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 Me? #SilentSunday  fail  🚫 

My ongoing work is on my profile card.  Primarily I'm creating and documenting ways to leverage Deno and single-page apps to handle agile system modeling.  My experiments are very good so far.  A complete system that runs on any OS can run in less room than a floppy disk.  This includes markdown, editing (vi), graph analysis, and file integrity. 

I give a lengthy introduction here in About Me:

 Back in the beginning of time, I used to serve up wonderful targetted text-only Google ads.  Then... something else happened.  Eventually I gave up on ever monetizing my sites, stuck deny / in robots for all engines, and maintain a fairly large bot reject list.  For those familiar, include "mozlila" w/ the misspelling (idiotic script copy/paste).  I'm tossing out the baby with the bathwater, perhaps, but the wayback machine can still crawl my stuff. Exactly this article.
 Our current civilization is built on the written word.  Knowledge was built on this to scale and spread.  Fossil fuels provided compute and social mechanisms to spread exponentially quicker in the last 150 years.  Here we are.  The idea of Gray Goo might be on point, but settled in a different domain.  What if self-replicating knowledge tools ( #generativeAI  ) turn knowledge and our ability to deal with peak system complexity into #graygoo .  The end result is the same as bio/nano/ai tech. 
 This scenario works by cognitive zombification.  First, we become reliant on determining direction via compute (reporting, logistics, operations, prediction).  Then, we willingly dedicate resources to displace human cognition from the process.  Stability would be something like the first Matrix movie, which I think is the true allegory of the first movie.  The real gray goo, powered by zombie resources and hope, is when knowledge eats itself, out of control, with zombies operating/maintaining. 
 Vym can do both node links and multiple roots.  You need to add the modifiers mode toolbar to get the node links.  Vym generates decently consistent XML, so you can even translate to full-on semantic modeling -> RDF, etc. Along those lines, check out full-on dynamic graph tools like Magnus Jacobsson's d3-graphviz.  He has some demos that work at the speed of a mindmapping brainstorm session.  Whiteboards are great and all, and accessible, but why do double data entry? Keep your models. Reuse.

 @21d020f4 Work backwards from requirements.  What features is the living room missing?  Game table?  Coffee Table?  Cat scratch post?  Which of those features could be added with the requirements of the communications hub (air flow, radio signal, etc.)  Where the two intersect, the sponsor and stakeholder (yur mom) can decide what solution is best. 
 I see what happened here.  An entire ecosystem of twitter folk moved from the twitter forest to the geek forest when the evil witch made a home in theirs.  I never liked twitter.  I was never good at it.  I always got myself in trouble.  A tip o' the hat to the folks that made this possible, those that cared enough to make a decentralized network happen (all the way from WebID through to the fsck blackboard prank, etc.)  I'll try and be a good citizen... just... look at all the birds! 
 I ran a friendica node one time, and enjoyed batting ideas back and forth with Macgirvin.  He credited me publicly with "giving him a kick in the pants," which I am proud of. Mostly, though, I have been very bad at social media.  I was always uncomfortable.  I still am, but hopeful that this might be an "idea thread" incubator rather than a corporate "mine and monetize" incubator. The fsck prank might be a bit dated.  It was the Diaspora hackers:  https://www.gawker.com/5537406/how-to-sneak-a-dirty-joke-into-the-new-york-times 
 In 2012 I made up a bunch of WebIDs for my Facebook friends and sent them out all set up.  Really, all you had to do was load the cert in your browser for identity and set up your RDF.  I watched @d14fc624  (RIP, Henry) presentation over and over again, trying to understand.  I knew people would be unlikely to create their own cert.  It was a good idea, though, completely decentralized.  TBL is still at it with Solid and Inrupt.  This may be the best we can do, here, though.  Works for me.  TY 

Good advice in this post.  I am a recovering mansplainer and replyguy.  It is a difficult behavior to change.  


 Why do humans need to cr... 
 @608152d1 @31b3bda5  There is a reasonable assumption that the data is too massive (100 trillion gigabytes of yearly data volume), so  we have moved to streams analysis/reporting/AI rather than starting at basic human analysis.  The catch is, that in most use, data is a form of waste stream.  It is the as-is byproduct of a system that doesn't work. We need to break down requirements first, determine constraints, then move on to a new system that will have an entirely different stream of data. 
 @31b3bda5  If we worked in the proper direction, and decided where we were, mapped the systems, and planned a route, we wouldn't like the answers.  We need food, water, wet bulb temp, shelter, and basic medical care for all humans, without damaging the biosphere for other living organisms we share it with, and that we rely on.  We can have all of that, but we certainly won't be tweeting about it as we live it.  The answers are politically untenable, so we collapse.  I do agree with the OP. 
 I sweat the front page and diagram the most.  The CL icon/logo is now 1:1.  Next stop is publishing the code...  (All CC0 for my code, BTW, with a wee bit of MIT for the base64 routines and various others for the embedded external libraries.)

