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 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara Maybe they should just marry the partyboys anyway? It sounds like they're being greedy. 
 Partyboys don't want to marry em
Partyboys get to pick the girl they want 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara Then these women deserve it. I don't buy "women don't have agency." All the evidence suggests they do, they simply abuse it and all the privileges they are granted by society. 
 They do have agency but no one acts like it or feels like it including them. 
 They have agency in the same way that dogs or children do. 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara I simply disagree. I think they have a lot of agency, more agency than a lot of men. Men cope with their lack of integrity, saying they have no agency, but low agency people are not good systemic, collective liars, like women are.
Many feminine habits are founded on deception. Low-agency people are not good liars. It's a descriptively incorrect statement to say women are low agency. 
 Nah. Women are almost wholly bound by instinct. Their free will index score is like 0.2 
 If women were agentic beings to the same degree as men then game wouldn't work on them as reliably as it does. 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara I simply don't believe it. 
 What if I put it like this:
"Women have agency, but if you suggest they're responsible for their actions people will look at you like you have 3 heads" 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara That just proves the deception. 
 Its not a deception, its that humans aren't wired for women to be independent agents. 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara Yet they are. Look, it's the same as if you walked into a room and said jews own all the banks. You'd get a lot of eyes on you but you'd still be right.
If women didn't have agency it wouldn't even be okay to fuck them. It would be like fucking children. Considering how ruthlessly women behave in their relationships with men and each other, it is not fair to say they have no agency, rather that just excuses their actions. Considering they can actively and enthusiastically participate in a system of oppression means they have agency. The fact there can be queens and matriarchal societies means they have agency. Women have agency and men excuse their actions out of necessity to get along and the manipulation by women of their competition with other men. It's an extremely selfish relationship between men and women and it is orchestrated by women. They have no care in the world for anyone else despite having the capability for it, and it is time men stop excusing their behavior. 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara @Christmassy Merry Dude Do you remember the Florence Nightingale quote? The observation that women lack sympathy? Coming from a woman, that indicates agency, but also spells out a lack of integrity. 
 @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara @Christmassy Merry Dude @BunnygirlAbductor In other words, you might say women lack agency, and may or may not have integrity, but a woman in a moment of self-reflection would say, and would indicate, that women have agency, but lack integrity. 
 >a moment of self reflection
Literally impossible for 90%+ of women. You're trying to understand women in the terms you would use to understand men. 
I'm not telling you to lower your standards of what you find acceptable from them, but I am telling you to temper your expectations of whats likely. 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara the moment of self-reflection is what indicates agency. 
 And 90% of women are incapable of it 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Spooky Griffith @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara "Women are evil." :gigaChad:
"Nuh uh, women are too dumb to be evil." :gigachad: 
 >In other words, you might say women lack agency, and may or may not have integrity, but a woman in a moment of self-reflection would say, and would indicate, that women have agency, but lack integrity.
I really don't think it's a conscious thing.  Women don't feel about you the way you feel about them, because they've evolved not to as a coping mechanism.  Historically, they're part of the spoils of war.  When a tribe was conquered, some men were kept as slave labour, most killed.  The women were carried off as booty by the victors.  That mean's the man on top of her later that night, is the same man she watched kill her father & brothers in the morning.  That's why they've a totally different psychology.

Men are the romantics of the sexes.  Man built the Taj Mahal for the woman he loved, Helen of Troy's face launched a thousand ships out to war.  Everything- or at least most- a man does in life, whether it's get a degree to get on the ladder to become an executive, become a tech bro or start a business, ultimately he's doing it to win the affections of the woman who will bare his children.

Once you understand it in it's proper context, it's easier to not resent them for something that's not really their fault.

 @Junkies_R_Us @Spooky Griffith @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara @BunnygirlAbductor "Everything about human behavior reduces down to muh dik or muh vagoo."

