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 Most people who I know that think the CIA invented bitcoin, are not very familiar with the pre-history of Bitcoin including work by Back, Szabo, Finney, etc.

I'm not saying that certainly no intelligence agency created Bitcoin, but rather, I'm very skeptical of the certainty that many people have around that topic.

Because, when you are somewhat familiar with that pre-history and look at it from an engineering perspective, you can clearly see the pieces gradually falling into place. In the1980s there was work by Chaum about how to build a database run by mutually suspicious entities. In the 1990s there was work by Back for proof-of-work. As things moved into the 2000s, there was Szabo's Bit Gold, which is very similar to what Bitcoin ended up being, and Finney's Reusable Proof of Work "RPOW" tokens. Finney hadn't solved the centralization issue, and Szabo hadn't solved the issue of better computation causing supply inflation over time, but they were collectively within shooting range of the solution. Others as well. Meanwhile global bandwidth was getting better, encryption in general was getting better (and there we've got an actual intelligence agency contribution), etc.

And then Satoshi added to that work, including the difficulty adjustment in particular and many other details, with a full implementation.

Basically, if someone thinks that Bitcoin just kind of magically came out of nowhere, then it's pretty easy to see how they'd be inclined toward a conspiratorial assumption.

However, if one sees that, just like any other industry, there was a series of engineers building on each others' work until someone finally got it over the line, then it looks a lot more organic. 
 It's the same as looking at a successful person and think it happened overnight.

Nobody sees the failures and struggles, just the end result, if there is one, of course. 
 But so what if the CIA did create it? It's open and anyone can verify if they like what the network offers and use it, or not. Didn't the CIA create Tor? That's pretty good too. 
 Agreed on both points. I'd be skeptical if they were closed source. 
 It's been fun watching it happen in real-time.😃 
 CRYPTO published in 2001mentions the email correspondence between Adam Back and Hal Finney.  This book helped build my confidence in Bitcoin as a protocol, network, asset….
 Bitcoin isn't private.

Monero fixed that.

 If they did tho, they have one hell of a strategic reserve and a perfect way to maintain us monetary supremacy after the dollar is nuked

Plus it was built on windows which is also sus 👀 
 i was literally a computer tech fixing windows and trying to get into writing network services in C at the time

almost nobody ran linux in 2009, ubuntu 8 was the first version that i ran a lot, and by 2012 i quit running windows 
 Satoshi probably moved around  quite a bit, so a Windows laptop probably would have been the only viable option 
 Yes. Exactly this.
 I agree with all of this. But I do think the CIA conspiracy theory has a couple of things going for it: (1) US government funding of Tor (it isn't above embracing freedom tech when it serves its purposes) and (2) the NSA's history of involvement in non-classified crypto to steer adoption toward weak ciphers.

While I don't seriously  think the CIA invented Bitcoin, we *do* need to be aware that three-letter-agencies may be working to subvert it.

Bitcoiners need to be whole lot more skeptical when the government decides to "help". I'll leave folks to draw their own conclusions about how that applies to a "strategic bitcoin reserve" and other current foolishness… 
 Sounds like people who haven't read "The Genesis Book" by @Aaron van Wirdum 
 Great book so far half way through 
 I really liked the format. Might need to start looking for other books that get deeper into the opposition early cryptographers faced when attempting to release their research. Sounds like it was pretty brutal. 
 It was created by the CIA, OBVIOUSLY 

 CIA is the wrong framing, it's perfectly in No Such Agency's wheelhouse though 

You don't have to necessarily have believe it has NSA origins, but it's fantasy that nocoiners will exploit when Bitcoiners deny that Satoshi could not be truly anonymous given their capabilities, and that every major agency has influential assets in the ecosystem

These are good things, shouldn't shy from them with nocoiners use spooks as an objection. It's actual quite an intuitive part of a multi-prong counter-offensive against globalists that would safely defuse the Triffin Dilemma before natsec is lost forever.

Patriots in control.
 patriot 🫡 
 It's kind of related to your own belief around whether Bitcoin was discovered or invented.

If you believe Bitcoin was invented you're more likely to believe it was a CIA invention.

Others can see how the actions of many enabled us to discover the digital scarcity known as Bitcoin. We know that even if the CIA had a role in it's discovery, they cannot control it.

Bitcoin selectively reveals itself to people when they are ready. 
 Adding to this …

Some of us chose Fed life & sought to change things from within 🫂 
 So true.

In every one of our institutions, individuals are awakening to their deeper purpose here.

