Oddbean new post about | logout
 Just like your strong relationship with Zac Prince gave you excellent insight into the safety of blockfi 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@korhag this guy is in the business of selling ads. He doesn’t give a fuck about his listeners of how shady the companies are as long as they are the highest bidder for his ad slots. 

Peter I muted you so your replies are falling on deaf ears. I’m done with your disingenuous responses. You say you’re doing it to be “kind” 😂 you just got in this thread so your fan boys would see the replies and mob me. I’m bored and done. The real ones see you for what you are. 
 Actually I had no insight with BlockFi, this was pretty evident when I said on Twitter I was going to take a loan against my Bitcoin and buy a car with the interest, then their interest rates dropped a few days later, I looked pretty stupid.

As I said, the BlockFi contract came to an end and I moved to Ledn a few months before their collapse. I was surprised as much as everyone. I had no idea or insight to FTX taking control of their funds. Luckily many of the BlockFi customers now have been given access to their Bitcoin.

You are right that it is an ad supported business, but what you don’t see are the clients we turn down and there are a lot. You wouldn’t know this, you can only jump to conclusions but I’m sorry, they are not baked in facts.

I always say I will only let clients sponsor if I would use their products. I was a happy BlockFi customer for the length of their contract with us and then I was a happy Ledn customer. Now I’m a happy Ledger customer and have been for the whole time they have sponsored the podcast.

I’m sorry you don’t like the responses but I appreciate that you still listen to my show. Have a nice day fella.