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 There are people on the bitcoin "freedom" community that supports this.

We shouldn't endorse this people for example Peter Todd we should expell them from anything related to what bitcoin represents.
 Anyways meanwhile when this doesn't happen I can say we must nuke Israel out of existence. https://image.nostr.build/bf777fa1ef497380f88ec376a306e6934b6c1f9e0c1a835549b57275d87ae225.jpg 
 Bitcoin not Bombs. Never support war.
 Tell me again how expelling someone from
Bitcoin would work and how that is not any different than the traditional, permissioned financial system. I’ll wait… 
 The bitcoin community expelled many people from development it's a normal thing.
Take for example Paul the developer of Bip 300. We have embraced many others that we shouldn't like Lukedashjr and Peter Todd.

If you know their history you know bitcoin would not he the same as today's bitcoin.