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 Jennifer Rubin is right a lot. In this article, she’s completely right.


#uspol #news #trump 
 American legislators who want to end funding for Ukraine are Putin's moles. 

Yeah, if my name was “Charlie Brown”, I’d also go by “Charles Q. Brown Jr.”, as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff does.

 Also, it might keep you alive a bit longer. Just saying…

I've got family in Texas an... 

Well, there’s special good and also special bad. 🙂 
 I gather Trump's lawyer, Alina Habba, is presenting Trump's "They're Out To Get Me" defense. 


Somehow, I’m totally fine with also prosecuting anyone else who’s defrauded the government out of billions of dollars. 
I was only stating my own p... 

I won’t dispute that, but California is special. 
I wouldn't have picked one ... 

Maybe, but I don’t think that’s the overriding need now. 
 This morning listening to the news I heard Governor Gavin Newsom appoint Laphonza Butler to repla... 

She sounds like a good choice, precisely because she’s not one of the three people vying for the spot. 
 nostr:npub1lrp758re9dvkys3hxvkt3axu0w4s6krt72m8d2nzyl6pf29yrk8qvsn7q6 it was a good thought, but ... 
 @098a11ae @f8c3ea1c

With all due respect, Lee is a terrible choice. 
 invasions, bogus impeachment, government shutdown — but nothing gets much traction. They relent... 

Let’s be clear here: the “age” issue is a dog whistle. After all, he’s barely older than Trump, and in far better shape, both physically and mentally.

No, the point of highlighting his age is remind voters that, if he dies, he’ll be replaced by someone who lacks white skin and a penis.

What is ageism on the surface is misogynoir beneath it.

 Americans are notoriously ignorant about the politics of other countries, even closely-allied ones like Canada, and I’m really not an exception to this rule.

However, I did just watch this video by a Canadian political pundit who provided a bit of insight, along with some bias.

Apparently, Canadian-Indians have somewhat disproportionate political power and tend to be Sikhs who support separatism from India, through the proposed creation of a splinter nation called Khalistan.

This isn’t just armchair support, but has included major acts of terrorism, including the Air India bombing in 1985, which killed all 329 people aboard. And this separatist terrorism is ongoing.

The guy who was allegedly (meaning: probably) assassinated by Indian operatives in Canada was one such Sikh separatist and had been accused of funneling money to terrorists.

At the same time, Modi is basically India’s version of Trump; a belligerent right-wing populist who’s killed before and way overstepped political boundaries with this assassination.

While Modi deserves to wear the black hat of the villain in this, it’s not clear that the victim is any less of a villain. There are no heroes to cheer for here.

And non-Indian Canadians aren’t cheering for anyone because they are generally ignorant and apathetic about the Sikh/India conflict.

The government just wants the issue to go away without souring Indian relations or losing the support of Sikh voters.

This is along a backdrop of the West courting India as a way to counter China…


#canada #canpol #politics #india 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth It was out of anger and hel... 

It’s self-defeating hyperbole. 

I see you continue to post... 
 @b05df304 @5661329e

Why do you open your mouth only to embarrass yourself? Stop it and get help. 
The longer we keep a two p... 

FPtT directly leads to a two-party system, and this is not a bad thing.



“Defund” was one of the stupidest slogans ever hatched. It killed D candidates and gave power to the R’s. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth in the real world the Ds ar... 

Get help. 
 Republican: fascist, authoritarian, Mostly rich old white dudes being racist towards blacks and t... 

This is the dumbest of both-siderism and you should be ashamed of yourself.

In the real world, the D's are liberal and the R's are fascist. The D's stand for democracy and the R's are actively trying to end it.

You are a shill for fascism, trying to discourage people from voting to stop Trump.

 How is this compatible with the idea that Trump is leading? If the majority want him disqualified?!

 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth True enough. We also didn... 

It’s hard to run uphill backwards, and that’s what we’re forced to do in the face of Republican cheating. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth Voting still matters, sure.... 

We didn’t vote for the Republicans. In fact, a majority of voters didn’t. 
 Granted a US gov’t shutdown won’t occur until after midnight tonight. But in effect the MAGAt... 

It’s not gone and voting still matters. We have to vote the Republicans out. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth but they left out the parts... 

That’s what makes it a smear. 

Tankies have been bringing that up lately, as part of their effort to smear the recently-deceased. 
 Congress: The pentage spending bill vote was split with 214 to 212 bringing the government to a h... 

Buy a clue. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth You could be right.

I susp... 

Saying the debts are held by his corporations would mean that his shares are worthless. But I’m sure that the corporate veil can be pierced, and that he has debts in his own name as well. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth I have a sack of dirty sock... 

You are, in fact, the world’s first Sock Billionaire. 
 Dianne Feinstein is dead.

Look for far-left ghouls celebrating.


#uspol #news 
 A history of the Internet, sort of, from the Map Men.


#internet #history #technology 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth okaaay…for one thing Rep ... 

She’s not a JD, but she’s a socialist populist. The most ecumenical list is the PCCC web page, which has both Sanders and Warren followers: https://www.boldprogressives.org/candidates/

Once you know the question to ask, the answer is obvious:



As for the Justice Democrats in specific, their official tweets are consistent with what has been on their official web site and what their official comms guy, Waleed Shahid, said in official interviews such as https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/its-time-for-a-tea-party-of-the-left/ and https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/the-realigners-an-interview-with-waleed-shahid-of-justice-democrats/.