 I don’t think USG invented Bitcoin, but I think there’s a non trivial chance they currently hold the Satoshi coins. 
 Interesting. Wouldn't that suggest that they either ...

know who he was and were able to coerce his keys out of him 


they we're able to compromise his keys, which would undermine the entire point of Bitcoin's security?

Genuinely curious.  
 Haha. Always an XKCD for any occasion. 
 The former. They definitely know who Satoshi is. I’m speculating on the rest. 
 Is there any particular reason you believe they “definitely know”? Or do you just “definitely know” 😂 
 Obama tasked the nsa with finding out during his administration. I’m assuming they found out. 
 this is the clown show transexual abomination brigade

yes, they surely are competent

just cos they tricked shitloads of people into wearing masks and submitting to get injected doesn't mean they can do investigations 
 most of the domestic terrorist cases have been patsies cultivated by the FBI 
 I think you’re severely underestimating the NSA’s capabilities. 
 maybe so but if they found him they would make a show of it, so there's that 
 In my opinion they did find him, but they’ve chosen not to make a show of it. Which tells you something. 
 For what it's worth. I hope you're wrong. But even then that gives them access to 1 million btc? 
 no, it tells me that you are prone to imagining evil people have the power they pretend to have

if they have him, but no keys, but the evidence is there, they would show it off

if they have him, but they have the keys, the coins would have moved

if he is dead, and they never found him, neither would happen

out of those three options, option 3 is what has actually been made public


believing the lies of evil people about their power is the first mistake anyone makes about evil people 
 It’s not lies bud. We have @Snowden's disclosures informing us of exactly their capabilities. 
 it's not that sophisticated opsec to wipe your keys and hard drive

when that moron accepted a date with the CIA he disappeared

zero chance his drives retained any of the code or data

zero chance he retained the keys

the very fact that the CIA got interested confirmed that it had "caught on" and it was on fire and that was all he was gonna get away with so he probably took a bus to mexico and that was that

plenty of places to get work when you are a C++ server programmer

i know what it means to burn keys that are worth something

did it twice in my life already so far 
 That’s a fine story, but the nsa would still know who he was regardless. He lived a whole life before bitcoin. He left breadcrumbs behind. His identity is very knowable with the level of data they have on both him and everyone he ever interacted with. Wiping the hard drives is cute when every text or email you’ve ever sent is backed up in an nsa server somewhere. 
 These are some of the speculations that I explore in my book, The Nakamoto Consensus. Did they get him? Did he get away? Did someone help him? it's a Bitcoin adventure textbook, a Trojan horse orange pill. 
 belief in the deliberately cultivated aura of omnipotence of government agencies full of people who are selected for their obedience not their talent is stupid

i remember not many years later somewhere reading that they were having trouble getting the best people because they drug test applicants

your faith in government is showing, you might want to either admit it or perhaps remove it

if russian and chinese spies can evade detection by the NSA then so can a smart guy who has been working on privacy technology for a decade

satoshi BEING an NSA guy is very possible too, so, yeah, we all know how it goes when they investigate themselves, you have studied social engineering i would hope 
 Alot of wild assumptions. Have you seen anything that corroborates that?

Most likely, he used a pseudo-name and was cautious about online footprint, which we can assume since he was into cryptography..  

Not to mention we are also concluding that that satoshi lived in the western world. 

We will find out one way or another I suppose. I choose to believe he's watching things unfold from a distance.

If his BTC ever moves, we can continue to speculate. 
 Well the satoshi coins are like the ultimate honey pot though. Normal utxo holders don’t need to worry about a targeted attempt to brute force their keys anywhere near what is surely going on with that one. So if they do ever move, my money would be on that being the reason

Personally i’ve always sort of assumed Satoshi is “no longer with us” (based solely off a quote that is always hard to find where he said ~“i don’t have much time left”) 
 arent all of his coins in separate wallets? 
seems to have the bulk of his emails, I don't see anything about that.  
 NM I found it:

 Yes!! It kinda be like that don’t you think? Just me? 
 Honestly, it reads to me that he was just busy with other stuff... but its possible I suppose. 
 You can’t hide from the nsa my man. 
 Now I wonder... Would the US intelligence apparatus having 1M btc in their coffers be a net benefit to the adoption cycle? 

If they knew they had the largest stockpile of it ... Would it make them more likely to let things play out?