 The 1.44MB number is purely sentimental.  The current published page w/ embedded ACE editor and vi bindings id 570KB.  I doubt anybody would want to run it mobile... just testing.

 The big question for me, that got me started on my current path, is "Where does stuff come from?"  I learned it when I participated in an energy transitions group pre #tightoil  boom.  Take your pick: medical care, mobile phones, food, packaging, etc.  Where stuff comes from needs to be tackled before you answer questions like "Where should it come from?", and "How can we change that?".  #globalsupplychain #food #fossilfuels. And *that* led me to my work on 3SA:

 It used to be that #globaldimming was a fringe concept, but I see it is even in the pink feeds.  It skewers the traditional climate virtue signalers, as it illustrates a more complicated problem than "petroleum bad", "them evils" or "buy an enviro-X".  And, this, folks, is where it starts to get real.  We are within an insanely complex socio-ecomonic-environmental system that is in #collapse / change, that everybody reading this helped create and benefits from.  https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/september-broke-the-global-heat-record-by-a-gobsmackingly-bananas-margin-1.1980012 
 Of course... now that I post this, I see the same quote on the root feed stream and tributaries and the wonderful gobsmackingly bananas bit with "petroleum bad", "them evils", and "buy an enviro-X" as the virtue signaling takeaway. "decline in cooling aerosol pollution from ships" is buried in there.  How many know it was the outcome of the law limiting emission, and that this supports the idea of global dimming?  Who *actually* cares if we are really fixing the problems if we feel good, right? 
 When I was working on 3SA, I quickly realized that a colorful icon for 3SA was better than writing "Triple System Analysis" again and again  ( https://triple.pub/ ).  I'm using the same technique in my current effort.  I think this will work.  It takes some getting used to, but I suspect that cognitively we work better with pictographs, although tracking from the icon to the words in the sentence might be awkward for some.

 nostr:npub1qzc8ejmflltq5uuwmvurfcfd4l96t6np6c8fzgj9l2rdfheadydshtyetl i do not believe change wil... 
 @a4332191 @00b07ccb  

"You gentlemen who think you have a mission
To purge us of the seven deadly sins
Should first sort out the basic food position
Then start your preaching, that's where it begins"

Brecht and Weill are with you on that.  And, yes, by the time the global supply chain collapses to the point people are missing their meals in the rich countries, it is way, way too late for change.  The only question is where the numbers will settle.  500,000,000? 1,000,000,000? 0? 
 nostr:npub1xq6nzq8vg4u9qp3w8p62eukmc6syuyrc4ughg9uwht577agu3dpqqmlysw I agree. 

N.B. Considering... 
 @aff773f4 Apparently, then, considering our AI threads, arcane Forth-like software languages interest, and sentimental thoughts of the Timex/Sinclair, we have a wee bit of an echo chamber *within* an echo chamber going.  "We're just two lost souls/Swimming in a fish bowl/Year after year"  Pleased to meet you. 
 @00b07ccb  I see Club of Rome Limits to Growth on there.  OK article.  Not arguing, but as you are probably aware, the depth and breadth of available analysis and warnings that lead up to the conclusion is staggering.  I enjoy that the article actually brings up our energy trap problem.  Recently I saw a decent summary of the root issues and some solutions.  Schactenberger is in considerable pain, but he pulls it off.  Just skip the opening suit intro.  https://youtu.be/4kBoLVvoqVY 
 As you participate in virtue signaling about #climatechange and other negative externalities of the dominant economic and social order, remember that if you have the luxury of posting here, you are quite likely as guilty as anybody else.  As you throw your favorite "red" names at the blue side or "blue" names at the red side, try and step back a bit and figure out where you are, what your human cognitive constraints are, where you would like to go *together*, and work towards real, common goals.

 @aff773f4  That is actually a concise and truthful article.  If you account for the resources needed across the full supply chain for most high tech solutions, you will run into similar problems.  We run much like a ponzi scheme where we have been duped into thinking that kilowatts *do* fall out of the sky.  Eventually this will all unfold and be apparent.  A graphs:


An article:

 Color-blind aware colors work well in both light and dark mode.  One thing that I neglected for much of my work was how my stuff looked on a phone.

