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 To be honest I never understood the hate for @petermccormack. 
Watching the show #whatbitcoindid introduced me to lots of great people in the space and I learned a lot from them. 
He is obviously a hard working guy and from my perspective it is obvious that he cares about #bitcoin. Ironically the first episode I watched is the episode where @ODELL roasted him about the bankrupted sponsors. Still if I could have been contributed even %1 of @petermccormack to the Bitcoin I would feel better about myself. 🤷🏻 
 Did your conviction in Bitcoin level up when daddy Gary approved the ETF’s on the tenth? 😂🤣 it’s the dumbest cuck take possible. Dude is a certified clown. 
 Peter is generally pro state and from an older generation, so the state giving the thumbs up for the spot ETF is reassuring in his view one would surmise 
 If I run a business that people will depend on me and tying that business to Bitcoin’s success in financial terms automatically puts in you a very real time window. I bet it must be a relief for him because it is a step toward the mass adoption. Especially in UK they are in a much more slippery slope in terms of regulation and everything. So USA taking this step at this point in time might help him.

But coming to your point that he is a statist. At the end of the day he is not a complete and hardcore anarchist. As far as I’m aware he never claimed go be also in the environment of UK it is much more difficult to be one than a person living in USA. And to be honest I am not myself huge fan of the idea living without the idea of sone type/shape or form of government. I live in the Middle East and I see what happens to the people when the governments fail and how the violent and chaotic it can be. But if it means anything to you I don’t see myself as a statist as it is a more complex matter than 1 or 0 like many things in life. For example I like the idea of constitution. It is like the whitepaper of Bitcoin. It gives rules. Defining property rights. Protecting life of people. I’m not saying current systems are good or working as they should be (obviously they don’t) but I always feel like pointing fingers to @petermccormack is just #friendlyfire in the #bitcoin space. 

I would love the idea of agreeing on the base layer that Bitcoin is a good thing that gives you allies that you wouldn’t think that you would stand together with. If you disagree with something on a higher level still make it okay somehow because you know he stands for bitcoin. 
 I can’t stand the guy but I never criticized his work ethic or made any insinuation that he shouldn’t use Bitcoin. It’s an open network and people I dislike a lot more than dull Peter McCormick use Bitcoin. That’s the point. 
 I think Peter is awesome and some of his older recordings will be seen as historical records in the future 
 I didn’t say he was a statist. I said he is generally pro state, which is a fair characterization based on what he has said publicly. I mean he was pro the lockdowns initially anyway, and he is okay with a tax rate of ~15% hence my comment. That and the fact that he is from an older generation that is more prone to look at institutions favorably lends itself for the spot ETFs being a milestone that increases his conviction. 
 Yeah, I didn’t realize I replied to your message actually :) 
It wasn’t a direct response to your message I agree with what you said. 
 I didn’t say he was a statist either so who were you responding to?😂 

You’ve made multiple points in response to nothing mentioned in this thread like you’ve been arguing in defense of Peter for years and it’s just muscle memory 🤣 seeming pretty pathetic bro 
 When you say “dumbest cuck take” I assume cuck to the state. So rephrasing it as statist seemed appropriate to whom you were referring him to be a “cuck to”? 
 Its just a prerogative 
 Yeah but “clown show” is also seem like an umbrella term that can fit lots of things inside so I don’t see it is as completely unrelated to things I said. And I’m not a @petermccormack fan or something but I can see why you say that from your perspective. I can actually agree with some of the things you said. Still have Ledger as his sponsor for example is not okay after all happened. 
 It’s still retarded. He has been studying bitcoin and talking to hundreds of experts who hand hold him through understanding exactly what it is. He should absolutely know better. The fact that he doesn’t speaks to how dull and slow the guy is. 
 Yes, I have spoken to almost everyone and many of your heroes actually share the same view. Many realise this tips the scales in terms of regulatory protection and adoption.