Thinking out loud...  
 I haven't dug particularly deep into the timelines. But one has to admit that the seemingly permanent disappearance of Satoshi, and the decline of Hal's health and consequent passing are quite a coincidence.
That's without all the other coincidences, ethics and alignments. 
 Same. I haven't deeply researched the timeline but it feels right. 
 Do you have any other clues about this beside assuming the NSA knows everything  ? 
 That would explain the disappearance but I highly doubt the government would be able to foresee the invention’s significance. I suppose he/she could have donated them for love of country, but no one, not even Joe Biden, loves the USG. Especially its money printer. So how would they have obtained them and when? 
 🕵️ thank you for being you and sharing your thoughts with us! People definitely get a lot from your content. #LynLearning 
 Also, odd that Satoshi immediately waltzed into the sunset when Gavin spoke with the CIA. 
 Just like a claim that Musk invented #bitcoin the CIA plot is coordinated fud action. Normies treat that as a proof that it is not that amazing, powerful and special after all. Talked to one music industry high level manager and he told me : "it is crap, Elon created it" 
In the end it doesn't matter who created it in terms of identity but the work of everyone you mentioned is very important and history of BTC should be brought to pedestal more often for this OGs paved the way for Bitcoin. 
 Also, odd that Satoshi immediately waltzed into the sunset after Gavin spoke with the CIA. 
 Learning pre-bitcoin history really helps better understand it. Even in the context of the scams that have followed it. Many people see bitcoin as the first and therefore something that should be replaced. Understanding it stands on tech that came before helps add context. 

 Wish it was higher res so I could zoom in and read it all, but it looks interesting the ones I could make out 
 The original is higher resolution, but I used nostr.build for that upload.

Try this:
 Saying it's the CIA is just an easy way out of a question of who is satoshi   Most do not want to do the work 
 Defo wasnt them.  Satoshi picked some certain things to throw them off too.  You may enjoy reading duality:

 The name "Satoshi Nakamoto" means in Japanese, paraphrased, "Innovation from a central point of origin". That's where people, I think, get the CIA accusation from. Have you heard of that meaning, Lyn? 
 Lyn, I just read a segment in your ‘Broken Money’ book today on that very subject and I agree. When you look at the timeline of the developments and technologies / how they progressed towards Satoshi’s creation, it’s a pretty compelling argument. 
 Occam’s Razor is that a human rights activist invented Bitcoin :) 
 You're missing the point (along with everyone replying to you.)  It doesn't matter if it was the CIA, the NSA or just some rando.  The whole point of Bitcoin is that you can verify that it works the way it claims to work.  Arguing about who created it is pointless. 
 Their were and are cypherpunks that work(ed) inside the system 
 Which moved to Monero years ago.

Always sus to see someone promoting bitcoin and equating it with freedom/privacy when it is literally a fedcoin. 

 It's the open and trackable coin, I do find privacy advocates of its usage odd for that reason.

That doesn't mean Bitcoin is bad, it still is more sovereign than normal centralised cash. But privacy is not something I associate with Bitcoin. 
 Satoshi was a time traveller who went back in time to create bitcoin, so he could rug pull us in the future   
 you are just a vegetable. you are an insignificant person.  
 Thanks! You have a great day too. 
 You to man.  
 Some vegetables would do you good... 
 Not today snake , not today devil 
 Eat your vegetables 🥦😈 
 Not today DEVIL. return to hell where you belong 
 From where I come from Hel is written with a single L and it's not so bad. 
 go to hell, devil!  
 Not a devil, just a dev without the ill will 
 It never mattered who created Bitcoin, a transparent protocol of unstoppable speech packets. The smug skeptics and capitulators who think it does matter are not a part of the conversation by any measure 
 Bitcoin is as glowy as Nostr and even spookier! JK! 🤣🤣🤣 
It is just as likely that Nostr came from the spooks. Nostr and Bitcoin are freedom from the spooks. Those agencies do not want any of this to work the way it already does and are actively trying to wreck them or confuse people about them. 😔😔😔 
 Every time I read your work, I'm deeply inspired by how clearly and passionately you express your thoughts, and it makes me appreciate your perspective even more. 🧡💜 

 Did the CIA invent monero? 
 Bitcoin is the capstone on 4 *decades* of innovation and experimentation .. and it is the foundation for decades more that we’re already seeing start to emerge:
- Liquid
- Lightning
- eCash
- Nostr

Ignorance of the history leads also to the fallacy of “version 2 will be better” which the altcoin promoters feed on

Fundamentally, and i speak as someone coming from a technical background, the most important aspect to learn is that Bitcoin’s innovation is economic (verifiable absolute digital scarcity), not technical.

Then technical innovation is impressive but only in so far as it enables the actual economic innovation

 The capstone is Monero.

You are still stuck on what is literally a fedcoin.