 nostr:npub1xq6nzq8vg4u9qp3w8p62eukmc6syuyrc4ughg9uwht577agu3dpqqmlysw P.S. When I see any of Big ... 
 @aff773f4  I enjoy Barry Smith AI.  Stream analysis has it's place; however, mostly I am biased as well, particularly since it seems humans are unwilling to seize agency in their own maps and telemetry... somewhere to start and a goal to reach.  The dominant AI version is wasteful and ridiculous.  (Kind of like how blockchain might possibly be interesting and useful... rsyslog's merkle trees for instance ... but it completely dies in the dominant version.) 
 @aff773f4 Does "frontier of AI capability" mean it had enough data to scrape and regurgitate grape-juice plus? 
 I am not good about troubleshooting lawnmowers... mine is a bit rough to start and then dies afte... 
 @e964dcd5 Did you try fresh gas and carb cleaner? 
 Questions for people who write programs that they themselves use: 
- for a program that you still... 
 @6fbb6ac9 My biggest software effort is for my own use.  I've been working on it since 1994.  It has used ten or so languages over the years.  I use it at least once a week.  I modify it often.  I'm not aware that anybody has ever used any version of it, with one exception 10 years ago.  I've spent thousands of hours on it. 
 One likely blind spot for me is that I assume that most people want to map where they are, how analysis supports their stance and interest, and wish to true up their telemetry against goals that fit the map.  In my experience, though, the opposite is true.  This includes all who shout the top 20 ideas for their color (blue or red).  The enemy is us (to borrow from Perry and Kelly).   We all live on the spoils of modern industrial civilization, at the expense of the biosphere... until we don't. 
 I have a journal/blog listed on my Profile Card. It is a single page app... and by single page, I mean it has 1300 entries and all Javascript libraries, including full text search on an HTML page less than a 1.44MB floppy.  My journal goes back to 1990.  The first electronic entry was on WordPerfect.  A few years later I wrote a version in VisualBasic.  The entries are hashtags, so if you have one link, you have them all.  Just refresh.  Here is my latest entry:
 nostr:npub1xq6nzq8vg4u9qp3w8p62eukmc6syuyrc4ughg9uwht577agu3dpqqmlysw I've found myself immersed ... 
 @aff773f4 Are you familiar with #collapseos ?  You might groove on it, if not.  The addition of pictographs that you get with #uiua helps with cognitive collapse and regeneration as well. (but the tool chain behind uiua pushes it outside of the requirements for collapseos and similar projects by Dupras) 
 Bill Joy's dystopian warning did not account for an answer to Fermi's Paradox. From the perspective of the universe at a billion year interval, we don't reach enough complexity to cross the space and time to span civilizations. This also works locally. We could snuff ourselves out earlier, but there is still a limit to complexity. We can leverage AI and deep supply chains, but we will collapse at complexity. The same works for human cognition or AI information loops and resulting hallucinations. 
 @aff773f4 If my "last stand" wasn't on ubiquitous compute via a monolithic run-time environment that matched standard web browser languages and presentation, I would *so* invest all of my crankish energy into #Uiua.  I would make Terry A Davis proud.  Alas. 
 I see the “what’s so bad about spy cops anyway?” neoliberal Twitter tech crowd have made it... 
 @022a7c10  We have a gadget spy cop archetype in our modern collective unconscious.  I'm thinking of Q in James Bond films, Lucius Fox in Batman, and Marshall Flinkman in Alias.  Any of these characters would love to work with mondo microcontrollers for spy purposes.  I think there is something here, a key to the "neoliberal twitter crowd" as you call it.  We all have our unexamined archetypes, right?  Does it work to shine a light on it by shouting, "Thunderbirds are go!"?? 
 nostr:npub1xq6nzq8vg4u9qp3w8p62eukmc6syuyrc4ughg9uwht577agu3dpqqmlysw nostr:npub1gl5fk77u2zr6p034... 
 Imagine building a car with modern software development.  This is a wheel.  It spins.  We use wheel components for the steering wheel, because it is round.  We compile the seat components with the wheel framework.  The car is made up of 3,000 wheel frameworks.  Oh my, the car is heavy.  For new cars, rather than use the original car components, we put the entire car into a service you can use on the web, and then encapsulate an entire car into each component. 
 “Companies have been trying to hide the full footprint of their data centers because they know ... 
 @5c568289 I often think of the idealism and promise of Woody Guthrie's Roll on Columbia song as I consider the datacenters that now sit between the people he imagined would benefit and the power paid for by the public works projects. 
 What *I* got excited about with cloud (circa 2009) was standard APIs for bootstrap, configuration, and command/control.  The promise (to me) was that eventually we could commoditize the *aaS layers, either remote or on-prem, and focus on ownership of whatever ran our cause/business/org.  I cheered the efforts by VMWare to standardize an open API, etc.  But... something else happened.  We decided we didn't need to own anything at all, ceding agency in our systems to cloud. RIP #EzraZygmuntowicz 
 I just spent a couple weeks working a performance problem with Chrome on MacOS.  I had added the Noto Color Emoji font to generate a PDF of my journal, but hadn't made the causal association.  Setting "Apple Color Emoji" prior to "Noto Color Emoji" in my font-family in CSS fixed the problem.  I don't notice this on any other iteration of Windows, GNU/Linux, MacOS, Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox; however Chrome on MacOS is a likely combination to treat seriously. #css #emoji #macos #chrome 
 We use a map and compass to guide us, particularly when the terrain is confusing.  No matter what philosophical or political flavor you subscribe to, our current willingness to abandon maps in favor of streams of data, no matter how sophisticated the external analysis tools are, leaves us open to manipulation.  In our complacency, we rely on cloud or mere cultural cognition, or both.  Cultural cognition is limited to roughly two teams and a few tools in real-time. 

