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 Peter McCormick is a low-intelligence clown. After giving him a fair shake many times I no longer listen to him or subscribe to his channel but YouTube autoplays his episodes occasionally. 

Within the first 3 minutes of his most recent episode with Lyn Alden (who I respect) Peter said the permission of the SEC for Wall Street to run ETF’s strengthened his conviction in Bitcoin lmfao. Perfectly highlighting how dumb he is and how bad his takes are. 

You’re obliviously welcome to your own opinion but mine on Peter McCormick is emphatic and well-earned. He is a moron imo and never fails to misunderstand Bitcoin and have clown-world retard takes. 
 Yet here I am having the conversations and here you are with “an opinion”.

As I said, plenty of your heroes agree with me. 
 Sounds like this opinion is very important to you and a hill you will die on.   Godspeed!  Have a great Sunday. 
 I wish I was able to take my own advice and ignore opinions that I don’t agree with that have no impact on my life!   This I why I left Twitter.  Okay back to lurking for interesting posts that add value and enjoyment to my day. 
 Bitcoin has this property, very special property, of allowing for a wide range of opinions converge on the fact that real money is a necessity. 
Disagreements are expected. Thanks for understanding. But don't believe for a second in "heroes", we have none, for this very same reason.  
 When people have so much hate for some they definitely have hero’s elsewhere. 
 I don’t hate you Peter I just think you suck. Big difference. Keep doing your thing. I’ll keep doing mine. Life goes on. 
 If you think everyone who sees the world differently from you sucks you are going to have a tough time.

It is a big complex world. People are from different ages, geographical, cultures, parents, influences. Most arrive where they are from a combination of factors.

There will be no unified thought or monoculture. What I hope is there will be less corporate media influence, separation of government and money and ways of working together better.

Have a nice day. 
 Fallacious straw man garbage response. Classic midwit material. 

Stick to shilling scams and garbage products on those juicy centralized big tech algorithms. Lost integrity is something you can never recoup. I’ll be over here with my integrity in tact, humbly providing value and stacking sats. 
 I’ve tried to be reasonable and engage on your points but it’s a waste of time trying to do this with someone who only comes with insults and doesn’t actually engage on the points raised.

I hope you find what you are looking for. Have a nice day. 
 Few would agree with him. Keep doing what you are doing. I’ve learned so much from the POW you do. 
 I’m “looking” for something bc I don’t like you as a podcaster 🤣🤣 

Stop making up a bunch of excuses why I’m not a fan and just accept it. It’s okay. Your reactions and cope in this thread are downright weird. I don’t want a dialogue w you and I don’t care. Move on. 
 Just being kind and supportive. I don’t need you as a listener, I will cope without that. I just think your arguments are weak, especially when led with insults.

Anyway I tried. Have a nice day fella. 
 He’s not a serious individual. 
 Peter the serious individual™️ shilled BlockFi, Ledger hardware, gets conviction in #Bitcoin from the SEC and perpetually rambles on with low-signal cringe forced banter and is confused by basic Bitcoin concepts 👌🤣🤣💀 
 And your serious because you like to shit talk? Go smoke more of what you’re selling. 
 I made no such claims as that would be completely retarded 😂😂 
 I always try and talk to these people. I try and talk about the points at hand and they always revert to insults. It’s almost like they just want to be angry rather than work through thinks. Odd behaviour really. 
 Just pretend none of it’s true Peter. Delusion brings comfort. 
 You'll never get them to defeat their ego. 

I enjoy the "sub tweets" nonetheless. 
 There is subset of people who have a purity test that you must pass, and if you don’t you’re not worthy or something. I’ve notified that these people seem to prioritize privacy as an end in and of itself. Ultimate think this will become a dead end. The ends of Bitcoin do not culminate in privacy. 
 Sorry about the typos. 
 It’s “you are” or “you’re” just a little grammar lesson so you can become the serious individual you strive to be 🤣 
 👋 lol. 
 Or they just have anger issues? 
You are a nice man with a lot of patience. And so you deserve my patience. 
No matter how much I disagree with you on this or that topic, I will never call you "low intelligence clown". 
Thank you for your service, sir.  
 Thanks mate. I don’t think some people understand how much we get pulled in different directions from the different political views or ideologies held. We just try and keep our platform open and help people navigate complex topics. 
 Peter, I think you’re an alright guy. I don’t get the hate. If people have this much hate, I wonder if they are truly in it for the bitcoin or if there is some underlying ideological issue at play. 
 Major kudos to you, Peter, for investing your time on Nostr. Any criticism you face is overshadowed by your presence here. So many Bitcoiners are still all in on X, while ignoring this open protocol where we seamlessly zap Sats and communicate without being censored or manipulated by algorithms. It's truly mind-boggling, so thank you for being here 🫂.