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 Primal web client on Firefox on Manjaro Linux. Primal loads so slowly and uses so much bandwidth that every other thing I'm doing in other tabs and other browsers goes down. For example I'm watching a Twitch stream on 160p in an entirely different browser (Brave) and when I open primal, the Twitch stream goes down. Primal has become slower over time. Upgraded from DSL to Starlink and see noticable improvements on every website except primal. 
 #ProofOfTwerk, the phase of hyberbitcoinization I'm most looking forward to 
 Quantum radio 
 What is your favorite video game of all time? #asknostr 
 Battlefield 1942 
 Deleting your twitter is easy. Let's see you delete your Venmo. 
 Been experimenting with hand washing clothes. Don't want to have to rely on laundromats when I make my dream move into an RV 
 Whatchoo talking about? I don't see any trackers. 
 This shit is bonklers! 
 No, that's the video ID. 
 Lately there's been some sort of anti-vtuber hate raid going across multiple platforms. The malicious actors were successful in abusing the DMCA reporting system to get BOTH of ironmouse's YouTube channels terminated. I pray for justice and a new system where this can't happen.

 Does my WoT go down if I talk about balls? 
 Can my Web of Trust (WoT) score go up or does it only go down? 
 trying out Coracle (again) 
 Big things in the works! 
 It's just money. Nobody can afford to feed themselves, let alone a baby. 
 Wow, my Web of Trust score on Coracle is really low! 
 My Pixel 5a kicked the bucket. Got any recommendations for a replacement? 
 oh my god, absolutely destroyed. 10/10 what a great edit 🤣  
 Shill me a 3D printer. First timer. Needs to be easy. Time to print not crucial. Less than $1k pr... 
 I had an Ender 3 and it was a huge pain in the ass. Too much configuring and tweaking to get a quality print. Yeah I did get some fantastic prints but there's an insane level of maintenance required. IDK what is good but I would not get another Creality. 
 Please show me your bank. I'll start. https://m.primal.net/KlwT.png  
 I won't lie, I'm at the point where I think I'm just DONE trying to get into #Bitcoin, #Monero or... 
 Step 1: Overcome fear.
Step 2: Invest only what you can afford to lose.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit. 
 Key delegation on Nostr will never work. It's either NIP-46 or GTFO. 
 yeah yeah I get it now. But it's not like its theoretically impossible, the app devs just dont want to do the work. And I get that too, because delegation is so uncommon that it doesnt make sense to hack in the solution.

I get it, I yield, RIP NIP-26. 
 That being said, I will continue to long for API key-like, permission grants behavior on Nostr. 
 nevermind, nip46 has that. It's the offline keys that nip46 does not have. Still sorting out my thoughts. 
 R.I.P. Hobo Shoestring. I only met him after he had died but I miss him already. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzQuizmUlPk 
 My favorite place to learn code is broke. Hey  @saylor I know you're into education with Saylor.org ... Any chance we could see a Exercism X Saylor.org collab? https://exercism.org/blog/september-2024-restructure 
 Today I learned that there is no money without taxes 😶  https://m.primal.net/KgTP.png  
 Do not under any circumstance reply, zap, quote, or re-post this 
 Strong relay, strong money make strong man. Parker Lewis wrong. 
 OMG I'm never doom scrolling Nostr again https://m.primal.net/Kenw.png  AI summary of my Nostr feed via https://unleashed.chat/ 
 I need a 3 hour Parker Lewis interview on the topic in order to understand WTF he's talking about. 
 What's your favorite ChatGPT alternative? 
 Looks kinda like an ocean. I wonder if anything lives up in there. 
 I miss old Twitter. And I don't mean Twitter before the algorithm, I mean Twitter before the propaganda. 
 I remember when Twitter started, it was advertised as a better way to let your friends know what you are up to. 
 Now it seems like everyone is pushing some sort of agenda. And being the impressional young man I am, I get caught up in that and start to believe that that's what I need to do too. 
 And heck, we're rewarded for posts like that, because it's natural human instinct to focus on outrageous things. 
 I don't think there's any solution other than to read feeds less often, or maybe use clients that are designed to block outrageous content.  
 Just listened to JRE #1691 with Yeonmi Park, a woman who narrowly escaped North Korea (NK) with her mother. 


What an incredible story of relentless fighting for survival. In NK, the lower classes are starving to death. Average height is 4'6" because people are so mal-nourished. The government doesn't even let villagers collect their own poop to use as crop fertilizer; instead the government collects the poop to nourish their own crops. Hospitals re-use needles on patients, operate without anesthesia and death is as normalized as breathing air.

I've watched videos about how NK is "impossible" to escape nowadays, because the border is manned by armed guards with shoot to kill orders and many of the surrounding countries will immediately deport refugees back to NK.


