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Notes by matt | export

 It identifies as 80 
 Unrealized cap gain tax proposal is a massive disaster in the making. 

Sure, they’ll start wit... 
 I wonder if they will be paying us back for unrealized losses...
 I love that Alfred Nobel—the dude who invented dynamite and who can arguably be link to more de... 
 Spoiler: Some humans will never stop violating others until they are forced to.

Sitting around and waiting for the worst humans to build and control weaponry is retarded.

Explosives have mostly ended kenetic wars compared to what they used to be.

I'd rather blow up an enemy than keep sending in tens of thousands of my own people to just get killed.

Pacifists tend to live in a fantasy world paid for by those living in the real one. There are simply times when violence is the only way to settle disputes.

It may seem ironic to a simple mind, but advanced weaponry is the best way for one to remain at peace. Being easier to abuse doesn't lead to less violence in a world where evil exists. War should be as horrific and unimaginable as possible if we really want to avoid it.

I love peace but I also understand that it sometimes comes at the expense of war.

Also, the Peace prize was one of five prizes. It wasn't the only thing he valued.

Some things conveniently or ignorantly left out here: People were using black powder and nitroglycerine (used for vasodilation now) explosives before dynamite. His invention reduced the chance of accidental detonation and made workers handling it a lot safer. His work on explosives was inspired by construction, not war.

Yes, his inventions were later sold for military use, and he indeed did not want to be known mainly for that. But that is in no way a negative point against his character. He did amazing work in his time that is worth celebrating. 
 Obviously not, but it should be.

The Bill of Rights are restrictions on government, but they clearly governments don't always respect rights. Hence the Second Amendment.

I view Bitcoin as a physical defense (second amendment) of speech and property rights. I extend this view to Bitcoin related concepts, such as signing devices/software and self-custody because such tools are what gives Bitcoin its teeth.

The very concept of property rights is negated when a government is able to dictate by force what is and isn't money and how I may protect it from theft. My money is my property, and I should be free to use it for any end that doesn't violate the rights of others, which includes my speech. Bitcoin is also FOSS code, which is another free speech issue.

All of this is my opinion, of course. 
 I'm still bullish on the US regardless of which clown wins the presidential election. None of them can destroy my American spirit. 
 You had to read past where I specified US to make this comment. It is very common to refer to US citizens as American.


 Nostr is natures way of healing the Lightning network 
 God I hope so 
 The real Satoshi is the sats we lost along the way. 
 I've avoided losing sats because of those who came before me. ❤️
 I'm shopping for a new one gallon water jug and there are a surprising number of people who are genuinely upset that some one gallon jugs 'only' keep ice for 3-4 days instead of 4-5 days like some other options.

Who the fuck is only drinking one gallon of water every 4-5 days? I drink about one gallon daily.

I understand that some conditions require care with water intake, but I don't know of any that would be that limiting or common enough to warrant such expectations of water jugs.

Maybe they are giving small children water from them? Just seems bizzare.

 "Heavy duty" somehow becomes more meaningless every year. 
 My initial impressions of HBO’s Money Electric:

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

It ... 
 Where does anything go? You're asking for people to speculate. There's lots of that already.

Quantum computing isn't yet what people speculate it will be, so there can only be speculation. 
 I suspect that encryption will evolve like it always has. But if it doesn't, the modern world is over anyway. Bitcoin won't matter. It would be total chaos. Production would likely slow to a crawl that's insufficient to support most of the humans alive. Most critical services would be fucked (energy, water, emergency, hospitals, etc). We'd have to figure out how to be primitive again and I suspect most humans would die. Infant mortality would skyrocket again and the average human would be considered old at 40.

Is that what you need to hear? Lol
 This sort of catastrophic thinking has a paralyzing effect on people and does nothing to actually solve problems. You can't have a definite solution to a problem that doesn't even exist yet. Technology is and has always been an iterative process over time. Developments in quantum computing and encryption will likely be made in tandum over many years. We already see that happening with encryption standards now and have with classical computing for decades. Hence the reason we don't use certain encryption schemes anymore. This isn't a new movie. 
 Satoshi: Here is a novel implementation of an idea that could totally shift the balance of power and improve the trajectory of human civilization. You can have it for free. I just want to disappear and remain anonymous once we get it working.

Journalists/Documentarians: wHo WaS sAtOsHi?

What a boring and uninspiring topic.

