Just doing their job and following orders... 🤮
I don't get how anybody in Western Europe working in law enforcement can look into the mirror in the morning.
Ok, I was not aware that he or she is actually a hermaphrodite and not a man pretending to be a woman. This is obviously a special case but in my opinion here the easy and clear indicator should have been the gene test. You would assume with all the money they spend on the olympics they should be able to afford that. 😉
Ich werde niemals vergessen wie ich und auch meine Frau damals auch von unserem Umfeld behandelt wurden. Kein einziger, der damals der Meinung war Ungeimpfte muss man wegsperren hat sich seit dem entschuldigt oder auch nur anklingen lassen, dass er irgendwie hinterfragt was damals passiert ist. Wenigstens weiß man jetzt, was man von seinen "Mitbürgern" zu erwarten hat wenn es hart auf hart kommt.
Hab am Anfang versucht zu missionieren und konnte nicht verstehen, dass sich die Leute der Realität verweigern, bzw. deren Realität von Spiegel und Tagesschau geformt wird und alles andere nicht akzeptiert wird. Mit Leuten, die ein bisschen kritisch sind zu dem was um uns herum passiert, spreche ich über solche Themen, alle anderen lass ich in Ruhe. Ist weniger stressig für beide Seiten. Ich glaube hier muss es nich viel schlimmer werden bevor die Leute aufwachen, falls das jemals passiert. Aber passt schon, ich hab meine Versicherung. 😉
Schiff is a clown don't listen to him. He is having the same debates since 10 years. His views were acceptable if he was confronted with bitcoin the first time. He is just trying to convince fools to buy gold instead if bitcoin.
Falling down the vaccine rabbit hole at the moment (not only covid) and reading "Turtles all the way down". It is unbelievable how we are played...
Yes. The film makers clearly did not understand what LSD is about, but what the people interviewed explained was true back then and is true today. Also to ask if God appeared like a man shows that the interviewerr did not get it at all...
I am concerned about this as well.
Your main source of calories should be beef or lamb. As both are quite expensive where I live I eat mostly ground beef. 400gr. in the morning fried in a pan as patties. 400gr. for lunch as ground beef + 100gr cheese and for dinner Steak or a couple of eggs with lots of butter. In case I need more calories I eat more butter or creme fraiche with a little honey. Sometimes I eat a little liver fried in the pan as well. Don't use any seed oils, but fry everything directly or in butter or clarified butter.
What material do you use to orange pill shop owners? Just had a nice experience with one in India. I would like to send him a guide on how accept payments in Bitcoin and also some Material why he should hodl and not trade bitcoin. Any suggestions?
Collectivism: Try to find something critical about climate change or covid on google. Most people don't want to see that the big tech tools they are using are biased.
Amazing. They have no fear. I hope they stay strong. Something similar is going on in Germany.
Notes by Stackerman | export