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 Even though many of us here have transitioned our time to a paradigm change that unites 8 billion people on this planet, many of our friends and people we love…have not yet.

Their world view (and maybe partly ours too) is then still infected by a system that preys on them. Extracts from them. Keeps them stuck. If that is true, then it is hard to stay above the noise when the people we love, people they love, and so on, are “experiencing” a pain that is very real.

All around us, unbelievable tragedy and chaos with people taking sides, while believing that they’re or their side is justified in the stealing from, harming, or killing of other people for “their” cause. Our politics, our media, our institutions are all similarity captured by it - leading to further division and righteousness, while people become numb to it all - mostly unaware of how it is hurting them deeply. How could it not? 
This is the lens of the world that the majority is looking through, reinforcing, and making stronger through everything they see and do. 
Just as real to them….as the truth, hope, and abundance that #Bitcoin imposes on the world is for us. 

Yes, we “try” to stay above it because we know that the system problem cannot be solved from within it, and our time is more valuable in bending reality to the new system. 


it is worth a reminder as we go this chaotic transition that so few understand: 

When someone we love hurts, we hurt too. 

And there is still much hurt. 

Much love to you all! 

 Much love to you, Jeff. 
 I try my best to not focus on what I can not control. Trying to control the uncontrollable is impossible and unproductive for me to participate in. 
 We aren't advocating for Bitcoin because it is easy, or because it will make people feel good.

We do it because it's the right thing to do.

Much love to you Jeff. 
 Tried orange pilling my friends few times but they are not READY.
I guess they'll learn in a hard way! 
 Thanks Jeff for these wonderful thoughts. It matters what we spend our time with, what we feed our brain with (books, movies, news). Also the people around us. It all makes us who are and will be in the future.  
 Yes. We're all connected. It's all vibes. ⚡️💫🔥 
 We did a Plebwalk in my city this morning and talked about your thesis on building a new system (Bitcoin, deflation, abundance) outside of the current system (fiat, proof of war, inflation/theft), and how that makes it so difficult for our loved ones stuck in the existing system to see the truth. I love how you lay this out and really enjoyed your book. Would love to see a part 2 that continues on this subject. 
 So true. Thank you Jeff. 
 Beautifully said, Jeff.  
 Much love to you too! 🫂 
 Yes. This is the anxiety I feel. Every time someone says "have fun staying poor" it makes me want to cry, because those are my extended family, your extended family. Stay humble, my friends. 
normally skip a wall of txt😂 
 hear hear, well said mate.  
 So true Jeff. And the pain is maybe not great enough yet. 
Always spot on with a positive and uplifting tone… u r a joy to follow and I always look forward to ur next post🌅

Freedom on my philosophical fren👊🏽🍻

 @Translator Portuguese 
 We do what we can to shield our family and friends from what's hurting them.  Ultimately you can only do so much, and hope what you have shared about the truth will enable them to go the rest of the way to freedom.  

Much love sir. 
 it may be possible that at some point in the future all 8 billion or however many at that time people might vibrate and operate on the same frequency attuned to freedom, love, truth. I'd think however that it may be easiest to influence and impact the shift in people vibrating closest to our own frequency. Unless we are speaking of massive quantum leaps most of humanity will probably be transitioning on their own time, in stages. And currently there's quite the disparity. 
Thankfully, we have this beautiful technology stack of Bitcoin, Nostr and ecash to suppport our mission for a better world... yet even in this field there's dissonance if we are to look at beyond just the adopting, advocating for and supporting the use of the technology, but actually the multitude of other inner and outer elements and variables and qualities that make up for a liberated human spirit, sovereign healthy bodies, connected to earth and nature and voting with voice, money and actuon for a regenerative culture and future. 
May the light within us shine as bright as possible and touch and enlighten the ones most receptive and closest to us in resonance in the sea of fellow souls so we can continue to strengthen the signal and frequency that spreads like wildfire to liberate us all.  ❤️‍🔥🌠🕊️🌹🧿 
 A warning ‼️ #DivineTiming 

This was written in 2023: 

More than 500,000 people in the United States have died from drug overdoses involving opioids, and millions more suffer from opioid use disorder.

Sacklers deal is expected to distribute more than $5 billion over the next decade to public trusts created to fund drug treatment and health care programs.