 Radio regulation has nothing to do with air ownership. A free for all would likely make radio useless. I am more in favor of private entities regulating frequency use, but controlling air has nothing to do with it. The main issues are related to safety and interference. 
 The frequencies would hardly be useful if it was a free for all. The government isn't usually telling people that they can't emit signals in the air. They are telling people they can't interfere with certain other signals. Like taking over a radio station's broadcast. It serves no one. There would be no way to make radio useful if anyone could just broadcast on any frequency they want to at any time.

But I would like to see the frequencies privatized and courts used for property rights violations rather than massive institutions that really don't need to exist. There would be a human owner if they purchased it privately.

I also think it is dumb to apply the exact same standards to those in emergencies though. I can see a case for letting reasonable violations go in such cases. 
 I don't think any of these rules were made to hurt people in life threatening emergencies. They seem to be a good faith effort to promote safety and prevent harmful interference under normal circumstances. At least the ones I've seen.

There is clearly a distinction between doing something to save life and doing it to cause harm. 
 Use a pass manager 🙌 nostr:note14mr6wef4accs9qj5hphkgsxp0ceu9s8sfq73f3wxr4vapr8v4wxqsu2h3f 
 How would a password manager help?  
 I'm just wondering how someone could login to an account without being exposed to a password. The password has to go into a web page field to submit a login request. 
 This would be quite a useful feature 
 Yes, but that doesn't prevent the person you share it with from accessing the shared password. I may have misunderstood your point. 
 But yes, a unique random password would limit any potential damage they could do either way. 
 If HBO calls you asking to be part of a who's Satoshi documentary, you tell them GFY. 
 This is basically what I used to do for scam calls (back when my phone wasn't always on do not disturb and I answered calls).  
 I quietly say this to everyone who isn't starred in my contact list. 24/7 do not disturb maxi. 
 What I find confusing is why it has to go away. We have all kinds of bullshit domains now that it could just become another one of those. It doesn't need to go away to stop being a country domain. Tons of people in tech use it for I/O, myself included. I would think that there are far more websites using it that have nothing to do with the country anyway. 

But we shouldn't have such centralized control of web domains. I doubt it will be easy to fully replace given how much traffic has been reduced to a relative handful of domains that have no interest in change. 
 > Nostr is the infrastructure behind an app ecosystem, equivalent to Android/iOS/Gnome
 This is a helpful way of explaining it. Frankly, I hope it becomes part of the infrastructure that forms the web. 
 Me: "Excuse me, toots."
Wife: "Move, tits?!"

 I think most things are probably more complex than the mainstream media portrays. 
 Watching someone die and then loading their body into a bag has really changed my perspective on life. Life is full of little moments like that.

Most of the things I worry about won't matter in 100 years. Most of them don't matter today.

I guess the takeaway is to not worry quite so much. None of your worries go into the bag with you. 
 Unfortunately, the people I see are usually not happy to see me, so dark humor is a coping mechanism. I get to see pretty much every type of person and bizarre situation. Foreign bodies that people like to stick up their butts. One of the funniest encounters was a dementia patient that clearly must have been a pimp or something at some point. He would tell us about how he had to beat the shit out of people for getting rough with his girls.

There's also a lot of really sad shit mostly. Lots of drug use, homelessness, and mental illness (usually at the same time). I've been called every bad name there is, and have been explosed to almost every fluid in the human body. I once had a gun shot victim thrown over the counter of my waiting room after which his masked "friends" took off. Gangs are getting worse. CPR on a baby while the parents scream and cry was the worst experience so far, but you always know there can be worse.

I get to see a lot of the effects of fiat, actually. Degrading food, care, and increasing shortages in healthcare.

It's been a wild, interesting, fun, miserable, enlightening, and dark experience that I am somehow thankful and not thankful for. I've had several "defining moments" as Dr. Phil calls them.

I get to meet really old people too, which has been mostly nice. Learn lots. I had a conversation about calculus with a dementia patient a while back who was what we call pleasantly confused. Turns out he was a Math professor and he lit up when I started talking about my love and hatred of mathematics. It's a joy to see people briefly come back to reality. 
 Don’t answer phone calls… a good way to get scammed. 
 It's also a great way to get annoyed even if it isn't a scam. Voicemail maxi. 
 Will schools will be required to teach about Bitcoin because the parents will demand it? 
 It depends on which schools you mean. Public schools? Probably not if you look at the state of them now. Some private schools maybe. I would teach my own children about it if I really cared that much (I do).

