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 “I’m not political” 

“Voting is a scam” 

Allow me to be blunt here. 

This most recent ECB paper made clear something many of us have known for awhile. 

When the price of Bitcoin goes up regular people are going to want to kill you. The state is also going to want to kill you. They will be deeply aligned on the solution to their problem being, murdering you. 

Don’t say it won’t happen. It has happened in every society on earth. It will happen. 

You’re not political? Grow up Peter Pan, count chocula it’s not Halloween. Be serious. This is big boy shit. 

The state is a weapon. 

People are going to want to wield it against you. 

What’re you gonna do about that? 

“I’m not political” 

Yeah well I am.

I have to be. 

I want the world to reflect my values and respect my right to life liberty and property. 

We have to protect ourselves from what’s coming. 

And believe me when I say… it is definitely coming. 
 I'm cool man. They can kill me all they want but they can't get my keys. 

Wait, they're gonna kill my wife and kids instead? Oh well. They still can't get my keys. Besides,  I have a gun. 
 Bitcoiners often make this very serious mental error of confusing bitcoins intrinsic properties with their own. 
 We may be luminous beings, but we are also physical and emotional. We actually break quite easily. 
 There are more and better ways to defeat the state than participation in the "political process."

You do you; and feel free to encourage others to walk your path...

But please don't dis folks who have found other, better ways.🙏🏻😀 
 How would you suggest one “defeat the state”? 
 Meme warfare, tax evasion, and a couple well timed "incidents" would do it.

The state is already being defeated through the propagation of anti-american ideas. It's just not being done by us and it's making the country worse instead of better. But reproducable ideas are always what ultimately powers change. 

They don't even have to be true - we just need to out propaganda the current propagandists. And we are doing a good job so far. 
 Here is a good start.

 Thanks for asking.🙏🏻👍😀

Participation in the apparatus of nation-states has historically only increased state power via the baked-in operation of the Hegelian dialectic; in contrast, bitcoin itself is a shining example of a better path, namely, the creation of superior systems that inherently withdraw power from the state.

We're having this conversation via another exemplary "freedom technology," namely nostr, a tool that eliminates the state's power to silence and censor.😆

I'm deeply grateful that every individual who contributed to the creation of these two revolutionary technologies used their time and energy to build new tools, rather than to battle the old system.🫂

Perhaps you feel you can accomplish more taking the state head on by voting or running for office; and perhaps, in your personal situation and given your history, you may be absolutely correct?

However, many of us choose to listen to Jesus, Ghandi, Ayn Rand, Larken Rose, and others who believe we can do far better by creating NEW systems, built on radically different, morally superior foundational principles. We expect the state to ultimately self-destruct, collapsing under its own weight.

For anyone who may be interested in considering an alternative approach to saving the world, here are my own collected writings on the topic:
 They are going to come after you before it totally collapses, that's the point. 
 Duncans right here.  Individually no one person can defeat such a thing. But collectively when enough have given up the ideal that someone somewhere MUST be in charge or everything fails. Thats when changes happen, then it becomes abour agency about what are YOU going to do about it not some hand wavey "im gunna make sure this person gets into office so X happens" 

 A small group of people is negligible and can be crushed by the state,  but how is the state going to do that to say a million people all just saying "ya I'm not doing that" when it's on a small level they can justify the violence at that scale (it was a fringe minority extremists group) but when you overtly participate in the other systems they cant control you make the violence more blatent, you make them show their hand to others that know this isnt right. Thats the point bring out the states motives to the light to show others what it is that they a truly dealing with. Sadly this isnt a war that can be won on dialect means, its one that can only be won by what the masses understand,  rhetoric.  
 Most people who say "I'm not political" really mean "I no longer believe in the two party charade".  The whole system is fake and gay.  Voting is a scam.  Real politics requires a threat of violence.  Once the violence starts you realize the people who say "I'm not political" are actually the most political and the people worked up about the latest election will bow before any strongman who offers "protection" 
 Will you fund a campaign for a nostr:nprofile1qqsqt94cze77fkfxhgt9s2rfxmht6gjn96n8asf2jrq8szkkdhclexgprfmhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumgd96xvmmjvdjjummwv5hszxnhwden5te0wfjkccte9emk2mrvdaexgetj9ehx2ap0qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uvturtf sheriff? 
 What does that mean? What’re the specifics? 
 I'll get them to you when I have them. Your curiosity is enough right now. Thank you for the genuine consideration.  
 Keep me posted 
 As to what it means, it would mean paying someone to campaign. I've never campaigned so have 0 idea what that means. Asking people that do now.  
 More philosophically speaking it would be a constitutional sheriff.  
 I would donate to this 
 Which county? 
 There will be pitchforks 
 And torches, many torches 
 Yah man. We are all on a list. At first, it will be general - then specific. 
 When the fiat apocalypse really starts to take hold, we will be blamed.  
 To understand how deeply rooted in human nature scapegoating is, read Renee Girard’s “I See Satan Fall Like Lightning”.  Mind blowing how central this behavior is throughout history.  It can absolutely happen here.  

