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 🌻 Seed Oil Documentary OUT NOW🛢️

The Oils You Eat Are Slowly Killing You:
https://youtu.be/zBoWmIYN4vw https://v.nostr.build/vakk.mp4  
Gracias por compartir este material MAX 
 I don't know what Ghee and Beef Tallow is,
but butter?

Is it really that healthier? 
 Yes, gets omega 6 down to ~5-10 % from like 10-20 in olive/avocado and 50-70% in seed oils. Ghee is just clarified butter and tallow is just rendered (usually beef) fat. 
 So in the video, olive and avocado oil also get promoted as the healthy alternatives while somebody says that omega 6 detox takes years. That sounds inconsistent to me. If even a supposedly healthy diet contains substantial amounts of omega 6, how could it be that bad or take that  long to undo taking more before? 
 They're "healthier" but butter/tallow are still 3x lower omega6 than those. "You are what you eat" coming into play here. Takes a while to cycle out the bad fats that have been accumulated. 
 Sigamos mostrando al mundo siempre la verdad 
 Great work again 🙌 
 It skipped over the “evidence”, I heard a lot of opinions… 
 As stated it is difficult to do a proper test when everyone eats seed oils -- there is no real control group. Hard to trust the science when it is all funded by companies that make seed oil.  
 So how are we making an argument either way without the control group? The conversation should be about how do we create a control group and not jump to conclusions? 
 I believe food in general are killing us. Too. Much. Food. 
 I think seed oils are bad for you, but this video is very heavy on the emotional manipulation and lighter than helium on the details. Not a good educational video, it has 0 educational content whatsoever. 
 Agreed that there could be a bit more science. There is a discussion with a doctor though. Emotional content is important to get people's attention for them to do their own research later. 
 Let’s be real, most people won’t do their own research later 
 I believe that the video is primarily aimed at awakening interest in this issue. 
 That's not an excuse. Why should people be scared? Because "chemicals"? To anyone with even a tiny bit of skepticism about them, this video looks like a supersize me esque boogyman of our day video. Awaken interest by saying something interesting! Give me a detail, just one, why should I be scared? People are fat and sick now? That could be any combination of the plethora of new shit in our environment since 1960. They make it in processing plants? They make everything in processing plants. Not all chemicals are bad for you. If you want people to care you have to treat them like they're capable of understanding why they should care, if you treat them like stupid children who need to be scared into behaving those are the kind of people you'll get, the rest of us are going to think it's a load of bullshit. 
 I‘m really curious about this topic! I mean people use seed oils for thousands of years. Not to forget that we are eating seeds since always.

Really have to watch this next week. 😅 
 Seeds yes, but we did not put them under high pressure and high heat. We did not filter and bleach it! Seed oils are a byproduct of the cotton industry. We have been eating fruit forever but that does not mean fermenting it and distilling it into pure methanol means it's still health fruit.  
 As I said, I haven’t watched the documentary and I’m skeptical against everything new. So let’s talk in some days 
 When I quit seed oils, one thing I noticed is I don’t sunburn anywhere near as bad as before. I now don’t wear sunscreen in the summer. 
 Fuck yeah. Finally!
Will watch it later after work for sure 👍 
 Only use extra virgin olive oil and fish oil, and any other animals fats in smaller quantity 
 I know a bitcoiner working on a solution that's even better than olive or avocado oil 👀 
 Bitcoin oil 😆 
 If you're a bitcoiner still living a high OMEGA 6 lifestyle after block 800000... What are you even doing!?

 Nice thanks for doing this, looking forward to watching it 
 This has been debunked by multiple studies. It’s the food they are cooked in… not the oils themselves. 
 Just shared with my normie friends. There will be no notice or reply but my mind"s at ease knowing I tried. If it helps at least one person out there your effort wasn't in vain. Thanks Max. 
 Thanks for sharing! This means so much for me especially since I am targeting normies with my videos 🔥🔥 
 Great documentary!!! 

Let’s keep spreading the word and the truth about fiat food! 
 Some people will hopefully look back at this in time and recognise anything will kill you if the dosage is right. Cultists everywhere 😂😂😂 
 Thank you for eye opening @MaxDeMarco  🫂🤙🏼 
 Good stuff! Sharing with the CrowdHealth team 
 Great video. I show my friends/family this website, which usually has them begin to question what it is they are actually eating. This will be a great follow up since it is so detailed. https://image.nostr.build/d30ddab0784e3cda518d9a95c6c834bd5251c9c996e976a0b2d903b869811b65.jpg  
 Also get Seed Oil Disrespecter on nostr!! 
 Yep, avoid especially packaged foods that contain


These are especially evil and seem to have invaded nearly the entire  American food industry. 

If I could just spend all day eating non-GMO European food, I would. 