Again thanks for listening. 
 Man y’all need to get back down in your parents’ basements and relax.  Or maybe get a hobby.  Or go back to Twitter.  Pete is good shit.   Feel free to disagree with his or any other opinion.  Or maybe, just maybe, don’t listen to this particular podcast!  But Jesus, find something more productive or fun to do with your time. 
 Peter McCormick is a low-intelligence clown. After giving him a fair shake many times I no longer listen to him or subscribe to his channel but YouTube autoplays his episodes occasionally. 

Within the first 3 minutes of his most recent episode with Lyn Alden (who I respect) Peter said the permission of the SEC for Wall Street to run ETF’s strengthened his conviction in Bitcoin lmfao. Perfectly highlighting how dumb he is and how bad his takes are. 

You’re obliviously welcome to your own opinion but mine on Peter McCormick is emphatic and well-earned. He is a moron imo and never fails to misunderstand Bitcoin and have clown-world retard takes. 
 Yet here I am having the conversations and here you are with “an opinion”.

As I said, plenty of your heroes agree with me. 
 Sounds like this opinion is very important to you and a hill you will die on.   Godspeed!  Have a great Sunday. 
 I wish I was able to take my own advice and ignore opinions that I don’t agree with that have no impact on my life!   This I why I left Twitter.  Okay back to lurking for interesting posts that add value and enjoyment to my day. 
 Bitcoin has this property, very special property, of allowing for a wide range of opinions converge on the fact that real money is a necessity. 
Disagreements are expected. Thanks for understanding. But don't believe for a second in "heroes", we have none, for this very same reason.  
 When people have so much hate for some they definitely have hero’s elsewhere. 
 I don’t hate you Peter I just think you suck. Big difference. Keep doing your thing. I’ll keep doing mine. Life goes on. 
 If you think everyone who sees the world differently from you sucks you are going to have a tough time.

It is a big complex world. People are from different ages, geographical, cultures, parents, influences. Most arrive where they are from a combination of factors.

There will be no unified thought or monoculture. What I hope is there will be less corporate media influence, separation of government and money and ways of working together better.

Have a nice day. 
 Fallacious straw man garbage response. Classic midwit material. 

Stick to shilling scams and garbage products on those juicy centralized big tech algorithms. Lost integrity is something you can never recoup. I’ll be over here with my integrity in tact, humbly providing value and stacking sats. 
 I’ve tried to be reasonable and engage on your points but it’s a waste of time trying to do this with someone who only comes with insults and doesn’t actually engage on the points raised.

I hope you find what you are looking for. Have a nice day. 
 Few would agree with him. Keep doing what you are doing. I’ve learned so much from the POW you do. 
 I’m “looking” for something bc I don’t like you as a podcaster 🤣🤣 

Stop making up a bunch of excuses why I’m not a fan and just accept it. It’s okay. Your reactions and cope in this thread are downright weird. I don’t want a dialogue w you and I don’t care. Move on. 
 Just being kind and supportive. I don’t need you as a listener, I will cope without that. I just think your arguments are weak, especially when led with insults.

Anyway I tried. Have a nice day fella. 
 He’s not a serious individual. 
 Peter the serious individual™️ shilled BlockFi, Ledger hardware, gets conviction in #Bitcoin from the SEC and perpetually rambles on with low-signal cringe forced banter and is confused by basic Bitcoin concepts 👌🤣🤣💀 
 And your serious because you like to shit talk? Go smoke more of what you’re selling. 
 I made no such claims as that would be completely retarded 😂😂 
 I always try and talk to these people. I try and talk about the points at hand and they always revert to insults. It’s almost like they just want to be angry rather than work through thinks. Odd behaviour really. 
 Just pretend none of it’s true Peter. Delusion brings comfort. 
 You'll never get them to defeat their ego. 

