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Dear Dr. Freemo: There are no moderate candidates to the best of my knowledge that I can think of that could materialize as a dark horse viable politicians who would be able to rapidly gain widespread national political support. In order to win the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election a political candidate must be able to demographically secure cross over voters. Also that candidate must be likeable, have charisma. Prospective moderate political candidates must already be nationally known, I think that its just too late to find viable moderate political candidates who stand a chance at winning the  2024 U.S. Presidential Election.

Every hopeful 2024 U.S. Presidential Candidate has to compete against two U.S. Presidential Incumbents. Donald J. Trump who allegedly seems to have a political cult following of disenfranchised voters and U.S. President Joseph Biden who allegedly seems to represent the old style political machine political apparatus. 

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, #FreePeoplesFreePress News 
 @f46b93e1 Sadly so far that seems to be my assesment as well.

That said im still hoping someone might popup as a third party that has some level of sanity 
 @f46b93e1 @b05df304 It seems the things are as they are - did you have any hope?  
If so, sorry to hear that. 
 @96fb9d01 @b05df304 

Dear admits Wrong If Proven: I believe that politically we are in a state of chaos, political polarization is paralyzing our Republic, 2024 U.S. Presidential Election will test our mettle, there is no simple fix to this problem, yes I hold out hope that eventually we will end up with a coalition government comprised of political moderates, some people might consider me to be delusional needing extensive psychiatric mental health care for believing that we can return to more of a stable political atmosphere. 

If we keep going down this dangerous road we will be destroyed from within, not by China, Russia, or North Korea, instead by domestic political extremists who do not believe in the liberties enshrined in law within the Constitution of the United States. 

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, #FreePeoplesFreePress News 

Honestly, I think he just ran out of fucks to give today :)

 @b05df304 @96fb9d01 

In response to: 

"Honestly, I think he just ran out of fucks to give today :)"

Dear Dr. Freemo: I am not being antagonistic towards anyone in my toot, I am just stating my own personal opinions concerning our current political landscape. My previous toot concerned Admits Wrong If Proven and You Dr. Freemo, I was not directly any hostility towards either one of you. 

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, Editor-in-chief, #FreePeoplesFreePress News 

Nothing you said was remotely antagonistic... As always you are kind and considerate... no worries... I am just saying that Admits rather flippant attitude today looks like he is just having a bad day and ran out of fucks to give. I dont think **you** are the reason he has no fucks left however :)

 @b05df304 @96fb9d01 

Dear Dr. Freemo: I hope that Admits will continue to be part of future conversations, because each of us makes a valuable contribution to our thread conversations. I learn from everyone on the Mastodon Fediverse, I try my best to add positive feedback to everyone on the Fediverse. 

Dr. Freemo sometimes I find it rather difficult to interpret your toots, so I do not always know what you mean. U.S. Grammar can be hard to understand for me, especially slang language.

Sincerely, Monica Andrews, #FreePeoplesfreepress News 

I'm sure he will be back :)

 @f46b93e1 @b05df304 That sounds about right.  

And i did not run out of fucks, i just... physically left my pc. It happens sometimes :-) 
 @f46b93e1 @b05df304 

Uh, no, Biden represents the DNC and liberalism. It's been a very, very long time since there was a Democratic political machine, and even then, it was local.