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Notes by Michael | export

 “Today the whole world is in a state of chaos fighting against the forces of greed, envy, jealousy and fear. Disharmony is rife. All of our human relations are in a state of violent upheaval. Civilisation is in reverse. Science is being used to destroy instead of to build. We talk of world peace, yet those who are to plan… Every open minded person knows at heart how important peace is to the earth.”  
 There are three truths which are also
lute,and which cannot be lost,but yet may remain silent for lack of speech :
The soul of man is immortal,and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendor have no limit.
The principle which gives life dwells in us, and without us, is undying and eternally beneficent, is not heard or seen or felt, but is perceived by the man who desires perception.
Each man is his own absolute law-giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself, the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment.
These truths, which are as great as is life itself, are as simple as the simplest mind of man. Feed the hungry with them . 
 So nostr:npub108pv4cg5ag52nq082kd5leu9ffrn2gdg6g4xdwatn73y36uzplmq9uyev6, given that you are Iran... 
 You need to understand they’re all in it together just like in 2020 the 5 L that came out against the PCR bullshit are no longer on this earth. They can take out anyone certainly in a public position anytime they want. It’s all just to show.  
 In the Marvel universe, I’m sure that makes a difference try reading books discover maybe with the real history is of voting 
 I’m trashing you, though it may seem that way. Anyway, who has time to really look BUT if you don’t you’re relying only on opinion. The point is “NOT TO COMPLY” in anyway shap or form. If nobody turned up at the fake election ballots, this shit show would be over. Godspeed  
 If you’re against voter ID you don’t get to claim that people need to vote for your party’s... 
 Elections mean nothing in a kleptocratic it’s just wasting time and giving the enemy the time to consolidate more its position. What needs to happen is the parallel economy but we must remove the power system as well or it’ll come after us as we’re witnessing right now. 
 Don’t abandon and delete your social media accounts elsewhere. Use those accounts to bring your... 
 Agreed. But just be careful what you say on those “honey pots,” they’re making a list and they’re checking it twice …. 
 Another fantastic corporate created band that was forced to come out after 2020 in favour of forced vaccination and this shit show. Goes for Pearl Jam the cure Neil Young, etc. etc. etc. these whores have sold their souls. I’m surprised you don’t know that. 
 It’s not an indictment of you. It’s more than lament of them. They’re the ones who cashed out on all this supposed fame not you what you’re doing has nothing to do with that. It’s V4V. 👌💪 
 While you were sleeping or busy with the other bullshit

At least we now know WHO the enemy is they’ve made themselves very much a target 
 It’s a little hard to read, but you don’t have to use your imagination to see they’re locked up. I know it’s a coincidence.🥸
 And it will the charade of them letting us know what they’re “proposing” just means it’s already a done deal   These are murdering criminal entities, and we have to continue regardless because we’re ignoring them and getting along with the parallel system. There will be a fight and we have the numbers hopefully  
 Nostr allows us to have a portable digital social identity that we truly own. nostr:nprofile1qqs2... 
 Obviously not a support of “this” type of Freedom  
 And so it goes. This is everywhere folks. It all started in Ernest with the “politically correct“ movement that nonsense from the 80s.


“Just to be absolutely clear here –

There is not one voice in the room actually standing up for reality.

We may not have a formal global government yet, but we already have a globalism of ideas, even if there is some disagreement over implementation.

That’s how world government is being shaped, and how it will get finally born – through a  creeping consensus of fictitious problems & needless and often insane “solutions” quietly endorsed by every nation of the world.”

