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Notes by Jeff Booth | export

 The next step is verifying an imposter so that the imposter can scam people using your name. 
 Bringing this back to the top again because I don’t think Saylor yet understands that “those crypto anarchists” are the ones that save Bitcoin……and by doing so, free the world from an extractive rent seeking system. nostr:note1t6urrtgqmg4xv6r95cgxex7c4jqpvjzdkcax5ds6m7kgc974ak5qq8llcd 
 Even though many of us here have transitioned our time to a paradigm change that unites 8 billion people on this planet, many of our friends and people we love…have not yet.

Their world view (and maybe partly ours too) is then still infected by a system that preys on them. Extracts from them. Keeps them stuck. If that is true, then it is hard to stay above the noise when the people we love, people they love, and so on, are “experiencing” a pain that is very real.

All around us, unbelievable tragedy and chaos with people taking sides, while believing that they’re or their side is justified in the stealing from, harming, or killing of other people for “their” cause. Our politics, our media, our institutions are all similarity captured by it - leading to further division and righteousness, while people become numb to it all - mostly unaware of how it is hurting them deeply. How could it not? 
This is the lens of the world that the majority is looking through, reinforcing, and making stronger through everything they see and do. 
Just as real to them….as the truth, hope, and abundance that #Bitcoin imposes on the world is for us. 

Yes, we “try” to stay above it because we know that the system problem cannot be solved from within it, and our time is more valuable in bending reality to the new system. 


it is worth a reminder as we go this chaotic transition that so few understand: 

When someone we love hurts, we hurt too. 

And there is still much hurt. 

Much love to you all! 

 🙏 - That passage seems to have aged well. Glad that your on the right side of this transition. 
 Hi nostr:npub1s05p3ha7en49dv8429tkk07nnfa9pcwczkf5x5qrdraqshxdje9sq6eyhe, your last appearance on... 
 Was incredible! 
 To all those building, supporting, using, teaching, and advocating for freedom tech. It is unlikely you ever realize the true impact you make in the world through your actions. 

You are bending reality to an almost unimaginable future with 8 billion people in service of 8 billion people 

Names may fade but your impact never will. 

Deep love and respect. 

 🧡🙏 - To someone you feel is making positive impact on others. So many people impacting others here. 
 😂 - but the sad irony of him is he also kind of is because he demonstrated publicly to the world what it looks like to cheat an honest ledger. The cheater gets destroyed - (over time). 
There have been, and will be…..many more examples. 
 Rand - I haven’t updated for some time (and will do) but I keep a list on my website at jeffbooth.ca 
 Congrats!! Best is through contact form at ego death capital. 
 Welcome to #Nostr!  Get an lnurl in your profile so you can accept zaps. 
 I’m with his brother at an HRF event in Nashville. Julian’s speech yesterday was so awesome in bringing awareness to such hypocrisy all around us. Such a bright light for freedom. 
 Free markets are more productive because more ideas compete to provide value to you. 

A global free market equals faster deflation with every person in the world becoming wealthier as the productivity gains flow to them in the form of lower prices. 

But, that comes at a direct cost to those extracting value from the world through a control system that gains its power…..by stealing ours. 

Our world and each of us in it makes perfect sense.  
Just a mirror reflection of two different operating systems with the system you give your energy to, reinforcing your reality. 

The one based on coercion, control, and scarcity! An extractive model, preying on fear while the majority make it stronger (in their minds) by their actions within it. 


The one based on truth, hope, and abundance. A cooperative model - where we see that we are all connected.

#Bitcoin and freedom tech. 

Choose wisely! 
 What is your definition of more value? 

Ps - I know your comment is because you like another coin, but I do not think there is another “coin” that will survive. So besides having no value, it risks confusing people. 
IMO, no other “coin” is required. Bitcoin, lightning, liquid, Fedimint, Cashu, Nostr. 
The protocol stack is interoperable together and makes anything else just noise. 
 I don’t think so - the other protocols solve without the need for another coin. 
 Ask yourself what legal framework could survive the manipulation of money (money is superordinate to law) and you’ll see why even the constitution and the first amendment is under attack. 
The “why” corrupt corporations and 3 letter agencies have taken over the government Is because of broken money. 
 Thanks to nostr:npub1s05p3ha7en49dv8429tkk07nnfa9pcwczkf5x5qrdraqshxdje9sq6eyhe, every day I spen... 
 “ A system based on truth, hope, and abundance for all 8 billion people on the planet driven by... 
 Thanks Jeff! Much appreciated. 
 Thanks Jeff - The nuance of the discussion is important.  George is absolutely coming around. Like most people (including me) in understanding the depth of the rabbit hole, it’s hard to see how our own actions create our reality. I added him to a (Fedi) federation after the call and it all started to click. 
 Argentina is moving up my bucket list of places to visit. Quotes from Milei’s speech at UN today. 

“The UN has become a multi-tentacled Leviathan that seeks to decide how each nation should live."

"We reject the 'Pact for the Future'—it is nothing but a socialist blueprint for control."

"Freedom is the only path forward for nations; we must resist any system that curtails it."

"Socialism designs a world it can't achieve, and when it fails, it represses the people."

"Argentina will lead an agenda of freedom, not submission to globalism."

"We must empower individuals, not centralize power in bureaucratic institutions."