 Good luck with that 🤷‍♂️ 
 Great summary, as usual. Reading The Genesis Book really drives home this point.  
 That’s pretty cool that you can read my mind since I just started to go down that rabbit hole. You just saved me countless hours of clicking nefarious links and starting a crazy person wall with clippings and thread 
 If you’re curious about Bitcoin prehistory, check out The Genisis Book by Van Wirdom. 
 Lyn, you have such an eloquent way to simplify and consolidate such dense topics with logic. Thank you for all you do in our space! 
 Accumulative innovation, as happened with others breakthroughs (planes, cars, …). I believe humanity discovered Bitcoin instead of invented.  Sooner or later, Bitcoin would emerge. It was inevitable. 
 You weren't there.

You weren't at the BBS
You weren't at the IRC channels
You weren't even at the forums

At that time, only government related people from the west or malware writers literally from Russia had interest in crypto.

So was that case with Dave Kleiman. He died worried sick that he'd be exposed, you will never understand that. How it feels to lose your career over something that was basically useless at the time and yet went against your own (gov) employer.

Please stop rewriting history. You are becoming religious zealots writing fiction stories, but there are still plenty of us who were indeed there and participated on what happened. 
 You‘re absolutely right. Reading the Genesis Book from Aaron van Wildrum shows the history and envolvement of the technologies building Bitcoin‘s foundation in a great way.
 This is how this note looks like when I copy pasta it on Twittex https://image.nostr.build/9c67bb1ddb69a9bde1c1729fac8486e70c3264621fa444477c896ae441d0f6a1.jpg  
 Believing the CIA invented bitcoin is coverted statism. It’s ‘muh roads’ all over again. 
 Exactly, it’s complete nonsense. 
 Plus, I think bitcoin is harder to grasp for people who lack systemic thinking capabilities. Emergence seems alien to them. 

Maybe the main driver of statism, socialism, centralism or however one calls it. 

The question “how can there be something from nothing?” haunts these people. So it must be the CIA. 
 in the ’60s chip was invented  
 where can I get a high res of this photo? 
 This is a great graphic by the way 
3 letter agency  $heeple vs #Bitcoin (N0 ₿ackd00rs 4 15 yrs)

 Great post!
Also liked this YT Video about similar topic, by Bitcoin University.

Miyamoto Musashi 
Satoshi Nakamoto.....

 Satoshi flipped the suffix and was heavily influenced by "The Dokkodo" ...
"21 precepts of life"/21 million bitcoin (not arbitrary...paid homage)

"Dokkodo was largely composed on the occasion of Musashi giving away his possessions in preposition for death".....

Sound familiar ^ 
 Reading The Genesis Book solves this right quick. 
 This is a very accurate reflection of reality. :)  
 Could be John Forbes Nash Jr. https://m.primal.net/JmnY.png   
 https://m.primal.net/JmqV.webp Pretty good graphic of the History of the Bitcoin Timechain 
 No one actually invents something... but rather, brings together different ideas into a new one. 
 Guess I'm going to read the Genesis Book thanks to this note and those who have replied. I suppose I ought to brush up on some history. 
 beautiful lyn... needed to be said given the latest gossip 
 Correct, knowing a little about the history and early honest attempts to solve for limits on freedom and the encroachment on privacy that motivated exactly the names you mention along with others is the plausible and organic answer. 
Thank you.
I am delighted that you are contributing so regularly to NOSTR. 
I met some of the devs in Prague in June and I’m trying to learn how to navigate effectively so I can ZAP a few idle SATS for their work. 
 The intelligence agencies didn’t invent Bitcoin. Most people believing this refer to a paper on electronic currencies from the NSA that predates Bitcoin. However, they certainly have infiltrated its community to some extent with some narratives and assets. 
 I didn't research but out of instinct, it looks like a powerful propaganda conspiracy theory conjured by nationalism governments to sell that bitcoin is controlled by US governments and thus make it legit to sensor everything about it 
 You absolutely nailed it! 
 The following is personal opinion and backed by nothing but my personal experience.
With respect to modern age/recent tech, the fed does NOT innovate, but the fed often funds those that do innovate.
Did Satoshi have a day, paid job and bitcoin was his side project?!
Or was bitcoin his day job and funded by "another", be it directly or indirectly.
With that said, I don't think it matters bc we can't unlearn what we have all learned bc of bitcoin.

 Hey Lyn, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your writing. I am not a great reader, however, I am able to read your work and be captivated enough to not only comprehend your message but to also be able to assimilate the information in such a way that I can explain it to others days or weeks later..  Thank you. 
 Whoever invented it doesn't matter, the code is open source and anyone can have a look at it. There are no backdoors 
 Thx for sharing. Good read. 
 But without the scary CIA boogeyman we might not get to live in fear. 😱