Evil happens when good men do nothing.  Voting for candidate X may not be the right avenue, but be proactive. 
 Girard has influenced my thinking quite heavily. 
 It's a ritual. Other groups have filled this role. Not sure if it's us next. I don't see much cultural momentum in that direction yet. It seems like we are still repeating older patterns. 
 Trust me it’s coming. 
 I'm prepared for the worst but hoping for the best.

We have a lot of advantages over other scapegoat groups. 

No common physical attributes, no highly concentrated geographic areas, no places of worship, no prior history or established culture.

We are also known to be very libertarian, very freedom minded, relatively healthy and heavily armed. Not the first group I would choose to fuck with. 
 I often wonder what the future holds for all the public Bitcoin plebs who painted targets on their back’s
 Same thing it holds for the private bitcoiners. We’re all in this together. No one’s opsec is as good as they think it is. 
 What is forward guidance. On the balance of probabilities what can you do.  You have a target upon your back.

That back you want from people is you!? 



 nobody has ever voted out of tyranny.
it will take a bit more than that. ⚡ ⚡  
 You don’t vote your way out of tyranny. You vote to prevent tyranny and yes things can always get worse. 
 we're WAY past that.
the Bolsheviks are in town. 
 There’s still time, but this election is crucial. 
 both sides are Bolsheviks since 1945... 
 Are you allowed to say jews on this app? 
 Working locally helps. Getting jerks fired helps. Cutting off political connections helps. 

 U maybe a libertarian if u think👆….😂🫡 
 Kill them first is an option but it would take the kind of human that hasn’t been around since Ghengis Kahn, Ancient Rome, or the American Revolution. 
 We live in very different times now. Not an option. 
 It's the only option.

Extreme violence is the only logical conclusion, but you refuse to implement it. 
 Voting is still a scam, there is a flaw in your reasoning. It's like saying: Poverty is a real problem. People die because of poverty, so I HAVE TO play the lottery to get rich. 

Yes, politics is a real problem, but voting is not a real solution. It only enhances the political class, legitimises their authority while making you powerless (hope for others to solve your problems) and complicit (you play the game that authorises them to steal and kill).

Fiat and debt are the fundamental problems for clown world. Believe me, the fiat world will try to stay alive under both the 
Democrats AND the Republicans. You'll get the same shit in another package, because Trump will face the same incentives (that's why he didn't do anything last time). People will still be murdered, but now you are complicit because you voted for the murderer.

Election is a schitcoin, amazing that a maxi like you falls for it

 This is a helluva discussion. Both candidates want to send our tax dollars abroad to fund foreign wars. I’m ready for infrastructure activism, make our roads smooth and pristine, reinvest in neighborhoods, support american businesses and just upgrade our systems. We have projects to focus on here, let other countries fund their own wars. 
I don’t feel right voting for any of the two choices. 
 Bitcoin Martyrs 

BMs if you will 
 “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t meant politics won’t take an interest in you.” - Pericles 
 We'll have to force the recognition of our rights, which already exist. Then, we'll have to force the creation of private cities and then larger entities in order to have places that aren't potentially subject to that changing.  
 There was only one candidate who said he supported removing capital gains on Bitcoin. And that candidate endorsed another candidate. Yes, I’ll be voting for that one. 
 Politics is a state run soap opera. Trusting one side will change make it better this time is ignoring all of modern history. It's two sides of the same coin, a fiat coin, a state run system. Cannot vote out of it. And it's all predicated on the illusion and real world consequences compelling people into hope or a believe to voluntary immersion into the systems negative feed back loop. It's all a charade and illusionary trap doors/exits.

And yes it historically doesn't end well for the persecuted.

