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Notes by JeffG | export

 I can confidently say that the HWW space is being ran by 95% clowns.
If you exclude the wallets t... 
 When can we expect said HWW? Two weeks? 
 GM Nostr. 

First, read this: https://www.therage.co/untitled-2/

Then, watch The Big Short again this week. 

The system is rigged in favor of the bankers and the politicians. 

They keep us divided with political theatre, war, and media circus shows. 

The only way to win is not to play.  
 Going to be on a panel at Cheatcode with a Nostr focus

What was the main reason you decided to s... 
 A desire to go back to an open and weird internet. 
 Let's gooooooo!!!! 

 Where you headed?  
 Have fun! 

ps. I can't zap you right now.  
 Some days just feel like a grind. 😖 
 DHH has a great post today, one section really caught my attention and is something I've been thinking a lot about recently. 

"And that's what gets me. Everyone find it easy to nod in agreement with Jobs' ode to To The Crazy Ones¹. Everyone wants to believe that they'd support "the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers". That they too would cheer for those who are "not fond of rules. And... have no respect for the status quo".

But they won't and they don't. Most people are either aggressively or passively conformist². They squirm when The Crazy Ones actually attempt to change the world. They don't see genius as often as they see transgressors. A failure to comply and comport. And they don't like it."

So GM Nostr. 🌞 Be crazy and non-conformist today.

1. https://basicappleguy.com/basicappleblog/heres-to-the-crazy-ones
2. https://paulgraham.com/conformism.html 
 Can’t remember… so many clients. 
 Damn sorry to hear it! You were a great channel partner. 🫂

I look forward to another channel  when you get set back up. 
 Touch grass. And water. And sky. 
 I am the sky. 😂 
 You just breathe. 🧘 
 🙏 I'm glad you found it inspiring!  
 It is. 😄  
 GM Nostr. 🌞 
 Fuck you Adobe. And I'll never come back because of this scum business practice. 

 GM Nostr. 

I was chatting with a friend about MLS messaging yesterday and he said something that had stuck in my brain and has now become an explicit goal. 

Any competent dev should be able to safely integrate MLS messaging into their client in an afternoon. 

What do you think? 
 In the works. 

There are also lots of storage adapters to build for safe key storage too. 
 I’m using that in my client so I’ll definitely be contributing back to rust-nostr. 
 Somehow… 😅 I can see the path. It’s definitely possible. Just need time (and more contributors). 

the quite exhausting long walk down to the beach and back up again seems to have made me sle... 
 Walking is magical medicine. 
 I agree. The only thing I’d add here is that we have to do it properly and not hastily. Given our history with DMs, I think this is one area of Nostr that we need to fix, for real. 

 Cool. Thanks - I will have a look. 

FWIW, I'm using MLS (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9420.html) for the messenger client I'm building right now.  
 But, imagine a world based on Nostr keys for identity (not phone or email) and relays as the servers in between. Relays know nothing about your or the comm, there's no lock in cause the client and the protocol are completely open source... We're nearly there.  
 Yes, this is 100% doable. Not even that hard.  
 My wife was trying to put pants on the 4yo, he starts fighting back yelling Communism 😂😂... 
 She'll have to change your pants next. 😂 
 Can MLS be done using only nostr-tools primitives like DH and hkdf? 
 No. Not currently and maybe never. 
 GM Nostr. 

One of the first albums I ever bought and the first concert I ever went to. It's aged incredibly well. 

 Damn, it's been a while since I checked out Iris, it's gotten really really good. 
 Looks like they've diverged a bit. I actually just jumped over to snort to check it out as well. Seems like Snort has a lot more in it than Iris but the basic design is still similar. 
 The browser version 
 Have you done an extreme wardrobe simplification, like Steve Jobs? How did it go? 
 😂 yeah. I’m on this train too. 
 Drinking my coffee than taking a bike ride through the freshly rained Forrest
 GM! Enjoy. 
 I don’t think humans are capable of governing themselves on a voluntary individual basis. 

 I don’t I agree. I believe it’s very size dependent. The more we centralize control, the more space there is for mob-like rule and the more the ruling class become parasites rather than producing members of society.

If more/most services were organized and managed at a local/regional level I think we’d see a vast improvement in efficiency and quality and it would be more cooperative and flexible to boot.

While I do agree with you that most people don't want to be fully and radically responsible for their own wellbeing I don't think that precludes them from being capable of contributing to self-governance at the local level. We've lost quality local governance over the last 100 years because the centralized state has taken more and more power for itself and left nothing of import at the local level. So you end up with poor leaders fighting over crumbs and frivolous rules at the levels that should be running everything. 
 Yup. I agree. I was meaning it in the monetary/time sense. It takes time to get humans to move together in the same direction, but it's an important step of leadership that ultimately allows you to go faster and in a more aligned way.  
 For everything the catchment size will be a little different. Basic health services might be smaller, specialities slightly larger. Education likely to be very small (neighborhood level). There are likely to be very high level agreements on basic stuff like, "Don't dump toxic waste in the river" and high level arbitration mechanisms to deal with that. But those don't have to be government run. In fact, the whole reason that many companies choose Delaware for incorporation is that they have their own system of chancery courts that make it faster, cheaper, and easier to settle disputes.

The logical fallacy in your thinking is that people look up the ladder right now because that's what we've been trained to do. There's no reason that this is the natural state of things. Giant nation states are a remnant of colonialism and imperialism. We have decentralized planetary light speed communications and decentralized planetary light speed money now. People are far more self-organizing and cooperative than you're giving them credit for here. 

Don't fall into the Hobbesian "Nasty, brutish, and short" trap.  
 We're saying the same thing. But I don't think you'll ever get perfect consensus in a large group. Having a space to speak is obviously important but eventually people have to "disagree and commit" to the decision and move forward.   
 I've been experimenting with fresh green juices the last couple days (spinach, celery, cucumber, ... 
 Dude, you with more energy sounds a bit frightening to be honest 😅 
 Last week I released the sled database adapter for open MLS. 

I’m glad I’m the only one using it. Bugs have been found. 😂 They are nearly fixed. 
 Double ratchet is simple to implement and works well for 1-on-1 chats. MLS is better for groups. ... 
 Very soon, I'll be able to share some stuff with you on the MLS stuff. Would love your feedback (and review) of things when I get there.  
 Completely different. Really cool to see a quickly working demo but it's using a cut down version of the Signal protocol which I abandoned early on because it makes private group conversations extremely hard / if not impossible.  
 GM Nostr 🏔️

Winter is coming.
 25 minutes up the road. 🚠 
 It’s pretty rad. Although our cable car is closed this year. They’re rebuilding it, which will be great, as long as they finish it sometime in the next year. 
 War is utterly retarded.

No one who wants it dies and no one who dies wants it. 
 Our current version of war is retarded. Remember, kinds used to have to lead the charge.  
Event not found
 LFG! Welcome.