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 The Fall of Wedge. The Rise of Organics.

My life is getting better i have found purpose beyond what my family provides but the lingering effects of not living my life for me still grabs me. Thank you for loosening the grip on my war.

Until I was 35 I was not living my life. I was living, trying to live up to, everyone else's version of me.

The result was a degree in fine arts, two amazing kids and a very understanding wife so I got lucky. But my life was a Minimum-Value Worker pushing hard to be a manager or someone who could be proud of my paycheck and in providing for my family. 

When it became apparent that I was only to be an MVW it crushed me as I would not make the worlds goal for me. I sank with the weight of alcohol weed and depression. 

It came together to form a bottom where I was a first-time blackout drunk with puke on my suit, my car, and my wife.  That was almost 2 years ago. I think I just had my last drink recently and coffee and processed food is next on the list. 

The farm. I read “Rich Dad Poor Dad” in my teens I never met someone who could model it so it was a dream. Then I saw an opportunity, that I wanted. A farm to give me something to be proud of, to work on and build that provides for my family. And so it starts and not even a full year in I can see the momentum starting to build. 

I still carry the weight of old Dan, I don’t like saying yes as it brings responsibility. I hate responsibility to other people. It was never something I chose, it was always delegated. I feel even though I am an adult I had to do many things that I had no heart for, or else. It crushes me some days usually when the shoulda have started, procrastination is a curse. I should have said this, called this person, put in for this. It all feels like it's not for me but for them.

When the shouldas don't plague me I find the “meaning crisis” does. What do I want to do? How? Why? 

I know the answer is my kids, wife, the farm. It doesn’t make the feeling any better though. So I go out to the farm, on my own to be alone. 

I found a group that supports me and pushes me like I have never felt. Thank you each of you have put more in my energy than you know. Don't stop, I can't. 

Thank you 
 tldr i love your garden pictures and advice :) 
 Thank you. I am just getting started. 
 Love you Dan ❤️

Really beautifully put, would love to read more long form posts from you 🫂 
 Thanks Tanel. I like to think I write with metaphor and a touch of old English.  I enjoy long form I dont make enough time for it.

 My pea size brain equates you to my now passed aunt with the same name. You are family, thank you.

 Thank you, you will have a statue one day at the fatm, my kids will wonder why that Gnome is named Elsat. 
 Love that 
 My kids will show Mr E where Elsat lives :D 

Instead find a copy of an English (or your native tongue) translation of the book of Rumzajs. Your kids will be captivated by Rumzajs stories and will remember his name. It’s about family, and robin hood adventure. 
 I appreciate the tip, I shall seek it immediately thank you my friend. You are magic, stay Bitcoin Elsat 
 Just looked up this book, my patrilineal family is from Radom. Small world 
 I also feel like I let life happen to me far too much as a default. Thank you for sharing your journey.   
 It was only my first lfe. Glad to have you here.

 Thank you for sharing.  If you’re open to it, I have some questions that I’d prefer be outside of nostr.  Lmk your preferred DM platform 
 Love you my Lord and your honesty! Grateful for your friendship 💜🫂 
 Great to hear some of your story! Inspiring, keep up the hard work 💪 
 From one Dan to another, you can do this. 
 Thanks, Dan, I can only imagine how much tougher this would be with seizures. My your strengths be mine, and mine yours. 
 You are an inspiration 💯 keep it up 
 Thank you Slim, keep those first coffees slow and those feet flying :D 
 Yes sir 🤙 
 Not everyone can handle the eeffoc 
All at once 
Get it 
 More like, I didn't drink the stuff until I was like 25. I can remember when an afternoon bottle of iced tea would keep me awake till midnight.  
I think I need to step back the amount of chemicals I am consuming to find a new level. 
 Fair point 👸🏻 
 Thanks for sharing comrade. Keep striving, lift the others along the way. 
 Victory through sheer volume comrade 
 Is that one of hours right there? Is it Hašek? Boy do I not recognize guys under these fab fab haircuts. 
 *ours, thanks autocorrect. 
 That's the “Jaromir Jagrs” when he played in my home city, these guys all dressed up to salute his fine work. Ps I have no idea how to meme lol

 That's not him👀 I mean, the hair yes, that's actually named after him, but the rest is not 50-60yo as I know him!😂🫢😂 
 He is grey now but he was a hero in the early 90s