Frankly, I doubt this will ever happen. My speculation is that Bitcoin will move much like the web did. Most people use it now, but few have any idea how it actually works. 
 You keep saying 'schools' as if that means something. Which ones? My school had no computer studies outside of elective classes 
 Most creators make their living on paywalled content… but hey, it makes for a cute meme nostr:n... 
 I don't necessarily even mind paywalls if the content is good. The only thing I would love to change is how I pay it. I'd love to replace ads and paywalls with a lightning payment QR, zaps or something like that.

Especially ads. I'll gladly zap your page whatever peanuts you'd make from ads just to rid my life of them while supporting creators.
 He rugged himself by buying Twitter. Imagine if he'd instead built an alternative on Nostr with nostr:nprofile1qqsgydql3q4ka27d9wnlrmus4tvkrnc8ftc4h8h5fgyln54gl0a7dgspzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqg5waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t0qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyfehcpn . Fucking opportunity missed. 
 Nobody gave a damn when innocent people in El Slavador were being slaughtered by gangs daily.

 Fair point. I think some groups are afraid of being shamed by their success.
 I uninstalled YouTube from my tv but because there is a button on the remote, my kid clicked and ... 
 Dearest Karnage... We have to get you on the dumb TV train!

In fact, my TV is technically a commercial display (they're built to last longer as a side benefit).

It's so fucking nice to just have a display like the old days.

I connect a MiniPC to it that runs Fedora and a full Bitcoin node.

No bullshit apps. No TV OS that is often stupidly insecure. No spying. Just blissful pixels and light.

Anyway, I recommend NEC the next time you're shopping. Newegg tends to have previous models for a lot cheaper. I think I paid about half the usual price that way.

 Fair enough. The internal computer of my smartTV dying is what finally landed me on a display. The display itself was actually fine but couldn't be used anymore. Quite sad really. A lot of them stop getting updates too (or broken ones, which I think was my issue) which ends up encouraging waste.

Here is some data for the day you do need a new one. It's actually quite difficult to find a non-smart TV these days. https://image.nostr.build/c84e5dfe8d84c388cce60002f39691c7b7ef36940eb619f828670e1662f4bebb.jpg 
 On a side note, I really appreciate that you make it explicitly clear when your work is beta. It's far too common now for companies and projects to take the same approach while concealing that users are beta testers. It is incredibly annoying. It's much better to know going in that you're being helpful intentionally rather than as an unaware guinea pig. 
 If you use Mullvad, please send them an email and ask them to support lightning payments. They cu... 
 I actually did email them several months ago and they told me it was in their plans. 
 Yeah, I they're missing a great opportunity within the Bitcoin and Nostr ecosystem. They are already one of the very few VPNs I have any amount of trust for. 
 Aren't you still paying the on chain conversion fee? I thought the point was to stay within Lightning to avoid the fees. Unless I'm missing something nostr:nprofile1qqsph3c2q9yt8uckmgelu0yf7glruudvfluesqn7cuftjpwdynm2gygprpmhxue69uhkv6tvw3jhytnwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qyt8wumn8ghj7am0wshxummnw3ezuurpwf68jtcpzdmhxue69uhhwmm59e6hg7r09ehkuef0gn5qes 
 A more extreme option would be to send them an email of you sending sats via Lightning to one of their competitors lol But I have liked Mullvad for years. They've always been receptive when I've made suggestions and some of them have actually been implemented. The update process for RPM used to be more tedious. Now it's handled with my system updates. 
 Port workers are offering themselves up as sacrificial scape goats. RIP. 
 He is basically saying he needs helicopters to make use of anything else that have for disaster relief. They aren't able to reach some people in the mountains. 
 And he is upset that politicians are more concerned with using the situation for political gain when they aren't actually the ones doing anything to help.

So basically, another day in America. 
 Fucking sad.
 I'm having an early morning (late night for me) cigar and decided that I'm a bit bored with the Nostr, Bitcoin, and political topics (especially since there seems to be a monoculture around these topics right now).

I'm finally going to work on contributing to content diversity on #Nostr. I made a new npub if anyone is interested in #cigars and #cigar related topics. I hope to socialize virtually over cigars in the future (video, audio, etc.). Things like Corny Chat look interesting.


 I recently learned that the Unabomber planted pubic hairs obtained from a public restroom in a bomb as one of his attempts to taint the investigation.