"Freedom, free markets, and individual rights are the pillars of a prosperous society."

"We reject the collectivist agendas that destroy wealth and enslave nations."

"Austerity and economic discipline are the only roads to true independence."

"Long live freedom!" 
 Thanks - Interesting and didn’t realize that - sure seems at odds with his message and one of those things will be forced to break. 
 He deeply understands problem but found/finds the solution hard to fully grasp until it is built and being used extensively, which many people closer to or building the solutions can already see. I added him to my federation in @Fedi after the call and a bunch of it clicked for him. 
Like all of us - letting go of a system enslaving us one finger at a time and then never going back. 
 If you’re technical, you can do it yourself. If not, others like @BTCsessions are setting up white glove services to help linked below. And yes - members of mint a can transact with mint b - (transacts through lightning) and seamless for users. 

 nostr:npub1s05p3ha7en49dv8429tkk07nnfa9pcwczkf5x5qrdraqshxdje9sq6eyhe I have read the price of to... 
 Absolutely jacked to the tits for my first #bitcoin conference at #learningbitcoin here in Victor... 
 Looking forward to meeting you! 
 I’m writing this because I keep getting asked to comment on Saylor/Saif video even though my position hasn’t changed. 

The natural state of the free market is deflation which means all prices fall forever in Bitcoin (assuming it stays decentralized and secure) 

Free market economies are more productive meaning faster deflation (or real wealth gains by falling prices) 

That system is incompatible with an inflationary monetary system meaning one of those systems must fail. 


1) A system based on truth, hope, and abundance for all 8 billion people on the planet driven by a free market economy and all prices fall relative to bitcoin forever. This means Bitcoin is used as a medium of exchange and freedom tech spreads to the world through lightning, Liquid, Fedimint, Cashu, etc. 


2) A control system. An extractive rent seeking system that is NOT the free market (similar to the one we have had for 5000 years that resets every 100 or so years through war) continues to centralize by having you believe price of bitcoin is going up in fiat which makes the surveillance state stronger. This eventually centralizes Bitcoin - custodians, media, regulation (funded from the same manipulation of money) where it is attacked from layer 2. (Similar to gold)

While these ideas may “seem” compatible in the short term because you want Bitcoin to go up in fiat. What it really means is that you are giving your energy and strength to the system centralizing the world by converting Bitcoin to Fiat….to then measure prices. 

Quite simply - If Bitcoin is only a store of value, it fails as a store of value.  

Ps - It won’t fail. #1 is inevitable in time because too many (and more each day) have seen behind the curtain and are determined to build path #1. 

Many of you here - the people that inspire me every day.  You make a difference with every word, thought and action. 
Almost did that in all caps per @ODELL because it’s so important.  

Referring to # 1 above…..There is no second best. 
 Should have added #Nostr to #1 above. 
 🎯 - it’s why I first missed adding #Nostr at first because it seems so obvious. 
 Maybe, but even if true - it only adds confusion and therefore accelerates #2. 
 Credit will be much smaller as it is repriced in bitcoin terms and credit becomes more costly due to deflation. That change will be messy and chaotic because too few misunderstand it. 
 Yes to both. 
 😂 -  Correct. 
 Thanks my friend!! 
 Thank you! Eventually you’ll start to spend in it and then earn in it.  For now, (because it is such a mental framework change from what we are used to) the key is to keep reinforcing to yourself prices go down in Bitcoin instead of converting it to fiat to see it go up.  

And pass it on :) 
 Thank you both no 😂. We are all Satoshi.  Ideas, not people and there have been so many helpful in informing mine. 
 Love it!! 
 I have always used it to show the risk isn’t “them” it is… “us” and the hypocrisy of our actions in giving our time and attention to a system preying on us. 
 Love @LynAlden and laugh every time I see her meme that is going mainstream. 
 Reminder that lowering interest rates doesn’t fix a solvency crisis. 

In time - that “fix” is still coming. 

 The government will be forced to become smaller, more efficient, and serve the people instead of preying on them because bitcoin doesn’t care (assuming it stays decentralized and secure) how many pieces of paper they print to pretend prices go up. (As long as you’re measuring from Bitcoin) 
 Up to all of us and our words, thoughts and actions.  We, through those actions literally manifest the world we reside in.
But to simplify, yes because we are all Satoshi. (Even Craig wright in a perverse way. because he demonstrated to so many people what happens when you try to cheat an honest network) 
 nostr:npub1s05p3ha7en49dv8429tkk07nnfa9pcwczkf5x5qrdraqshxdje9sq6eyhe  I have a question about ut... 
 Completely depends on what you value etc. Ie - If owning a home is more value to your family, then having it fall relative to Bitcoin is okay. (As long as you understand the trade off). Same with every purchase and also why I spend Bitcoin today (and replace) even though I know the purchasing power of it will increase over time.  Maybe more simply - live your best life knowing the trade offs and you’re not taking it with you.  How much fiat is “needed” to live your best life is largely emergent system of manipulation today.  Hope that helps! 
 What the hell happened to Gregg Foss?
He’s now asking for a job?  And claiming bi-polar because... 
 Love Greg and feel for him. Definitely not scamming. He just made a mistake in a business and trusted people……that ended up really hurting him. As someone who understands risk so well, he has had a hard time letting it go because he feels he let down his family, this community etc.