Mood is tied to financial position. Same thing happens to all the Bitcoiners I know whether they want to admit it or not. Money touches everything so when it turns negative, its easy for the mood to follow. Being happy not matter what the conditions are is the trait of a master and takes practice to fully adopt into your consciousness.
He is lots of things. The main thing is he is a BTC maxi with the highest of integrity. He wrote the book The Price of Tomorrow. He is also here on nostr so you can check him out at: @Jeff
I really appreciate the detailed run down. I was with you and rooting for you during the passing of the kidney stone. It's really refreshing to hear that you stayed on track and dug into a self diagnosis that in the end, led to your correct diagnosis and then the correct path forward for moving through it. Wow, what an experience. These things happen and we gather a lot of energy for the days that lye ahead so that we can deal with them in alignment and with courageousness. You are amazing and I bet that now that you know what you don't want, you now know more clearly than ever what it is that you do want. Oh the joy :-) My wife know a ton about these kinds of things. I will share this with her and let you know if she has any healing remedies to share with you.
She says be careful of damp foods. So, no dairy, bread, noodles, sugar, processed foods, potatoes, no nightshades, coconut milk, and no alcohol. Pretty much noththing from a box. I know you guys don’t drink alcohol. No coffee. No bad oils, no refined sugars, no refined carbohydrates (white enriched foods). Things that are good are going to be whole foods like brown rice, whole grains. Internal arnica will be good. You need to focus on healing your digestive system since it’s probably shot right now. She would talk with you if you’re interested.
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