 @Junkies_R_Us @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara @BunnygirlAbductor Women have also killed themselves after being raped, an incident which spurred a rebellion against the Roman kings before the republic, and men were taken as slaves too.
I don’t buy it. For every example there’s a counter example, and in the mind of every man’s heart is a woman who will exercise her feminine agency in a compassionate relationship with him. Denying them agency is lowering standards as men, and excusing their behavior. When a woman gives her life for her children, that can’t be seen as anything except agency. When she takes a risk or makes a sacrifice for someone she loves, that can’t be taken as anything but agency. The narrative that women *don’t* have agency is used to excuse women who encourage their sons to chop their dicks off, or are whores their entire youth, or hold shitty beliefs, and in general, do shitty things. 
It’s a coping mechanism for ZOG, and I simply don’t buy it. 
 i never said they don't have agency, they do, in the context of their nature.
does a dog have agency? yeah, limited to within the context of its nature.
you're assuming men & women's natures are identical, they're not, they're complimentary opposites. 
 @Junkies_R_Us @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara @BunnygirlAbductor then this just applies to men as well and men don’t have agency “except within our limits.” Well what are those? It’s so vague as to be useless. 
 I ain't reading all that
The bottom line is that you can expect better of women but you're going to be disappointed every time. If there's no man to override her animal urges she's gonna ruin herself, period. 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara What's more absurd: Women have agency, or rape? 
 Women have agency is far more ridiculous 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara Is the definition of rape 'when you violate another mans property?' Then the child doesn't even need to consent. This seems like the more absurd reduction.

 "Women have agency" and "rape" are nothing alike but only one has consistent evidence for being a real human behavior. 
 If Women had agency they would be able to consent to sex. Just because a Woman consents to sex does not mean a Man will not get charged with Rape. 
 Hate how this makes sense knowing the false rape allegations that happen 17 years later 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Christmassy Merry Dude @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara Women might need men to be their "better half," but I'm sick of any notion that women are by and large 'good people,' or that they don't have the ability to choose to be better. 
At the end of the day, "no agency" posting feels like simping. I KNOW we can get better out of women, but they don't want to give it to us. 
 Yeah you have to force it out of them 
Me: "women have no agency, they're like dogs"
You: "wow what a simp"
Ok man 
 It is, bunnygirl man is married 
 i’ve been with over 40 women; i don’t think they have agency and neither does Scripture. they can’t help themselves.

 Mankind wasn't thrown out of the garden of eden for Eve's sin now was he? 
 "Women have the same agency as men" is just feminism 
 @BunnygirlAbductor @Spooky Griffith @Christmassy Merry Dude @:bible_wh::confederate_flag: 巫女波 RMIV:sonnen... @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara women have agency but not as strong as agency as men, hence why it's easier to manipulate them and why they naturally gravitate to the strong of persuasion.
Ideally this was put into place so wives would be obedient to their fathers then their husbands in the nucular family, but now theyre sadly obedient to the state and their vices just as many men are 
 Women conform to whoever grants status in their lives which is why unmarried women are libtards, they're conforming to the state. 
 So you've made over 40 women unfit to be wives for others. 
 In the past accepting responsibility for something she'd done could have resulted in the woman getting kicked out of the tribe and dying on her own. That's why they can't even think owning up to something and instead lie/deceive automatically, instinctually. It was/is a survival trait for them. 
 Challenge "dont be a whore" level: impossible 
 @Spooky Griffith @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara @BunnygirlAbductor It more or less boils down to this. As men, we don't live in the society we deserve - we live in the society our women deserve. We are lonely because our women deserve to be lonely, and we must deal with the consequences of that. 
 @Spooky Griffith @Christmassy Merry Dude @BunnygirlAbductor @Remi @mullvad  @UnityOstara Yes. If you just proclaim "Women don't have agency" and refuse to hold them accountable, then the women will act as if they do not have agency. So it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

If there is enough enforcement of consequences  for bad behavior, then less women will behave badly. Unfortunately, many women conclude that they can avoid consequences. They are somewhat correct about that.