As @MartyBent and @ODELL say: Be aware, freaks. 
 imagine walking by and seeing something like that 
 How long until Diddy gets suicided? 
 These mother fuckers are dropping trillies like nothing, robbing us blind, but still have the balls to ask us to pay for a flood disaster.

Cool, but where the fuck is all the money going? The printers go brrrr for everything else. We have a welfare state. The government inserts itself into nearly every area of our lives. It thinks it knows best for everything else but can't deal with a flood?

The evil billionaires are doing more than the people who do nothing but wag their fingers at producers. 
 When did global debt become a positive number? nostr:note1j6hytry6d9yrnfhcqlscjzhjz69qcc0heup99vu... 
 Yeah, I don't consider what is essentially a guaranteed default to be an asset lol

I'm also not convinced that Fiat and debt are actually all that different, but that's a minor point I guess. 
 It also gets dicey when you try to value some of these things in terms of fiat once you accept that fiat debt is vapor. It just doesn't make sense in my Bitcoin mind anymore. Maybe I'm wrong, but every market is ultimately made of individuals like me making decisions based on what makes sense for themselves. 
 Is it as simple as a dude just saying they should do it and that the clock is ticking?

I'm sure everyone would be okay with having it all, but that isn't how life works. Everything comes at a price.

I agree that improvements should be made if there is no tradeoff in the ability of people to run nodes, but that isn't the case from my research. Going the Monero route would have us needing a lot more storage than we already do at current usage.

It makes more sense to approach this with additional layers than to change the base layer that is already good at doing a particular job.

I think there is an error in thinking that a single protocol can be everything you want or need in a single package. I'm sure you'd have a ton of engineers lining up to talk to you if you or Snowden actually knew how to build such a system without tradeoffs.

What is the best proposal you've seen that would allow for the base layer to essentially do what Monero does without associated tradeoffs (mainly storage requirements)? Where am I wrong? 
 I'm having an issue in #Obtainium that I'm not sure how to solve.


Tuta releases their app binaries under their git repo releases section.

I have that link in Obtainium and install their email app for Android. Cool. Updates and everything work well.

Today, Tuta decides to throw the binary for their new Tuta calendar app in the same releases section.

Obtainium thinks there is a new update for my email app, but figures out that there is a problem once I click to update. The error was actually quite helpful. It only took me a few minutes to figure out what was going on.

Where I'm stuck now is that there isn't really anything I know to do as a user.

I see a lot of settings related to the app title and regular expressions, but I have no idea what to put in that would include only the app I want from the release section.

On a side note, I wish release sections were used for single applications only. It gets confusing when repos start having a lot of different app binaries in a single release section. At least for me. Maybe I'm the problem and have been using Obtainium incorrectly. I have no idea. 
 I've had discussions with people about Bitcoin and the environmental impact it has. My opponents have always been misinformed on the particulars in general, but I noticed a subtle tendency toward energy use itself being bad in their arguments.

"Bitcoin is a waste of energy."
"We could use that energy on something else."
"We should be using less energy."

Their primary focus is usually on the amount of energy used rather than the source. Granted, these people are average people in my real life, so they aren't super knowledgeable on Bitcoin or probably energy in general.

But I find it interesting that people don't make the connection that the ultimate difference between us and cave people is the amount of energy we use.

People who want human life to get better should be looking for ways to use more energy in general (making things more efficient without degrading output is fine), not less.

I can at least understand wanting to use better energy sources (although many of them aren't in favor of the better options we have either), but to want to use less energy for its own sake is bizarre to me, especially when we don't have to and all the evidence suggests that doing so would make life worse for humans. 
 Why aren't proponents of human extinction killing themselves?

They could immediately reduce carbon emissions by securing a bag over their own heads yet they don't. 
 The idea looks awesome.

But I'm really digging the branding for some reason. 
 That's it. I was thinking it makes me feel a little mutinous. 
 But in a weirdly calm way. 
 People should be more specific and say that you aren't forced into one proprietary algorithm when using Nostr.

Algorithm is also a term that many people misunderstand. They usually apply a negative connotation to it that makes no sense. 
 We’re fighting income inequality. Everyone needs to #zap their fair share. nostr:note1ek9r3v3e9... 
 What I expect in the US:

Why should someone posting more valuable content have more zaps than someone who posts lower value content?

Those npubs already do the most zapping but they need to zap even more because fair is fair.

I'm proposing an Opportunity Zapconomy. You can learn more about the reality of my plan by voting for me and seeing it after I win. Specific details can be found in the 10k bill the night before the vote happens.
