Wow, amazing advice, well worth $80. Thanks, Doc! Over the last ten years, I think I've been to the doctor only once. My dad has some health conditions, so I've taken him to the doctor. The doc gave him terrible advice, but after some in-depth web searching, I was able to help him more than the cocktail of meds the doctor gave him. It was the first time his eyes were opened to the big pharma scam.
I agree, but the state only knows how to be a dick, so we kind of have to be prepared for when that moment comes and the state wants to attack Nostr, because one day they will. With that said ReplyGuy GFY 😂
They went to overtime. Baylor fumbled on the goal line 🤦. After that receiver dropped that first Hail Mary I almost turned the game off lol. Yea the NFL is a better watch. Sanders and Hunter will be there next year.
Good Morning
Indoctrination works!
89% of ivy league graduates favor the strict rationing of gas, meat, and electricity to fight climate change 🤦
All these big companies are looking at nuclear to fuel their AI datacenter needs so your right. Might lead to some innovation there. Bitcoin mining will benefit as well
Got to change that mindset. If its something you want to happen you got to make it a priority. Will you get rejected? Might you end up getting hurt? Yes, but fuck it once you get over that it becomes easy and it will be worth it to find the right one. Wish you the best. Put yourself out there. Plenty of fishes in the sea! I get it though sometimes is hard to see light at the end of the tunnel. I too catch myself in bad mindsets sometimes. I found my wife when I least expected it. Hope something similar happens to you.
Thats a harder one because of the corruption and political games it would bring. If any former president is a real sex predator its Bill Clinton and he has no convictions so under your idea he would not be deported. Accusations of rape decades in the past is a political tool to discredit people as well. Hard to find truth through that political swamp. I like the idea but sadly have little faith if it actually would lead to deporting the real sex criminals of past presidents........ Plus Trump recent case was a kangaroo court and your rules would even weaponize the courts for political gain even more. Every person leading in the polls who was an ex president would instantly be accused of rape and taken to court in a politicalyl favorable state for election gain. Illegals being deported is more black and white. Already committing a crime coming to the country without going through the process now your committing rapes? You should be deported already on the basis of being illegal but its a no brainer when they are committing other violent crimes. I guess 158 Democrats feel otherwise 🤷♂️. They got their political glasses on I guess got to win elections. Just like they would do if you passed a law of deporting past presidents for sex offenses. They make up charges until one sticked. Because winning an election fairly is hard work easier just to deport your competition. Sad state of corruption in American Politics.
How about a law releasing the names in Epstein black book. Why dont we get to know who was involved?
If you're an illegal immigrant, you've already broken the law once. I'd rather see them deported than waste tax dollars putting them in prison in the US. Venezuela literally emptied their prisons into the United States, and our terrible leadership let it happen. Send them back and let them deal with them again. It's a complete mess. There are also many good immigrants. Every election cycle, politicians promise to change immigration policies, making it easier for the brightest and best to come in and work, but it seems like no changes are ever made. I sympathize with people who want to come to America for a better life. My parents are immigrants but what's happening at the border, with a lack of vetting for those coming in, is dangerous and insane. Back to the original post if your illegal and get convicted of a sex crime I think its a no brainer to deport. They should be deported anyway on the basis of being illegal. I think the reason they are letting them in is more than just polticial motivation. The suits want to replace a lot of the current work force with immigrants. All job growth in the past 4 years have been for non Americans. You can pay them less and work them more. This is another bad consequence of these open border policies.
After going through some of your threads and seeing some of the comments, I can understand your stance more. Some people might say words don't affect them, but even they would admit that seeing that constantly would definitely degrade someone's Nostr experience. It's not even directed at me, and it made me feel worse than before seeing it. Sorry you have to deal with all that hate. I hope you're able to build something that improves your Nostr experience. I feel like others who experience the same level of hate would love using something similar. ReplyGuy isn't even using hate, just spam, and it's killing a lot of people's user experiences. Constant hateful comments does the same. Nostr is for all and people can build what they want no one is forced to use it.
Notes by Ivan | export