Oddbean new post about | logout
 it's not the seed that's bad. You can eat whole sunflower seeds and they are good food, espacially if you let them sprout a bit. What's realy bad is the ultra processing of it. And that's not only true for oil but also for suger and flour. The modern flour with long shelf live is as bad as the #ultraprocessed seed oil. In that way you can also find poisinous bread and cakes without seedoil too. It's frustrating but you also find seedoil on dryed organic fruits where they use it to keep them separat (like raisins for exaple). Bon apetit
I'm courious to read #FiatFood 
 Seeds are the most protected part of the plant, they are usually full of poisonous or harmful substances that are meant to discourage consumption by non-specific animals (like humans for example, who would likely never consume sunflower seeds unless at the brink of starvation).