Bet B Nostra 

Visionary mind led to riches 
Beyond all my human self could imagine 
One Dream was of every human recognizing 
   We are one human kind 
And humans fell swiftly to the ground 
Help me, it’s all so painful 
Cosmic nuclear explosion of minds. 
There is free. 
There is will. 
You are more than capable 
 Have you seen this series - Dopesick? 
 No. I work locally with addicts. No need to watch a series. 🫂 
 Thank you, for your service 🫂 it's tough out there.  
 You’re welcome. It’s not something I speak of a lot on here. 

Army then FED ( I know the HORROR 😳👻

None of ever really retired … hence #poetry 
Warrior princess stood proud 
Assuring another’s right to life 
In an attempt to 
Win the hearts & minds of others?
It’s so much easier to destroy them. 

A warrior queen is created in one of two ways 
1. On the battlefield 
- taking part in death & destruction 
2. In the comfort of advisors 
- Redacted stories being told

Who benefits? 
Foot soldiers for centuries
have carried the burden 
Manipulated by 
“powerful” lesser humans 
Who find beauty in 
Childish games and tokens 
False flags 
Renounce their power 
My choice is to stand in my inherent power 
I’m a woman 
With feelings 
And regrets 
With respect to the dead 
Your voices still haunt me 

United States of Arrogance 
Blissfully entertained by football 
Ignoring the undercurrent of filth
Blood soaked earth 
striating tears of stained faces
Witnesses plead Peace
Warriors scream from their graves 
Who will be the last fallen soldier?

- Stay focused on pigskin while we all eat slop ☹️
 What is nice about this is football can be seem as a metaphor for war, an americans are all focused on the war war 😞

I felt this one. Thanks. 
 You’re welcome. 😇 It’s part of an epic adventure 🤣🫂 
 I am losing hope about the majority. They don't seem to unindulge in anything outside the system.  I can't even talk to them. They either draw a blank or launch a meaningless counter offensive. 
As I grow spiritually more and more enlightened,  I recede further and further away from them. I am not going to shout and speak again as I am going to sound more like a dead person to them. 
Sometimes, I wonder if the injection had an amplified effect of pushing them beyond a no-return point. 
 I appreciate this perspective and have listened to a dozen+ podcasts with you as guest but I don’t totally get it. There isn’t a job for every person in this reality you describe and the very vast majority of people, myself included, live paycheck to paycheck and even if I can save a little in this new money technology it’s 1/ hard to fully believe in because it isn’t fully realized and 2/ isn’t possible to fully transition to. It’s a very narrow lane of people who can, for example, live on a bitcoin standard and have every action directed in and to this reality. It’s a privelged narrow lane of people. And extraordinary frustrating if one wants to take a leap in believing and servicing this new reality how very difficult it is to forge a path in it… 99% of people I interact with don’t believe in it so I’m grateful to have strong voices like yours and others hear to keep the path top of mind but it’s still a very giant mountain to move for us to realize this new world. 
 Therefore, stacking for my own pack and the ones we love has the greatest chance of positive outcome. 
 I do my best to stay above it all …seeing the chaos of the manipulated system around me . however, I have to admit I have allowed myself to be emotionally manipulated by the signs of human suffering. What do I mean?

In the middle of my day as I navigate through an affluent area in Southern California, I’ll come to a stoplight or freeway exit and I’ll see a young mother with two infant children with a sign asking for money for food or rent or something else . She’s holding a handful of flowers to trade for the donation …I know that I can’t solve their problem, but I can’t not acknowledge that they are suffering …so I give an inappropriately large Donation and speed away denying I made any significant contribution to to alleviate their suffering.

However, this scene has been repeated more and more, and I’m now convinced it’s a scam that is taken from “ Slumdog millionaire”  where these  women & children are used as props  to jolt you into Sympathy as a means of grifting. 

Only the escalating Fiat manipulation makes this horrible experience common place . #bitcoin changes this 
 Respect J. The reminder has value, is needed and is heeded. 
 Wake up, or stay asleep. Bitcoin is the exit. 💸 
 A pioneer and inspiration  @Jeff Booth

Thank you for the good vibes

A timely reminder to be kinder 
 That’s why we’re trying to launch this thing @Jeff Booth As a safe haven for Bitcoiners and a place for more friends to find hope and put their best foot forward. 
 Great post. Stay humble. And a bit of sympathy and understanding go a long way. 
 Word! Patience and kindness