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Notes by kidwarp | export

 Good morning stay sovereign y’all 
 I have plenty of seeds from last years sale still as I only used 3 so far! 
 Good morning  
 Good morning 
 Good morning 
Stay sovereign 
 Good morning 
 ☕️ cheers 
 When times get tuff… 
 #breaking news… 
The baby oil at diddys was ghb…
There are tunnels connected to diddys mansion going to a school… 
 We may actually never know but yeah 
 I honestly don’t care about the short term effects of bitcoin…
I’m interested in what will happen in 50-100 years from now… 
 Just got done with an awes 3 hours with my daughter… she brightens my world. 
 Mine just turned 5… 
 It really does 
 I like watching my daughter learn & developing… she’s got a long way to go before she’s considered caught up developmentally to her actual age. 
 How does one own land in the US without being forced to pay property taxes?

This question has be... 
 In some jurisdictions if the owner of a property is allowed to buried in a grave on said property it can be achieved… so I’ve been told… take this for what it’s worth- where I live they have laws preventing this for the sole reason… 
This is how I’ve eaten for the past year… minus my ice cream binges…
I try to eat mostly carnivore, no seed oils, some veggies, a little fruit, almost no bread, pasta or rice.
I try to only eat once a day (have been doing this most of my life), normally I eat 1lb of protein w/ onion, garlic & drink coffee, tea, water, maybe some juice. 
 Interesting guide for the #pinephone

 Got my morning cup of tea… 
 Got this free a couple of weeks ago…


Finally got it set up after getting that stump out…

Now I just gotta get dirt lol… 
 The Moon is not made of mountains, craters & dust. 
It’s a literal light in the sky. Translucen... 
 The man moon is made of cheese 
 Good morning
Stay sovereign 
 I wonder if grandma would be upset if she knew that I was trimming weed in her old rocking chair.... 
 She’d probably just be happy someone still uses it 
 I will also take #xmr as payment for anything I sell 
 Lets buy American Made only

Thats how we make it great agian. 

Some dont understand  
 I agree
I try to as much as possible when it’s feasible… 
 Do you have a preferred website that explains this with pictures? 
 Thank you! 
 Americans don't understand how expensive their cheap crap will become with these tariffs. 

 I will gladly pay more for a better built product that’s made anywhere preferably in the USA.
I’m just tired of buying cheaply made shit from anywhere… 
 I don’t disagree that some Chinese factories produce great products…
Just not all do… 
 I can’t use a gas powered one…
I really like my 14in plug in… 
 Nice. Mines just some cheap off brand I picked up at good will this year for like 15$ 
 Yeah I had to tighten it back up too.
I definitely need to sharpen it after that. I think I have the Dremel set for that? 
 I had to look it up so I could figure out what it looked like…lol I got a fair amount of dremel shit…
 I had to look up what a rat tail file was… lol … I bet I have the right one of these too! I’ve got a bin of this in a bunch of different sizes… I don’t really use these sorts of tools so I don’t know what to use them for… 
 Is that the round part in front of the teeth? 
 I gotcha 
 I think I might break out the 150w grow light & try growing one weed plant indoors. 
 It should stay relatively small in a 5 gallon hydroponic bucket setup right? 
 Not a med patient so it’s not legal where I live 
 My local smoke shop sells em (I think) they were like 70$ for 5 feminized auto flower seeds.
Is that a good price? 
 Thank you for all the info! 
 So funny shit the 2 plants I grew in solo cups out side got me 5 seeds & maybe a small bowl pack… neither one got more then 6in tall…
 I still have to plant this peach tree… it’s a year old now…
I think I have a lemon tree started too…
To many plants in pots WITHOUT MARKING EM!!! 
Toaster bath 
 Are you gonna buy it? 
 🤣 it’s definitely not empty & I know I just don’t want to deal with another client. 
 Scary thought…
The Tesla bot is remotely controlled right…
So instead of just going to jail/prison & doing nothing they make you do your time by piloting a Tesla bot. 
 Like for free? 
 Naw the ai would stop that lol 
 Some but not all. 
 Cold rain 
 So far I’ve manually deleted +2000 tweets/likes/replies on dead bird app… ~5000 to go… 
 Yeah there are some things I’ll be keeping for now… 
 It’s a shame I didn’t keep one as a trophy lol 
 I can neither confirm or deny that… 
 Just buy when feel like using 
 World war 3 - yeet the elites 
 🤣🤣🤣 maybe a little 
 Well I was going to do some work outside this morning but it’s raining lol so I guess I’m not 
 Good morning 
 Good morning 
 Good morning sir! 
 Smoked eggs are pretty awesome 
 I smoked some salt & pepper while I smoked the eggs…