🇨🇿Blíží se nám White Paper day, máme tu další akci na Stackuj Shopu!
Až do půlnoci 31.10. získáte 16% slevu po zadání kódu "whitepaper".
Nad 1000 Kč doprava zdarma!
🇨🇿Premiéra nového Stackuj Podcastu již za pár minut! Se Štěpánem Uheríkem, CFO firmy Trezor, probíráme:
👉Bitcoinové cykly a řízení financí
👉Kdy přijde ten pravý bull market?
👉Hypotéka vs. nájem a přebytky do bitcoinu
👉Pozitivní stránky regulace MICA
👉Proč by si firmy měly držet bitcoinovou rezervu
Chaincamp 2024 klepe na dveře!
Víte, že na první @ChainCampCZ v roce 2020 jsem odmítl jet? Název mi neseděl, nějakýho Kuchaře jsem taky neznal, tak jsem to zazdil.
Další rok už jsem jel. A další a další! Ostravská konference se stala jednou z mých nejoblíbenějších a už bych si ji nenechal ujít.
Loni jsem na Chaincampu pokřtil novou knihu.
Letos si připravuji workshop o dědictví bitcoinu (s Radimem Kozubem), panelovku, a samozřejmě se těším na setkávání s bitcoinery!
Uvidíme se tam!https://m.primal.net/KmCU.jpg
Níže link pro 5% slevu na lístky 😉
🇨🇿Dalším hostem Stackuj Podcastu bude Luboš Valík, finanční poradce, zakladatel firmy Diverzo, a stage director české scény na @BTCPrague.
O čem bychom se s Lubošem měli pobavit :)?
The world becomes much more understandable once you accept that governments are simply organized criminal organizations.
Some have better public relations and some worse, and that's basically the only difference.
🇨🇿Nový díl Stackuj Podcastu!
S Kamilem Vedralem z Vivobarefoot probíráme:
👉jak (ne)fungují fiatové peníze
👉svoboda peněz
👉svoboda chodidel
👉proč volit barefoot obuv
👉jak se žije na Costa Rice
🇨🇿Nový díl Stackuj Podcastu!
Tentokrát sólo o Bitcoinu v Africe. Záznam ze včerejšího livestreamu. Díky všem kdo se připojili!
New Stackuj Podcast episode!
@tuur we cover:
👉has Tuur ever been scammed?
👉why $700k #bitcoin is on the table this cycle
👉consequences of hyperbitcoinization
👉bitcoin urbanism and why fiat buildings are ugly
👉the future of Europe
On #TrezorAcademy.
For the past ~16 months, my main focus has been bitcoin education in the global south, mainly Africa. How does that work and what have we achieved through the
Trezor Academy initiative?
Back in 2022, I was greatly inspired by
@gladstein's book Check Your Financial Privilege and the Oslo Freedom Forum conference. Also later that same year, the first pan-African bitcoin conference -
@afrobitcoindotorg - took place. Suddenly it seemed that the dream of many a bitcoiner was becoming a reality: bitcoin was finally helping the poor, unprivileged, forgotten. I immediately wanted to get involved, which is how the Trezor Academy program came to be.
Education is tricky. Especially so when the subject is something as elusive as bitcoin - as Satoshi said, “Writing a description for this thing for general audiences is bloody hard. There's nothing to relate it to.” Yet, I have found that explaining bitcoin to people in countries where fiat money doesn’t work for the majority of population is easier than doing the same in the Global West.
What is the best way to learn the basics of bitcoin? What worked for me and most bitcoiners I know are in-person meetups, where everyone has a chance to ask questions and discuss the subject for hours. So that is precisely what Trezor Academy is: a series of physical meetups, led by a local bitcoiner that understands local contexts. In three consecutive meetups, the participants learn the Whys, the Hows, and the Whats of bitcoin.
As of June 2024, we ran the Trezor Academy meetups in following places: Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Burundi, Botswana, South Africa (Soweto, Khayelitsha), Namibia, Benin, Mexico, Venezuela, and Bali. Around 500 participants got a chance to learn about bitcoin, self-custody, scam awareness, and general financial literacy.
According to our survey results, 58% of the participants did not know about Bitcoin before attending Trezor Academy, but 92% indicated that they will use Bitcoin more in the future and 97% will continue to study Bitcoin more.
Here are some examples of the feedback we received:
👉“I learnt a lot at Trezor Academy. The course that caught my attention the most was what bitcoiners should do. I learned several things and I'm applying them now” (Benin)
👉“This was amazing. I hope more of these session will come happen in Botswana” (Botswana)
👉“The Trezor Academy is more important for me because I have been taught about Bitcoin and I learned so many things that I didn't know before.” (Burundi)
👉“I learned that bitcoin is borderless and can be used worldwide.” (South Africa / Khayelitsha)
We are well aware that 500 participants may seem like a drop in an ocean. It would be very easy to play the numbers game and run a broad & shallow program and report thousands of graduates. But the impact of doing so would be negligible. What we’re aiming to do is plant seeds - spark the interest in individuals that can further spread the word to their friends and families. I believe that is the only way to truly “orange pill” the global south - through viral, bottom-up adoption that serves the needs that are very context-specific.
If you’re interested in the Trezor Academy program, you can learn more at https://academy.trezor.io. You can also apply as a local organizer!
The slides for the meetups are available here: https://academy.trezor.io/resources. I am always looking for valuable feedback!