Nobody’s asking you to trust me about anything. All of this can and should be confirmed independently. You can find the tweets either up on X/Twitter or (in the case of some of the more embarrassing ones that were deleted) on the Wayback Machine. Hint: Look for the date of the tweet and use that.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.

Here are a few typical tweets with visible dates to get you started:




 nostr:npub1sdkl2zyvnuc045tn453k2eyrg2ezkxu3qqnkgh3uejr8y8pd7duqpr0kgj hmm, as this is from Prussi... 
 @595771c6 @836df508

It’s a blacklist for anyone who pushes back against abuse. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth well you do you. I’m not ... 

According to them, they’re not on our side. They say so, and I believe them.

If a credible liberal candidate primaries her, I will support them.


Great, then you shouldnt ... 
 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

You're capable of doing the math and proving to yourself that only Biden or Trump can win. I have no idea why you're pretending otherwise, or why you're bashing Biden with both-sider nonsense.

Presumably, you're trolling. If so, go find a bridge. 

correct I wont vote for a... 
 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

I don't care. Tens of millions of Americans voted for Trump. Twice. Every last one of these people is total garbage, without exception. A roughly equal amount didn't vote at all, and they're nearly as bad.

So if you're going to be a Trumper, be a Trumper. Embrace evil. Be a Nazi. See if I care. There's tens of millions just like you. I'm not responsible for you. I'm not emotionally invested in trying get subhuman trash to go against their nature.

But if you lie, I will point this out. And you've lied repeatedly. You've lied about Joe Biden and you've lied about electoral system. 

Well I guess I have to vo... 
 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

I actually don't care who you vote for. Yes, it makes you a terrible person, but I'm not responsible for you. The world is full of other terrible people, too. 

Sure.. i guess im a repub... 
 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

And you admit that you won't vote for the only candidate who can stop Trump.

Like I said, a Republican. 

Its not a protest vote.. ... 
 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

It's a protest vote. The candidate can't win, so what you're doing is electorally identical to not voting. 

Despite being a registere... 
 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

Dude, you're a Republican. Enough said. 
 nostr:npub1kpwlxpzkxfmuxjmzc2wp3rf9vjg0sgydmlhsnrgqr3maf59h86qqdxxzz4 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp8503... 
 @9ff9df5b @b05df304 

Libertarianism is bad on its own merits, and a pointless protest vote, regardless. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth Yes he has. Never said he d... 

That's absurd. Biden is a liberal and has restored our nation after Trump's shitted all over it. Trump is a fascist who will destroy democracy.

You don't have to like Biden, but don't lie about him. We're done here: you've lost all touch with reality. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth What exactly doesnt make se... 

Trump has made it painfully clear that his goal is to dismantle democracy. There's no both-siding this. 

If every choice will help... 

None of that makes sense. The bottom line is that, if you like voting and want your vote to count, you have to vote to preserve democracy. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth Hurting Trump isnt my prior... 

Let me put it this way: you can hurt one or the other. Pick. 

Dear Dr. Freemo: There ar... 
 @f46b93e1 @b05df304 

Uh, no, Biden represents the DNC and liberalism. It's been a very, very long time since there was a Democratic political machine, and even then, it was local. 

Obviously I dont buy the ... 

That's among the dumbest things I've heard today, and I just blocked an anarcho-communist. 
 Trump’s attack on Milley is great, actually.

One of the biggest threats is Trump executing a proper military coup, but he needs the support of the military to pull that off, and it looks like this draft dodger is burning all his bridges.


 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth I clicked this in the hopes... 

Everyone’s a critic. 
 nostr:npub1jzl56fga8qfp850358cf00v7fk9h4yxxlq4zvd66jgvsckuadzvql2wlth nostr:npub1w6qd4huwke66fjkm... 
 @db219758 @7680dadf @098a11ae

Their goal is to appear neutral, as opposed to objectively reporting the truth.

For example, imagine if you and I ran a race and you won by a large margin, but I refused to accept my loss.

An objective report would be that you won easily. A neutral report would be that both of us claim to have won. This is a false neutrality, of course. 
Event not found

Which means helping Trump.

Remember, only a vote for Biden stops Trump. A protest vote is a type of protest, not a type of vote.

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By my calculations, I’m richer than Trump. Not because of socks, though. It’s just that, whatever money I have, I actually have. I am not in debt to anyone, particularly not foreign oligarchs.

I suspect that, if all of the people Trump owes money to were to call in their debts at once, he would not be able to repay even if he liquidated all assets.

He has negative money. 
Event not found

Politics is warfare by other means. 
Event not found

Being endorsed by Sanders, Warren,  WFP,  PCCC, and others of their kind all adds up to a  painfully clear indicator that this is not a liberal.

This isn’t complicated. You may want to like her, but she’s a socialist populist and that’s dealbreaker for me. 
Event not found

Look, Trump is going to the be RNC candidate and Biden is going to be the DNC candidate.

You can vote for anyone you want in the Republican primaries, assuming you're a registered Republican (which, being a Trumper, I figure you must be).