Ain’t that a fact. We have to wake up every individual that tries to go back the sleep. Period  
 That’s gonna do shit… But let’s face it everything WE as individuals believe in as well “is protected” OK so now it’s up to us to enforce these rules. These laws- it’s gonna be us in the end that enforces them them. You  do realize that you remember ”storm the Bastille”,   it wasn’t guarded by the Swiss guard because it had prisoners. It was an armament. We don’t really have a choice. It’s not about fighting. It’s about numbers and doing that the Truckers did in Canada EVERYWHERE and it’s happening all over the world. I think these Israeli is trying to freeze themselves just recently.  but the point is everywhere where they put in bricks or central bank digital currency causes this uprising so thank God for bitcoin. 
 Argentina is moving up my bucket list of places to visit. Quotes from Milei’s speech at UN toda... 
 As someone as smart as you understands very, very well, the effective symbolism The Nazi swastika (the ancient Sun wheel symbol) allied to the rising sun of militarist Japan and to Mussolini’s would-be neo-Roman blackshirts all point to an inverse eclipsed
sun of destruction. What was the rationale behind the eclipse of the sun in your corporate logo? 
 Another “plandemic” 👀😎 beautiful pics. Wonderful NOSTR is where it’s at now💪 
 I’m writing this because I keep getting asked to comment on Saylor/Saif video even though my po... 
 🙏 amen  
 Saylor IS them. As Jeff has pointed out before, if he knows this, then they know this or at least somebody clever on their side does. I think his whole purpose like Matthew krater? is to facilitate complacency around the “level 2” capture of bitcoin. From what I understand, it’s their only and last chance.  
 Thinking is fear of the future, it’s dead soul thoughts of a forgotten past life? I mean, unhitched worrying thinking of course, not reason. Kant can kiss my ass. 

 They’re busy with the rewriting again. Good old scribes. Rinse and repeat here is the synonym for machine. If there was any doubt, but He’s  after 
 What’s happening in Israel is not being televised. You’ve heard that 600,000 people. I think it was a couple weeks ago protested to throw out their government. I’m sure they sent the military in but the people have to rise up. They did the same thing in Azerbaidzhan three years ago when they tried to put the central bank digital currency in as a test and the country rose up and over through the government military police in 24 hours And then they sent in Russia to put the government back in power. This is gonna start happening everywhere and we gotta help each other not fight each other so welcome the bulk of the foreigners into the country because they’re not these trains psychopaths. They’re just people who lies were destroyed like yours and mine is being.


A play about a plandemic  
 No need to spell out what’s been happening. It seems a few people now have all the apples in the cart, but that’s their bullshit card. We’re creating a new one that’s fair and open to competition, not violence, coercion, surveillance, and oppression. 

 Why the world isn’t flat… these are the usual suspects for communism.  now where do you think The idea for socialism or in this case, more specifically, organized criminality known as communism came from? Yup. The west. But without us suppressing the east all these years and South America, Africa, you name it  and then financing this shit-show we wouldn’t be where we are today, but it’s all one being process of awakening consciousness. Bitcoin and now NOSTR are the weapons the individual and we’re all individuals on this sphere how to defeat this let’s face it essentially demonic reality that is not real 
 They push corn syrup, soy, carbs, seed oils, and refined sugars as foods because they fear people... 
 Don’t forget bugs! 🐛 human beings in no way shape or form should consume the invertebrates.  It’s so toxic hence why they’re putting it in our food. 
 What we call “modern science” resembles the secret society’s view of the English-speaking peoples not objective observation. It’s no accident they are dissimilar. It’s not for nothing that Western consumerism has taken over the globe as economic man’s only meaning for life.It was preordained to be so. And now they are using technology to get it done. That in itself should be enough of a “fact” to demonstrate we’re in trouble. It’s their thinking that sets them apart from the rest—so clever they are dangerously stupid. With their controlling interest over the  totality that is the bureaucracy through AI, their confidence grows. It should, they own it and we paid for it, and are paying for it right now with our lives. Until we see this for what it really is and leave their system, altogether, we’re doomed to remain under their/its control. We’ve entered the age: That’s no freedom, at all—their doing. That is what is being presented to us right now, for those who are paying attention.   Bitcoin & Nostr to the rescue.  It’s fitting that right at the height of their power he has and hands all needs to set the world right again.  
 Nostr is having a growth spurt right now.

As censorship and state violence against freedom of sp... 
 🍿 he’s pro vaccination-mandatory He acting and telling you what to hear on Tucker Carlson! for chrissakes. How many times are people gonna fall for the same bullshit over and over and over and over again the  time for believing in authority is over  
 “What gnosis was as wisdom the temple of Solomon was as symbol” Rudolph Steiner  
 That which secures life from exhaustion is found in the unseen world.