A deserved praise for two recent conferences, Oslo Freedom Forum & @BTCPrague.
-Both absolutely amazing events, top tier in their respective fields. I love both of them and hopefully will visit them (along with my family) for years to come.
-Oslo Freedom Forum is a major learning opportunity to understand the world of today. Our world is still quite a nasty place in many forms (oppression, torture, genocide, slavery...), but there is always hope. It is so amazing that OFF has the Financial Freedom track as part of its program, and freedom fighters get to learn about #bitcoin . Also, @LynAlden & @jack on the main stage made it clear why we need technologies like #Nostr to defend ourselves. I'm quickly becoming a Nostr maximalist!
-BTC #Prague is absolutely killing it in terms of pure signal, bitcoin-only events. It is the best bitcoin conference out there, considering its size. It's very hard to stay pure while organizing a conference for thousands of people. But the Kuchař brothers are managing to do precisely that. This year's motto was Building Bridges, and it was accomplished. American bitcoiners met European bitcoiners met African bitcoiners. Already looking forward to next year! Special praise to Amity Age booth/stage/recording studio😅. Amazing job!
Book your schedule for next year, both events are a must-go!
Shooting a documentary with @MaxDeMarco on the architecture of #Prague and the relation of sound/fiat money and architectural styles!
Orange-pilling is a self-driven journey. Just like fixing the diet or exercising regularly, we cannot do the job for others.
We can show the way, but ultimately it's everyone's personal responsibility.
https://cdn.satlantis.io/1718116581358-naplavka.png When in Prague, make sure to visit Náplavka (Rašínovo nábřeží). Beautiful walk with bars along the Vltava river. Very lively place on summer nights with great atmosphere.
https://cdn.satlantis.io/1718116049333-foto_rohlik_2_scaled.jpg Apps to use in Prague: Rohlik.cz.
Rohlik is a grocery delivery service, with a great selection of goods (including grass-fed meat & organic produce) and perfect reliability. You can specify 15-minute delivery windows, and these are usually kept (unless a traffic jam happens etc).
In fact, some people in Prague (like me) never go to physical groceries anymore, as Rohlik is so convenient & reliable.
Very useful if you're staying in an Air BnB and want to cook for yourself from high quality ingredients.
Courriers accept cash (or cards).
https://cdn.satlantis.io/1717939325764-vexl.jpeg Apps to use in Prague: Vexl.
Czechs are quite privacy-conscious, so it's only natural that one of the most ambitious p2p KYC-free apps emerged here. Vexl is a phone app giving its users a simple way to discover peers for buying & selling bitcoin locally, in a private manner.
Vexl works through a social graph based on imported phone contacts, is end-to-end encrypted, has no escrow, takes no cut of the trades. It is an open source public good.
Vexl is simply the best way to buy & sell some bitcoin in Prague, with privacy (cash-for-sats recommended to maintain the highest level of privacy).
Check it out at vexl.it
🇨🇿Vyšel nový díl Stackuj Podcastu!
S Johnnym probíráme:
🔮vyhlídky na budoucnost
🎌Flag theory
🇵🇾Plán B
💪POW maximalismus
Sledujte a dejte Honzovi subscribe na jeho kanálu Kryptoplebs!🤜🤛
Might be none. For ppl who live on bitcoin, it’s easier than changing bitcoin to fiat and then spending fiat (I definitely prefer spending bitcoin dorectly while travelling).
https://cdn.satlantis.io/1717834908718-img_1496.jpg Apps to use in Prague: Qerko. You can pay in many restaurants & cafés with bitcoin through the Qerko app. When you see the logo & QR just like on the picture, you can pay with bitcoin (LN) in that place.
Though one recommendation: don't ask the staff about a bitcoin payment, they might not even know that Qerko allows bitcoin payments! The way to do it is you set up the bitcoin payment option in the Qerko app on your phone, and then you can proceed with payment (the restaurant receives fiat on their end).
Here are the links for App Store and Google Play:
Bitcoin is near its ATH, which is always pleasant for long-term hodlers. Some people may be considering to splurge a little and give themselves a gift.
My suggestion is the @BTCPrague VIP Pass. I've been to many conferences with a backstage pass, but the value you get at BTC Prague is superior to all:
✅VIP stage with intimate Q&As (not recorded, which means you'll hear answers that might be too controversial for the main stage)
✅amazing food (very important to me!)
✅beautiful lounge to sit down for a quiet chat & chill (at a conference of ~10k people, you'll appreciate it)
✅simply the best networking opportunities
This can really boost your career in bitcoin. Or you'll just have a lot of fun and enjoy three amazing days at this year's best bitcoin conference and make friends for life🧡
You can get the VIP ticket at the link below. For best value, use code STACKUJ (-10%) and pay in sats (-5%).
Why is #Prague the true bitcoin capital?
👉first hardware wallet (Trezor)
👉first public mining pool (Braiins)
👉largest bitcoin ATM manufacturer (GB)
👉major bitcoin youtuber with 90k+ subs (Bitcoinovej kanál)
👉can pay in hundreds of restaurants in sats (through the Qerko app)
👉largest bitcoin conf in Europe (@BTCPrague)
BTC Prague is live in few days. It’s going to be the highlight of this year in terms of bitcoin events. Don’t miss out!
You can use code STACKUJ for 10% off.
See you here in few days!
Notes by joseftetek | export