Oddbean new post about | logout
 I see what happened here.  An entire ecosystem of twitter folk moved from the twitter forest to the geek forest when the evil witch made a home in theirs.  I never liked twitter.  I was never good at it.  I always got myself in trouble.  A tip o' the hat to the folks that made this possible, those that cared enough to make a decentralized network happen (all the way from WebID through to the fsck blackboard prank, etc.)  I'll try and be a good citizen... just... look at all the birds! 
 I ran a friendica node one time, and enjoyed batting ideas back and forth with Macgirvin.  He credited me publicly with "giving him a kick in the pants," which I am proud of. Mostly, though, I have been very bad at social media.  I was always uncomfortable.  I still am, but hopeful that this might be an "idea thread" incubator rather than a corporate "mine and monetize" incubator. The fsck prank might be a bit dated.  It was the Diaspora hackers:  https://www.gawker.com/5537406/how-to-sneak-a-dirty-joke-into-the-new-york-times 
 In 2012 I made up a bunch of WebIDs for my Facebook friends and sent them out all set up.  Really, all you had to do was load the cert in your browser for identity and set up your RDF.  I watched @d14fc624  (RIP, Henry) presentation over and over again, trying to understand.  I knew people would be unlikely to create their own cert.  It was a good idea, though, completely decentralized.  TBL is still at it with Solid and Inrupt.  This may be the best we can do, here, though.  Works for me.  TY