I enjoy the "sub tweets" nonetheless. 
 There is subset of people who have a purity test that you must pass, and if you don’t you’re not worthy or something. I’ve notified that these people seem to prioritize privacy as an end in and of itself. Ultimate think this will become a dead end. The ends of Bitcoin do not culminate in privacy. 
 Sorry about the typos. 
 It’s “you are” or “you’re” just a little grammar lesson so you can become the serious individual you strive to be 🤣 
 👋 lol. 
 Or they just have anger issues? 
You are a nice man with a lot of patience. And so you deserve my patience. 
No matter how much I disagree with you on this or that topic, I will never call you "low intelligence clown". 
Thank you for your service, sir.  
 Thanks mate. I don’t think some people understand how much we get pulled in different directions from the different political views or ideologies held. We just try and keep our platform open and help people navigate complex topics. 
 Peter, I think you’re an alright guy. I don’t get the hate. If people have this much hate, I wonder if they are truly in it for the bitcoin or if there is some underlying ideological issue at play. 
 Major kudos to you, Peter, for investing your time on Nostr. Any criticism you face is overshadowed by your presence here. So many Bitcoiners are still all in on X, while ignoring this open protocol where we seamlessly zap Sats and communicate without being censored or manipulated by algorithms. It's truly mind-boggling, so thank you for being here 🫂. 
 Your argument is uninspired and fails to be compelling. Maybe you are just trolling. 
 I’m pro democracy because everything else is terrible. Many democratic states have fallen to dictatorships. Never seen one fall to anarcho-capitalism.

Freedom is something you fight for. If you listen to my interview with Dave Smith I align with his Libertarian views in that it is best to fight for freedom within the structure of the state.

I hate government now but I know there are things worse and evil. I honestly find the whole “statist cuck” thing boring and childish which is why it doesn’t appear in many conversations as serious. 
 I listened to the episode with Dave.
I know your views have shifted over the last few years, but like you say it seem like government is an emerging property of civilizations. What most people can get behind is moving towards having the governance be local so the values of people align and people leading can be held accountable by their neighbors basically. 
 Anarchy-capitalism is an ideology nobody is near. Even Milei as an anarchy-capitalist is having to increase freedom for Argentinians from within the framework of the state.

It’s fine to be idealistic but some people have to get out there and do the work. This is why I appreciate people like Dave Smith and Rand Paul, they understand and play the game but don’t change their convictions.

Most of these little angry people who shout statist this, statist that live in the most free places in the world. 
 I've been part of some interesting bottom-up anarcho-capitalist experiences. And it works, on the fringes, but it works. 
The problem is that the vast majority of the population isn't ready yet. 
We'll get there eventually. But such a profound transformation of our civilization demands a lot of time. Centuries perhaps. 

Getting all worked up about it doesn't make sense. Because it's a marathon, not a sprint. 
Shaping a civilization takes centuries. 
Even commies understand this better than some libertarians!  
 You are assuming that the means and the ends are not the same. But they are the same, they HAVE to be, both for directional improvement and for the ultimate goal of libertarianism. Every iterative improvement towards liberty comes from recognition of the fact that there is no legitimate authority and that one is morally obligated to minimize the initiation of aggression. Once one understands that, every rational thing one does will bring about changes in the right direction, whether big or small.

Years of experience and thinking about this has shown me that. You are dismissing this stuff on whim and "truthy" feelings. Fallacy.

Blind support of democracy without a thoroughly considered and inspected reason for it obfuscates the true nature of the problem and the solution for yourself and those who listen to you, and though you think you are doing this out of pragmatism, you don't actually have a logical reason to believe that it is more beneficial to society to support democracy. 
 One would be wise not to discard an idea merely because a child would find it attractive. Childish ideas are often the most realistic and untainted. 
 Pretty mature response, appreciated. 
 You’re more than welcome and thanks for the kind response. I feel like I am at a point in my life If I could turn off “friendly fire” I would turn it off, I just find it tiresome. :)

But you can consider me as a “concerned citizen”. I hope the Ledger Sponsorship won’t shoot you from the foot. It was the sponsor last time I listened podcast from Fountain App if it is not the current situation please ignore me. 

