Oddbean new post about | logout
 Even though many of us here have transitioned our time to a paradigm change that unites 8 billion people on this planet, many of our friends and people we love…have not yet.

Their world view (and maybe partly ours too) is then still infected by a system that preys on them. Extracts from them. Keeps them stuck. If that is true, then it is hard to stay above the noise when the people we love, people they love, and so on, are “experiencing” a pain that is very real.

All around us, unbelievable tragedy and chaos with people taking sides, while believing that they’re or their side is justified in the stealing from, harming, or killing of other people for “their” cause. Our politics, our media, our institutions are all similarity captured by it - leading to further division and righteousness, while people become numb to it all - mostly unaware of how it is hurting them deeply. How could it not? 
This is the lens of the world that the majority is looking through, reinforcing, and making stronger through everything they see and do. 
Just as real to them….as the truth, hope, and abundance that #Bitcoin imposes on the world is for us. 

Yes, we “try” to stay above it because we know that the system problem cannot be solved from within it, and our time is more valuable in bending reality to the new system. 


it is worth a reminder as we go this chaotic transition that so few understand: 

When someone we love hurts, we hurt too. 

And there is still much hurt. 

Much love to you all! 
