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 I have a haircut appointment tomorrow. I'm going to try and introduce bitcoin via lightning to my... 
 you are bothering your barber, pay them cash. 
 "what's in it for me?"

"why should I care?"

The nostr still needs to answer this question for t... 
 I buy Italian style crackers that are made in Ukraine. They used to be 500g.  Now they are 350g f... 
 it's called shrinkflation. 
 I had 65k moons, had I sold 2 months ago around 0.40 I could have been a whole coiner 🤣🫠 fk... 
 the current state of crypto currency is gambling. 
 Fiat money is literally the fog of war 
 the fog of war isn't even *literally* the fog of war. 
 bitcoin is misplaced hope, bitcoin will not solve the problems. Salvation lie with the people. We create all that is consumed and drive the economy. 
 Central banking works at a much smaller energy cost, you can make fraud claims when you are scammed. bitcoin is a solution in search of a problem that does not exist. 
 not every state rules with violence, there are examples of anti-imperialist states. central banking does not require violence to function. 
 in the past, the church controlled many resources. The church was able to allocate those resources to accomplish impressive projects for their benefit. today, the rich contoll many resources. The rich are able to allocate those resources to accomplish exploitation of the people to benefit themselves. in the future, the people will control many resources. The people will be able to allocate many resources to provide for the welfare of themselves, this will be our liberation. 
 using electricity on bitcoin is wasteful in relation to conventional money. having a crypto currency doesnt solve the climate crisis. 
 steal as much from your boss as you can is a much better motto 
 Nostr has a lot more lurkers than meets the eye. This is evident when I share a stream. View coun... 
 go read some good books and youll be smart! i recomend Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher. you can get free ebooks at Library Genisis. dont worry about it so much because everyone posting here is putting their foot in their mouth. lots of junk, but it sure is fun! 
 gm nostr 🤙 #coffeechain

It’s #SharingSunday today so reply with the most interesting articl... 
 You must be really into crypto. 
 The US needs to keep the heck outta other countrie's wars. 
 Its kinda their thing... 
 The influencer game should be focused on the lack of volatility in bitcoin for the last 6-months.... 
 #Bitcoin  is a spiritual experience. 
 so, not a blockchain technology? cool got it. 
 USD : we say its worth 1 and we will shoot you if you disagree
BTC : i wasted electricity to tell everyone i have 1
And the whole time you cant eat it, it has no use value. I can write 1 on a post-it and accomplish the same thing. 
 I am a bitcoin hater. I find that bitcoin advocates do not understand the economy. Bitcoiners operate in a fashion that counts them amoung the ranks of the gambler. Abandon neoliberal economics if you want to understand money. 
 Been keeping an eye on it for a decade, the distributed ledger is interesting but doesnt solve the issue of poverty. Bitcoin doesnt feed children and i would love to see the fervent enthusiasm directed at sustainable farming. 
 i put a bunch of government money into computer money, which turned into a pump and dump, and now i have no house.
but you should have just put it into differenter computer money. k 😮‍💨 
 Elon Musk is a spoiled child full of so much crap, you can see it coming out of his ears. His Father owned an emerald mine in apartheid South Africa and Elon has used the wealth stolen from the miners to behave like a child on a massive platform, we all have to watch and its making us worse off. 
 It’s appalling that most of the world still doesn’t understand the importance of sound money ... 
 You are heavily influenced by propaganda. 
 Careful, reading my nostr will turn you gay. 
 Met some legends tonight  nostr:npub1marcan0laywmjprf4m8d34dr8m724a6jxxa56a5wwygcgj23q7nskfwmfg a... 
 help, i have no house! good thing there is NOTHING better than bitcoin. 
 Jordan Peterson, I find him extremely interesting and extremely annoying at the same time 
 It doesn't need to be suppressed, its not useful and doesn't do anything... 
 Keep alert, I have seen signs of this notion in unexpected places in business interactions:

 In Marxist study there is 'use value' and 'exchange value'. These separate values demonstrate the way in which employers pay workers less than the value of what they produce, this is the law of unequal exchange. Speculators drive up exchange values and in doing so create bubbles, this drives the boom and bust cycle of capitalist economy. What results is a system built on debt and speculative assets, a hollow economy. This must be corrected with a system rich with use values, the kind of things that feed children and keep us warm. Useful things are useful. Price is not value. 
 There is no excuse: celebrating in the streets the massacre of civilians is sick and twisted. Evi... 
 Do you not see how unhinged from reality you look? Relax on the Qanon forums please. Black lives mattering and being against fascism is a good thing. Don't be racist, Hitler was bad. Very basic stuff! And to invoke the word of God to bemoan the oprossed and seekers of freedom, you are blind! 
 That's a weird way to say "Free Palestine" 
 If #Bitcoin succeeds it will strip politicians of their power… it’s already happening.

 The individuals with money now will come out on top in any fantasy bitcoin economy. We must decomodify essential goods to promote the general welfare of all people. Cut down the rich and raise up the poor, bitcoin will not do this. 
 Inflation is a general increase in prices. The prices can still go up if your paying in pixie dust, or any other unit. What systems are in place to set prices and distribute goods to people? Systems controlled by the minority of wealthy people on Gods great Round earth. Bitcoin is a solution in search of a problem, I prefer addressing the problems we are facing. Do not allow the 1% to restrict access to resources with the financial market backed by violence. Together we can determine our future, set prices, and allocate resources according to need. 
 Organize democratic structures in the workplace, fight for worker control of production. 
 In what way would a number on a computer help us? I'll give you this; and see if it will feed you, take you to work, or keep you warm.

Here you are -> 69 
 Bitcoin is not revolutionary. 
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 Same. Im not into bitcoin so it will be interestkng if there is anything good on this. 
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 thank you for giving your opinion to the feminists, im sure there is not massive amounts of written literature on this very topic and they very much needed to know what you had. 🙄 
 the idea is to have an economy where a women doesnt need to marry a man to live. in a political-economy with basics produced and provided communally there is no need to subjugate women or hold power over them. and when there is no need marriage just disapears. 
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 Capitalism produces boom and bust cycles. 
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 womens rightful place is standing over your crushed bones