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 It can be depressing to live in the current state of our world.

Our money is broken. As a result, fundamental pieces of society are broken too.

If you're already into Bitcoin, you know the feeling of Hope that Bitcoin can bring. Hope for a brighter future made possible by better money.

But so many people around you don't know about Bitcoin. They're living in the same broken world as you, but without a beacon of Hope to help them through the darkness.

But you can help change that. We've made several free resources to make it easier to spread the Hope that Bitcoin brings to those around you.

GET INVOLVED HERE: https://bitcoin.rocks/get-involved 
 Some good resources on your site, I like the custom inflation article, wh where you can select the currency you want 
 Thanks mate! 
 bitcoin is misplaced hope, bitcoin will not solve the problems. Salvation lie with the people. We create all that is consumed and drive the economy. 
 I agree Bitcoin alone will not solve the problems. But using Bitcoin, we can fix the world. 
 Central banking works at a much smaller energy cost, you can make fraud claims when you are scammed. bitcoin is a solution in search of a problem that does not exist. 
 Central banking requires "proof of violence" by state armed forces. Otherwise it doesn't remain central.

That is far more costly in energy alone than BTC will ever be. 
 not every state rules with violence, there are examples of anti-imperialist states. central banking does not require violence to function. 
 Central banking is a core tenant of communism, whether enforced with violence or not. I'll pass, thanks! 
 Bitcoin codes got to be cleaned up. It's getting rancid..🫤 
 Yep… tried to tell the bible thumpers about Hope when asked if I had heard the “good Word”. 

I said… I did 
 "If you're already into Bitcoin, you know the feeling of Hope that Bitcoin can bring. Hope for a brighter future made possible by better money."