 I know😀 Nagano was kinda big deal in Czechia 😀 
 🫂🫂🫂 thanks for sharing, you are amazing 
 Thank you Luna, I appreciate you. Can't wait to see where we go from this amazing start 
 Thank you for sharing a part of your story with us. 🤍🫂 you can be a really proud dad, husband and farmer. 🙏🏼 
 Thanks Franny, it's all just starting again. I can feel it, and your friendship here has been comforting and reaffirming in my thoughts. 
 Thanks, I can only say the same about you. I appreciate you a lot, plant buddy! 🌿 all the hopes, absolutely worth it. 
Now get ready, make yourself fresh and start your day with a good feeling!!! 🙏🏼🫶 
 Thanks for this glimpse into your struggles - these feelings seem to reflect many of my own over the last few years. Here’s to less puking, and more value in life. 💜 gone to get something done now - thank you for your external positive force. 
 Chip you honour the rock with your presence. Thank you for your kindness and knowledge. We just starting here and glad to have you with me 
 My story is not like yours but i tell you this.
The farm sustainability etc things is a very deep rabbit hole. Hopefully you wouldn't go out again. ENJOY Dan! 
 Never down and out, just downs. Its a rollercoaster where we get the same thing until we figure it out. Living sustainably isn’t just the food & farm in my mind and body. Thank you Nami 
 Life is a journey and it is pointless unless you enjoy the ride. Don’t shoulda all over yourself. You have found the right path and you got this. We are right here behind you cheering you on. 
 I think you were one of the first my friend. I feel yea here and in my life.

 Ps i wil get you seeds this week, any requests? 
 Dealers Choice 
 It’s already getting hot, so anything heat tolerant 
 Jerk lo 
 I will say this. My 30’s were the hardest & most challenging time of my life.  Hitting a version of personal rock bottom in that timeframe is completely normal IMO.   Drink too much, work too much, keepin up with the Joneses is real, kids can overwhelm etc etc. 
Most people go through it, if they’re being honest, & hopefully fight their way back to what makes them them & happy. 
I did & will say that my life really started in my late 30’s, early 40’s. It wasn’t easy but the fight was worth it 10000000%. Keep punchin & things always get better.  

Your rock bottom in your 30’s. 

Me: https://image.nostr.build/124b74b14ac146e079617a457f42f6d6d297242eb2acfa277dc05551835687e6.jpg  
 Much love, humans have endured much more than I have, or ever will. These people here, like yourself ₿uild each other up it’s refreshing 
 Thx for the background story Mr wedge. It resonates with me. Farm life is so fulfilling. And with great fulfilment and hard work comes crushing disappointment and burn out. Not trying to discourage at all. It just happens eventually and you will dealt with it. I've been homesteading since 2012 and farming since 2018. Every year you get a little better and smarter. But I burn out almost every year. Its now my main worry in farming\homesteading. Wishing you an  incredible growing season!  
 The 5 yr plan will have me leave my 9-5. i know i can pace myself, we have already pushed back a green house. That being said I can feel my body taking longer to heal compared to my 20s. The disappointment this far has been minimal, but i am the dumb shovel i the equation. My wifes the flowers artist 
 Much love to you Dan. So nice to be on this journey with you. 
 Kyra, we are just getting started. I am glad to have you along. 

Btw just took a second look, are you making dandelion vinegar in your profie? 
 Yes! Life’s tonic. Are you an infused vinegar fan? I run a self discovery program for youth called The Garden Project. We use it to make vinaigrette for our salads 
 I have a dandelion tincture that’s probably ready. I have never tried a vinaigrette. How long does it take usually for the infusion? 
 My standard is 4 weeks minimum with 6 weeks the sweet spot. Two other favorites are burdock root and Hawthorne berries 
 Burdock root? Interesting i am pretty sure I used the leaves. I will have to look into that. 

I have done chive blossoms years ago I never fully go into it. 
 Ooh a hawthorn infused vinegar sounds tasty 
 I have not heard of these hawthorns will have to look into them 
 They’re related to apples and popular in China. Here are pics of my favorite Chinese hawthorn sweets, 糖葫芦 and 山楂条 https://image.nostr.build/875a867267d55cfa4fab610e67bed60bf9664da2e37a78948fa451b363420d35.jpg https://image.nostr.build/7ab18843350c66091209c4b060d0ddb0a79f6f4f82f1fe0158d1543ed4ec4f0e.jpg  
 Heart healing and heart protection. The leaves and flowers are great for tea, pollinators and birds love them and they are an easy to grow shrub/tree