Fuck you Adobe. And I'll never come back because of this scum business practice. https://m.primal.net/LTWi.png
Jeff move to Affinity Photo + Design + Publisher + DaVinci Resolve! And fuck off Adobe! I did it 3 years ago!
That's what I'm doing, you need to remap your muscle memory and accept some little pain, but it's worth it.
I never understood why large established entities adopt such a looser strategy when (customer_acquisition_cost / lame_legalese_scamming) > 10. When the feedback loop finally closes in on them, it is going to be too late.
You could have went FOSS from the start. Hell you could have gone monthly if that was an option. You made a bad purchase, reneged on the transaction agreement, and...it's all their fault? Man up. Pay up. Move on.
This is the only way to show them pain. Mass-exit from Adobe would be beautiful to see.
Used to do some motion graphics stuff and of the reasons I stopped was literally because of Adobe. Absolute dog shit company
That’s so shady
I'm very glad I never used it, knowing the roofie you Adobe users were given.