 All of us have this same limitation as far as human cognition within cultural cognition.  This is a difficult lesson.  Most are bopping along at the top of cognition, stretched for attention, pulled forward in streams.  Oh yeah... two teams, what of three tools do I use right now?... never setting aside time to map knowledge from a local needs perspective.  But, mainly, I need to remember this for myself, mirror-like wisdom that I am as limited as everybody, and should avoid blue vs. red, etc. 
 #Vim key bindings, “it’s you and me, straight down the line.” 
 I am disappoint. 

I installed ownCloud on a remote server to use with my Android phone and hope ... 
 @552441a0 Check out Unison https://github.com/bcpierce00/unison/  You'd have to do some scripting/OS stuff, but it is fast, works well, and runs on most anything.  The extra control might not be a bad thing.  I ran owncloud (or nextcloud... I forget) for awhile, and dumped it after a year. 
 I just changed my bio from local-first to often-offline; however, I can't change my paper at Zenodo without re-issuing, so it will stay as local-first.  The inconsistency bothers me a bit, but after 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 years creating 3SA, I really can't revisit. Local-first just seems so weak to me now.   https://zenodo.org/record/7826793 
 nostr:npub1xq6nzq8vg4u9qp3w8p62eukmc6syuyrc4ughg9uwht577agu3dpqqmlysw WE ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU NO... 
 nostr:npub1xq6nzq8vg4u9qp3w8p62eukmc6syuyrc4ughg9uwht577agu3dpqqmlysw HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL? 
 This is what I'm looking at that motivated the OP.  I'm creating my own triple schema.  OWL does not work for human cognition.  It works for machine cognition.  I should add that #CharlesPeirce is in this mix, as is #BarrySmith (#BFO).  I've also used emoji for a directly readable form:

0🔸6▪️⚗️🔸2🔹📒🔹This is really the most fabulous article.

I am a hack, an amateur, doing outsider art.

 Simply posting this made me commit to a human-readable translation.  Fully qualified emoji are difficult to code with.  You can, but most editors and operating systems get confused.  Ubuntu 22.04 can deal, particularly if you pin the font in Vim to a limited one like Bitstream Vera Sans, so the fallback is easy.  My latest version also uses a short UUID for the node ID, which isn't human readable, really, but any human-centric scheme, like incremental integers, has other problems. 

 Like the people in Sagan's book Contact that used the tunnels, but didn't build them - like the crews attempting to stabilize Ring World, I feel like a hack vs. the architects of the WWW that understood graphs and semantics.  I glimpse the beauty sometimes, though, the consistency and intent.  Even the most simple things like "why resistance to a naked domain?" have a foundation.  (No... not a reference to Hari Seldon, but that would probably be appropriate.) #w3c #bind #mdn #TimBernersLee 
 This is what I'm looking at that motivated the OP.  I'm creating my own triple schema.  OWL does not work for human cognition.  It works for machine cognition.  I should add that #CharlesPeirce is in this mix, as is #BarrySmith (#BFO).  I've also used emoji for a directly readable form:

0🔸6▪️⚗️🔸2🔹📒🔹This is really the most fabulous article.

I am a hack, an amateur, doing outsider art.

 This is my map of aspects of system resilience for humans dealing with crises.  Resilience *happens* at time of crisis.  I detail this at https://triple.pub .  The diagram is at the top as an SVG (dark or light mode), and you can click on the emoji in the diagram to navigate to the section that details the aspect.  It works fine on mobile, but if you use a desktop, you get better nav functionality, as I have room for a tree-based emoji nav bar on the left. #LimitsToGrowth #LocalFirst

 This bit of code converts a triple in the form of a nested array into a rudimentary graph.  You can create graphs this way as long as you just use keys.  To hook up the nodes, just reference two IDs as a triple.  I've spent way too much time both learning reduce, but also trying to decide if the simplicity was worth the obscurity in the final code.  The commented bottom three lines are much easier to understand for most, including myself.


Event not found
 @39673ecd  You don't provide much to go on; however, I was editing my journal a bit, and ran across this entry of mine from 2018.

Event not found
 @47e89b7b #rms