<3 Karrot

 Can’t wait to watch!  
 does lard count as good fat ? tallow is very hard to get in my town 
 Superb, thanks for brining this to the attention to so many humans.. eat steak (cooked in animal fat) lift weights, stack sats - this is the way. 
 Would love to discuss this on TFTC! 
 Yea let’s do it! 
 no one uses that
only lard, butter and beef tallow 
 Seed oils are fucking disgusting 
 Like Bitcoin, few........ 
 You need to make more videos, i just binge watched them all today!

Loving the journey you're on exploring these topics 
 He is the BEST! 
 On it 🫡🫡 
 So what about fruit oils like olive and avocado oil? Are they better? This topic is addressed only superficially… 🤔 
 Been avoiding these toxic seed sludge since 2012 before it was cool. 

Eating butter and coconut oil instead.

Thank you Dr Ray Peat, may you rest in peace

 Just finished watching. Great job on this! Love your content! 
 oh no time to whach it now - but later I will - sounds grat. 
 A few other points I'd like the mention.....

1) it does not take 5 years to eliminate omega 6's! we actually need the right amount of them as it's an essential fat. It takes around 120 days and very easily to achieve without the need to cutting 100% and stressing yourself out that eating something containing it will kill you! fucking alarmists 😂

2) Someone said if you eat seed oils you'll shorten your life drastically and health will decline fast!......wrong! systemic inflammation takes decades compounding. Yes it may over a very long period of time be a contributitor to heart disease but you won't curl up in a ball from eating a slice of toast in the short term. 

Key things for people that should take from the seed oil cultists that can't even cite any papers from their claims is to yes for sure limit over consuption of foods heavy in omega 6's, actively intake adequate omega 3 depending on body weight and current medical conditions (consult medical doctor if on blood thinning medication)

Apply some common sense to this too that most of these foods are hyper palletable garbage so to just randomly pick out the one ingredient is foolish as we must take personal responsibility for what and how much we shove down our throats.  
 Nice work! 
 Great documentary Max! Finally something I can send to friend and fam 🙏 
 Wow awesome 🙌🏻 
 Have you done the VTC interviews with the experts  yourself? 
 Yea the only one I didn’t do was with tucker.. I grabbed this one from a pod he was on 2 weeks ago. 
 Okay, thanks for answering. Because honestly it feels like you artificialy cut yourself into existing footage. 
It's just a feeling when watching it. But no offense and great work! 
 Tonight's viewing.  
 change the YouTube title to 

food that is killing you 
  I have watched whole video ,thats Useful Info brother. 
 Glad you find it useful! 👍🏻 
 Great work brother 
 Thank you brother 🫂 
 This is awesome! 
 It’s not an over exaggeration when I say knowing the dangers of seed oils will save you a lot of money from not needing to spend on medical expenses. 
 Wonderful video! I'm glad I found your profile and that you are on NOSTR!! For the past 4 years I have become very invested in healing, healthy eating habits, and most of all discovering and exposing the frauds and lies of the pharmaceutical industry, especially the fraud of virology. Your video about toxic seed oils is fantastic, and I will share it far and wide!! 
 Just watched it. It was great and worth reading all the books he mentioned because I loved them too! 🤙

 it's not the seed that's bad. You can eat whole sunflower seeds and they are good food, espacially if you let them sprout a bit. What's realy bad is the ultra processing of it. And that's not only true for oil but also for suger and flour. The modern flour with long shelf live is as bad as the #ultraprocessed seed oil. In that way you can also find poisinous bread and cakes without seedoil too. It's frustrating but you also find seedoil on dryed organic fruits where they use it to keep them separat (like raisins for exaple). Bon apetit
I'm courious to read #FiatFood 
 Spot on 
 It is nice short documentary 📺
So if you are still eating seed oils in big amout watch it.

My husband and I try to lower our consumtion of seed oil but there is still way to improve. 👌

 Share this far and wide! Thanks @MaxDeMarco!  #seedoils

 Excellent video! Will be sharing! 
 Great doc! Zap’t 
 so I've been primarily carnivore for over a year now. Feel amazing! Cook with only animal fats. 

But I've been still dealing with acne breakouts pretty bad. Any ideas why this is still happening after a year?  
 I know Ken berry has some videos about that. Look it up on YouTube he might be able to help 
 Oh, good. We need this type of education!!! 
 People that know me well know i have been warning against the use of seedoils for a couple of years now. Usually people think it's not so bad and i'm totally over exaggerating, yet more and more evidence keeps popping up that confirms that i am not exaggerating that much.

Do not forget that seedoils have not been around that long and we have been eating butter for many centuries. 

Like with many things, supposedly trustworthy institutions can be bought to promote products or product categories that turn out to be not so good for you at all.

If something seems to good to be true, it probably is...

 yes Max, it is very true. Stop using seed oils and your allergies go away. 
 Agreed. just baffles me how people just parrot this shit without thinking rashionally for a split second. Video's like this are click bait though and people love to attach to things they think they know about when it's clear they don't.