Production flying cars are a thing now. Essentially a scaled up quadcopter with a bunch of safety redundant systems. Joby, Jetson ONE, BlackFly, XPeng, etc. etc. etc.

Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL)


Imagine what a well-funded, motivated Bitcoin billionaire could do. Set up a fleet of EVTOL aircraft to autonomously swarm North Korea and land in sparsely populated areas. With the cockpit open, any willing participant can jump in and escape to South Korea where they can start a new life. 


The flight plan could keep low to avoid radar. A fleet of autonomous craft, some unoccupied can act as decoys and protect the ones that are occupied. Smaller DJI type drones could act as sacrificial shields against incoming projectiles.


What's that, people don't want to leave NK because they're brainwashed? Make this a regular thing that happens once a year on a random day. Then once a week on a random day. Then every day until every last North Korean is exfiltrated from the concentration camp country. More robots and more autonomy means human defenders will eventually lose stamina and let down their guard; Robots never tire.


 Isn't Bitcoin a cult?

 No, its a religion because the leader has left. 
 They can't just put him in a cell without proof

Is there proof of child porn and terrorist activ... 
 It's always child porn. Wanna demonize a person? Foolproof method just label them a pedo. 
 I think he knows the value of Bitcoin. But he also knows public relations and he doesn't want to appear as an energy consuming hippocrite to the TSLA holding masses who don't know any better. 
 YAAAAASSSS, Welcome to the queen 
 AI will be the cause that cuts off the homo sapiens branch of life. 
 ok boomer 
 And yes, governments can't ban Nostr, but they can ban individual relays and remove apps from app... 
 more like not your nsec, not your data 
 Explain like I'm five: What is, "fiat food?" #asknostr 
 A Brazilian justice just ordered Apple and Google to ban not only X but also any VPN app. There... 
 sounds like a place where rule of law is ingnored  
 good. I don't want people here who believe in freedom of speech for themselves but not for others  
 What's it mean when my pee consistently leaks out of me? 
 It's been like 1 or 2 years? I dont like the time preference in Bukele's response. You gotta wait at least 8 years to make a call. 
 so sick! recently I purchased a NUC and had so many issues with it that I'm thinking of returning it and getting one of these. I learned framework laptops can be purchased as parts and assembled into a desktop rather than a laptop! I love that company! 
 Value will eventually be based on ability to purchase, not on exchange to Fiat, which will disapp... 
 John you're drunk, go home bro. 
 I think the confusion came from the button labelled, "download." why is it labelled that way when the file isn't coming from the cloud? 
 What's up with the fake public figure accounts here on Nostr? What do the operators hope to gain? https://m.primal.net/KRLS.png  
 YAMAHA's logo is largely unchanged since 1918. It's visually intricate, yet simple. Three overlapping tuning forks arranged in a radial array.  Looks great, but how would those tuning forks sound? I always wonder what frequency they would produce. What do you think? https://m.primal.net/KRKL.png  https://youtu.be/Ap65Nkn1jSM?t=17 
 Shoutout to the 0.001% of retro gamers who know this song

 I legitimately love web scraping. Can anyone relate? 
 I wish nitter wasn't dead.

Yeah it's still mildly usable. You can use it with a burner account and you can do some light browsing. You're going to get throttled pretty quick unless you have dozens of throwaway accounts.

But it's not thriving like it once was, and that makes me sad.

Thank god for #nostr 
 No, I don't know of any others 
 yeah that's a good one. I'm in the Nitter Matrix channel where xcancel admin hangs out. Hes got it running using 500 twitter accounts lol 
 I will gladly dissapoint you over the next two weeks of fam holiday!

Nevertheless kraXen will wo... 
 have fun and thanks for all your hard work 
 if you could fix or improve one thing on nostr with just a snap of your fingers, what would it be? 
 bandwidth usage 
 Feels like Nostr is having a resurgence at the moment ☀️ 

It’s cool, I wonder what happens... 
 at least 69 
 I'm building an X to Nostr bridge. I want to use NIP-26 delegation to get permission to publish kind:1 events on user's behalf. 

After reading and writing some test code, I realize that the delegator (the user) needs to generate a schnorr (BIP340) signature using their private key (nsec.)

I don't think any Nostr browser extensions can do that. Nostr browser extensions are designed to sign events, not sign NIP-26 delegation tokens.

This sucks for my project because I was hoping to generate a NIP-26 delegatee key that has permissions to post as the delegator, but doesn't require that I custody to the user's master key.

I think it's still doable, but I'll have to give instructions to the user and they have to come up with the signature so my app can post as them.

Unless there's a better way? 
 So let me get this straight. If I use NIP-26 delegation to create a child key, and the child key gets leaked, there's no way to revoke the child key? 
 Do I just gotta wait for the key to expire? (And in that time, an attacker could post as me?) 
Event not found
 I could go for some slutty fries rn 
Event not found
 please delete this