In some jurisdictions if the owner of a property is allowed to buried in a grave on said property it can be achieved… so I’ve been told… take this for what it’s worth- where I live they have laws preventing this for the sole reason…
This is how I’ve eaten for the past year… minus my ice cream binges…
I try to eat mostly carnivore, no seed oils, some veggies, a little fruit, almost no bread, pasta or rice.
I try to only eat once a day (have been doing this most of my life), normally I eat 1lb of protein w/ onion, garlic & drink coffee, tea, water, maybe some juice.
I will gladly pay more for a better built product that’s made anywhere preferably in the USA.
I’m just tired of buying cheaply made shit from anywhere…
I had to look up what a rat tail file was… lol … I bet I have the right one of these too! I’ve got a bin of this in a bunch of different sizes… I don’t really use these sorts of tools so I don’t know what to use them for…
Scary thought…
The Tesla bot is remotely controlled right…
So instead of just going to jail/prison & doing nothing they make you do your time by piloting a Tesla bot.
Notes by kidwarp | export