I like that I can come here and not be judged for being “negative”. As an American, we’re constantly being pressured into “positive thinking” - critical thinking is NOT allowed.
Perhaps it’s the opposite for ya’ll use this to be uber positive? Where ya’ll hail from?
I honestly think testosterone takes away someone’s ability to feel
Unfortunately “feeling” is subjective and impossible to measure
It can always just be mirrored or acted out
Every game has rules.
I’m not saying you have to play, but if you want to win, then you have to play,
and if you have to play, you have to stay cognizant of the rules.
It annoys me when people discredit other’s experiences. Every one’s reality is real to them. Appreciate the diversity and help lift up others if you’re better off.
Why argue about semantics? Or what someone else determines as real
I think it’s cool to venture into other people’s worlds
Appreciate you don’t have to stay
If you’re not a person capable of leaving then maybe it’s best to disengage
Either way
Why not inspire, instead of arguing
All you had to was look up an hour ago (if you live in the northern hemisphere) and looked for yellow. Jupiter was magical 💛⭐️🌻 he’s connected to the distant constellation of Taurus right now
I’m not a very good astronomer they would be able to explain the technicals better
Doesn’t have much to do with tbh. Astrology is the subjective art of what it all means.
I also dreamed of a majestic fire place built into a stone castle wall.
The hearth had a layer of iron screens, which I flipped through like pages in a book. A double headed dragon or hawk were engraved into the iron on many of them.
Notes by Sasha | export