But with BlockFi or Celcius it is at least the customer is deciding to put their money and it is something they earn by risking their capital. I can argue and defend since you are not sharing their profit you don’t need to feel responsible with their losses. But choosing a Cold Wallet it is different. It can be a trap that people with the right mindset can fall. I hope no disaster occurs in Ledger side via government pressure (or rugpull). To be honest the scenario  that I feel inevitable is that one case will happen and government will ask Ledger to do something only for this specific ase and it will unravel completely. 
 I understand people concerned about our Ledger but I have a strong relationship with them and their CEO. We speak regularly and I encourage things. I also consult with others in the industry and Ledger are both important and not going away.

The latest hack was a shitcoin thing, Ledger is a great Bitcoin wallet. 
 Just like your strong relationship with Zac Prince gave you excellent insight into the safety of blockfi 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@korhag this guy is in the business of selling ads. He doesn’t give a fuck about his listeners of how shady the companies are as long as they are the highest bidder for his ad slots. 

Peter I muted you so your replies are falling on deaf ears. I’m done with your disingenuous responses. You say you’re doing it to be “kind” 😂 you just got in this thread so your fan boys would see the replies and mob me. I’m bored and done. The real ones see you for what you are. 
 Actually I had no insight with BlockFi, this was pretty evident when I said on Twitter I was going to take a loan against my Bitcoin and buy a car with the interest, then their interest rates dropped a few days later, I looked pretty stupid.

As I said, the BlockFi contract came to an end and I moved to Ledn a few months before their collapse. I was surprised as much as everyone. I had no idea or insight to FTX taking control of their funds. Luckily many of the BlockFi customers now have been given access to their Bitcoin.

You are right that it is an ad supported business, but what you don’t see are the clients we turn down and there are a lot. You wouldn’t know this, you can only jump to conclusions but I’m sorry, they are not baked in facts.

I always say I will only let clients sponsor if I would use their products. I was a happy BlockFi customer for the length of their contract with us and then I was a happy Ledn customer. Now I’m a happy Ledger customer and have been for the whole time they have sponsored the podcast.

I’m sorry you don’t like the responses but I appreciate that you still listen to my show. Have a nice day fella. 
 Thanks for the answer mate. I just felt the need to say something. 
I listen most of your episodes and what you are doing is “good”. Not just quality wise good but good in a sense of goodness kind of good. At least it helped me to listen to people I didn’t know before. 
 No. I am from an older generation and he is a moron. I will never forget those who belittled others due to critical thinking. 
 Correct. This thread is so gross 😂😂 
 Is why i avoid all social media apart from Nostr, any appearance by him here descends into twitter emptiness quickly 
 Twitter? I come here to discuss things and just find you niche people still insulting me. That’s your critical thinking? 
 Proving me wrong would be better than admitting that you’re insulting. 
 Engagement is a choice. Choose wisely. 🤙🏻 
 I think they want you to do the podcast for free and not make any profit for the time and effort you put into the show.  You and Danny should sacrifice for Bitcoin. 
 Nah, it's authentic. We don't all hold the same opinions on things, but honesty in hindsight is a great filter. 
 Yeah my whole point has been I have an opinion as people come over here to tell me why my option is “wrong” 😂

It’s an informed opinion and it’s my own. I don’t care if anyone disagrees or agrees - it’s just how I feel. 

All the other whining and Peter making up fallacious “excuses” in an attempt to make my opinion seem less valid is meaningless noise from a probable narcissist. It’s just been a completely shit show here. 
 Especially those who cannot admit to being wrong, or double down on those very things.  
 It’s fashionable with people who have a narrow view of the world. I’m willing to bet a lot of money I’ve been to more countries and spoken to more people than them.

I’ve seen all types of governance, geography and culture. When you travel you develop a broad view rather than narrow.

Age helps too. You get older and wiser. 
 Wise words.