only a way to limit the number of "authoritative replicas" in a pBFT - because by the cost of messages across the network, as the Cosmos project determined pretty definitively, no more than 100 can participate in such a procedure without dramatically reducing the latency of the system and causing updates to take more than 3 seconds to absorb a new block

stake is not a security mechanism, it's a concurrency mutual exclusion lock for 20-100 nodes to get the role of authoritative replica

bitcoin solves this problem but can't do better than 1mb/10 minutes and the simple fact is that this means that only one blockchain can be secure with more than 100 nodes in the consensus

UTXOs are pseudonymous, the location of the key holder is not revealed by the spender, and anonymity is an absolute, not an achievable, mathematically possible outcome, without weakening some other aspect of the system

in general this trade off eliminates the auditability of supply, and no matter what you monero fucks say, your coin does not guarantee supply, there has been multiple inflation bugs and you assholes think that doesn't matter

it does. it matters a lot, because the security of a money depends on its hardness, and without hardness, it doesn't matter how private it is, it's scrip. 
 "in general this trade off eliminates the auditability of supply, and no matter what you monero fucks say, your coin does not guarantee supply, there has been multiple inflation bugs and you assholes think that doesn't matter"

I can give you that as long as you can acknowledge that a *public* ledger will never have real privacy (transactions and values aren't hidden) and have a weaker form of anonymity (psuedonymity) than monero. You'll never do that though because you think trade offs only exist for Monero.

There have also been inflation bugs in Bitcoins past. Even one that would've been undetectable by node runners that was prevented by a single honest anon.
 "Want to prove me wrong? Then integrate a coin agnostic system. Let's see Lightning decred, or truly fungible options such as beam or grin."

This is a strange thing to say if you really think about it.  What it boils down to is "Want to prove me wrong? do something YOU do not want to for me".

No one can stop you from developing one of those things.   Anyone can write a client.  And anything can go in a note.  

Here... why not send me some Monero to prove all the stinky maxis wrong:


See how easy it is?  We just integrated monero on Nostr.

The fact is, Bitcoin is changing the world.  It is a transparent ledger on purpose.  Maxis have a LOT to be proud of and to defend, in my opinion.  Nearly every other "crypto" project is a scam.  It just is.  But i DO control the keys to that XMR subaddress.  

One last thing.  You are saying "I don't want to come here because everyone talks in a way I do not like."  THAT is actually discriminatory.  And if you want to say other things, say them.

So far you have said "I hate Maxis" fairly well.  Got some more stuff? 
 Imagine having the balls to call someone arrogant then going on about how you’re entitled to have someone else build you a “coin agnostic” shitcoin casino for free. Either go capture some code slaves, throw down serious dough to get it done,  get off your ass and do it yourself or shut the fuck up. We owe you nothing and you’re lucky you don’t get your ass kicked when you come to our events. 
 Imagine having the balls to call someone arrogant then going on about how you’re entitled to have someone else build you a “coin agnostic” shitcoin casino for free. Either go capture some code slaves, throw down serious dough to get it done,  get off your ass and do it yourself or shut the fuck up. We owe you nothing and you’re lucky you don’t get your ass kicked when you come to our events.
 It's all crypto "currency" and it's all shit.