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Which means helping Trump.

Remember, only a vote for Biden stops Trump. A protest vote is a type of protest, not a type of vote.


Obviously I dont buy the two party nonsense... but even if i assumed it were true for a second...

If my choices are:

1) Vote Biden - Help Biden a lot, hurt Trump a lot

2) Vote Trump - Hurt Biden a lot, Help Trump a lot

3) Vote Third party - Hurt Biden a little, Help Trump a little, Help third parties show better numbers and support for future elections.

I will go with 3 every single time... It reduces how much I help either candidate (more so than a direct vote for Trump as I'm sure you will agree)... and has some positive effect on the adoption of third parties by people int he future.... 

#3 is the clear win for me, even in a two party system. 

That's among the dumbest things I've heard today, and I just blocked an anarcho-communist. 

Nice, I always liked getting the high score :) Dont forget to put me ont he scoreboard :) 
 @90bf4d25 By the way if you had a third option where I could hurt biden and hurt trump, or help biden a little and hurt trump a little, then I might very take that... but per your axioms that for some odd reason doesnt exist 
 @90bf4d25 I've gotten to the point where anytime you call out something I post as "dumb" or "A bad take"... I take that as a sign that the post deserves boosting :)

 @b05df304 @90bf4d25 Ducks might reasonably survive us. Duck, but don't even dream of being like the mighty cockroach. 
 @b05df304 @90bf4d25 Astonishing, after what i have heard. @b05df304 you might not hut others yet.  
I support your way to minimize harm. Go on, you have my support. 
 @96fb9d01 not sure i follow... what part astonishes you, can you elaborate? 
 @b05df304 @90bf4d25 Oh you vote Libertarian too? That's all I've voted for except in local elections.

In the land of the Free we have the freedom from choice. Looking at it another way, we have quite a bit in common with The CCP. The Federalist Papers likely inspired Communism. 
 @9ff9df5b @b05df304 

Libertarianism is bad on its own merits, and a pointless protest vote, regardless. 

Its not a protest vote.. its a vote for the ideology we think has any hope of saving the world

 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

It's a protest vote. The candidate can't win, so what you're doing is electorally identical to not voting. 

Well I guess I have to vote for Trump then... Id be throwing away my vote if I voted for biden, I dont think he would stand a chance against Trump. I mean sure Trump is literally the anti-christ, but id be throwing away my vote on biden, so I guess I have to vote Trump...

 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

I actually don't care who you vote for. Yes, it makes you a terrible person, but I'm not responsible for you. The world is full of other terrible people, too. 

Great, then you shouldnt have much need to keep blasting the two-party conspiracy theory nonsense my way.

 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

You're capable of doing the math and proving to yourself that only Biden or Trump can win. I have no idea why you're pretending otherwise, or why you're bashing Biden with both-sider nonsense.

Presumably, you're trolling. If so, go find a bridge. 

I am not trolling.. 

Yes I've done the math.. 

There have been 59 elections for president in the history of the USA... in that time 8 of those have been elections where a third party from a previous year was one of the two top parties in the current election.

In all those cases the third parties the year before a switch had about the same support as they do now in terms of percentage, and the next year shot up to 50%+

that works out to a 13.5% chance in any one election of a third party with ~2% support or less from a previous year will win that year.

If we look at recent history points of note the last time one came close was Ross perot in 1992 at nearly 20% of the vote, and of course in the early part of 19th centraully where was also a third party coming into the top two.

While all of that does suggest a third party is certainly the long-shot... to say impossible is just not factual... Depending on how you look at iut there is a 13.5% chance at best, at worst maybe a 5% chance of them winning.

Voting for the non-evil choice with a 5% chance I will take any day than voting for teh super-evil choice who is just a tiny bit less evil than the other super-evil choice just because he had a 40% change of winning.

Thats not a strategically wise tradeoff for me.

 @90bf4d25 @b05df304 That Electoral College must be difficult, I never hear about anyone I know getting in. 


 @b05df304 @90bf4d25 I'm pretty sure my Electorates belong to the same club that invested in Pfizer before the vaccine came out thanks to insider information and they won't face any consequences. Not everyone in government is a bastard and some would like to see people go out like the former head of Wagner. 

Despite being a registered republican I have once voted for a republican outside of primaries.

I have voted in the past either for the Libertarian party, independent, or the Democrats.

 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

Dude, you're a Republican. Enough said. 

Sure.. i guess im a republican who has never voted republican and only ever voted for democrat or third party.. sure ill take that hilarious label.

 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

And you admit that you won't vote for the only candidate who can stop Trump.

Like I said, a Republican. 

correct I wont vote for a cannidate who is just as bad as Trump, maybe worse (iswitch who i think is worth day to day)...  just because it might cause one candidate i dont want as president to loose to be replaced by another candidate I also dont like..

Im not sure how you dont understand that even if i but your two party nonsense all that will prove to me to me all votes will cause harm, which makes me put 0 value in a vote and is just more likely to push me to a third because at least then im not voting for Trump or his senile evil twin.

 @b05df304 @9ff9df5b 

I don't care. Tens of millions of Americans voted for Trump. Twice. Every last one of these people is total garbage, without exception. A roughly equal amount didn't vote at all, and they're nearly as bad.

So if you're going to be a Trumper, be a Trumper. Embrace evil. Be a Nazi. See if I care. There's tens of millions just like you. I'm not responsible for you. I'm not emotionally invested in trying get subhuman trash to go against their nature.

But if you lie, I will point this out. And you've lied repeatedly. You've lied about Joe Biden and you've lied about electoral system. 
 @b05df304 @90bf4d25 I vote for Incumbents if I know them and they are at least somewhat good at their job.