In early America people could evade persecution and unjust laws by moving to another state or traveling west. Those days are clearly long gone. Hopefully the masses become aware of bitcoin. That is the only hope I see. 
 Why Don't I Vote? I'll Let George Carlin Explain It To You

 CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY with Michael Saylor & Patrick Newman on Murray Rothbard


 I’m good 😊 No need to listen to that. 🫂 
 Both this ECB paper and the recent one from the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank shine light on their barely concealed belief that people are here to serve the state. While the ECB paper drips with contempt, the Fed paper is blatant in its intent of keeping you trapped in the cycle of debt regardless of whether you want to be a part of it. Denying you a way out of the system is tantamount to making you a slave of it. The moral corruption underlying the motivation behind these papers is astonishing. 
 I can't believe the wording in it. What sane person would read it and agree with it? They are actually complaining that the government will be forced to balance its budget... IDIOTS 
 Could you provide the links? 
 The carnage that is coming for regular people that do not understand what’s going on is going to be painful and when they see bitcoiners doing well they will hate our guts and will vote for any politician that say they will pass any laws to harm us 
 @MartyBent not sure if I can let you live down RHR @bitblockboom 😜 
 This is "the bitcoin standard"? lol 
 So how is voting for 1 of 2 geriatric clowns going to help? 
 I’ve been saying this for years. Ops are so naive. This is all human nature. Ops like to pretend like they are above it, but deep down they align with the poor commies with the pitchforks too. That’s why they parrot the nonsense they do. Sour grapes 
 Was having a conversation with someone tonight who told me we have just as much to worry about poor bitcoiners as we do about no coiners. Orange pilled types will want more for their efforts because they “did so much for Bitcoin”. I’m not sure I fully buy that, but it’s directionally correct. 
 Probably more threats from poor Bitcoiners. It usually comes from ppl you know. Not random violence. Also they are more on the fringes of society where they have questionable morals. The entitlement of the poor ops is off the charts already and growing. Look at how they view btc gains, pure luck. Beating the market only counts to them when it’s not in btc. They are constantly telling on themselves. Citadels will function like country clubs to prevent this. Have to get recommended by someone already in. 
 Lol. Either the state will crush you too (because obviously every user of the state gets crushed or corrupted) or you disassociate with the state and it withers from obscurity. Because being productive and being within the state apparatus are mutually exclusive. I love this fantasy so many of you statists have, "This time we'll use the power of theft and coercion for GOOD!" LOL the naïveté is delicious. 
 Maybe you shouldn’t have made yourself such a public figure.

No one owes you anything, the state won’t save you no matter who is in charge. 
 When two people engage in a discussion about a matter affecting their fate, we are already talking about politics. Thus, any issue that extends beyond the individual’s fate falls under the umbrella of the concept of politics. Essentially, any conscious communal activity is politics.

Politics, in its essence, is consciousness. If someone claims they do not engage in politics, they are denying their own consciousness.

Of course, party politics is a different and much narrower concept. 
 I'm gonna leave this and see myself out
 A Marxist state cannot be destroyed from the inside because the Marxist state has direct access to your blood and energy. 

No one has private property rights, which is the basis of all other rights, which means we have absolutely zero rights. 

We only have privileges. All privileges can be removed.

Privileges are: "Your" life, children, bank accounts, money, pension, stocks, house, guns, land, etc.

The United States doesn't have a Bill of Rights. It has a Bill of Privileges. 

A Marxist state can only be successfully annihilated from the outside.

Extreme violence is correct. Violence is the ultimate form of politics.

Exterminate the entire US Congress and the executive branch, including staff. 

The POTUS and the US Congress have all the power in the United States. They are the sole property owners. There is no effective power outside of these two entitites.

Concurrently, total physical elimination of the security apparatus beneath the property owners must be implemented.

Then extirpate the Marxist state apparatus beneath the property owners from top to bottom.

Europeans have to obliterate the European Commission and all its supporters and operators and move on down from there. 

British, Australian and Canadian plebs have to eradicate the British monarchy and the Marxist state apparatus beneath the sovereign.

Marxism is total in scope, so it must be annihilated in its totality.

Start fresh.

We're moving swiftly in the direction of psychopathic totalitarianism AKA Judeo-Bolshevism 2.0. 

The clock is ticking.
 Yes the state will want to rob/kill you.
No throwing a paper in the box won’t help you. 