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Notes by "Resigned" Mike :verified: | export

 Jeffrey Epstein was murdered in prison before he was able to testify and share names of perhaps thousands of pedophile clients.

Why would a Boeing whistleblower be murdered after he had already revealed everything he knew, or suspected, about Boeing's quality?

If anything, his death now raises even greater concerns by people who don't consider this death logically.

As America is being destroyed by our enemies, who might want to destroy Boeing? Another murder is nothing to them. 
 If corrupt prosecutors can decide the guilt or innocence of someone, then why do we have trials? Why do we have juries?

Special counsel Robert Hur has thwarted Justice, admitting it was his decision that Biden could not be convicted despite overwhelming evidence of felonies, including perjury in his interviews. All of which Hur explains convinced him that Biden was senile and incapable of remembering his felonies.

And yet he allows this criminal to continue to lead the free world. 
 It's remarkable that the Hur Special Council investigation can let Biden off the hook alleging mental deficiencies that would make a trial difficult to prosecute.


Where is the psychiatric report by a team of doctors verifying such deficiencies?

Are we to accept that failure to respond to questions in interviews proves dementia?

What a great defense for criminals. Suggest dementia and you can lead the free world. 

Everything is a lie. Especially anything this Biden regime says.

Assume the worst and you'll be closer to the truth. This regime would love to see Israel fall.

What would George Soros or Klaus Schwab want of Israel? There is your truth. 

And who is this 1/3? Likely the dependent class, that surrendered their individuality long ago for a check from the government. They would tolerate virtually anything to get that check, and while it may not be their fault, there opinions on Freedom and Liberty are worthless given that they've already surrendered theirs. 
 Happy Saturday, we have a new war in Israel. Palestinians have invaded the country of Israel and netanyahu has declared that as of this morning, Israel is at war.

Another consequence of a stolen election. And anyone who thinks that war isn't coming to the United States, is living under a rock.

With upwards of 4 and 1/2 million military age males already crossed into our nation through Biden's open border, there's already a greater invasion army than our standing army. 
 Our annual deficit in next fiscal year will be AT LEAST 50% above revenues.

Jim Jordan is talking about a 1% cut in Spending.

Jordan is a Swamp creature. 
 Rick Santelli on CNBC predicts 13.5%-14% interest rates within 7 years. 
 FFS Jack Posobiec, enough with the hyperbolic fear porn. 🤡 

"Nazis aren't what everyone says. If they weren't taking us somewhere nice, would they let us bring our suitcases?" 


Data is the easiest to manipulate. Anyone with the right access can do it.

If supporting evidence was ever demanded, these corrupt agencies and institutions would be shown the liars they are. 
 I'm proud to stand with Thomas Renz. 
I don't really follow what... 

Some people fear the civil war within the GOP. Ultimately, it's a fear of losing power against Democrats. But it's a war that's been fought for decades when RINOs were a much smaller majority than today.

When Gingrich became Speaker in '95 we got the Contract with America. We got the votes on reforms.

But this GOP is not that GOP. This Republucan Party is controlled opposition. It's a party of deceit and betrayal.

The civil war is necessary or there is no GOP, just frauds. 

Party Over Principles? What is Happening with Levin and Gingrich?

Attorney Tom Renz

Mark Levin and Newt Gingrich are out bashing Matt Gaetz and the other seven Republicans that had the courage to what no one else would do by standing on principle. These guys are beating up Gaetz claiming he’s unprincipled because he showed loyalty to the country over the party and it is inexcusable. The GOP has sold Trump and the rest of our nation down the toilet since 2016.


Sadly, it appears we have to lose our freedom for a few generations before a minority is large enough to do something about it.

For most, they don't even think about what's been lost, so for them that generational clock hasn't started yet. 
 We are lied to all day, everyday, by people that are supposed to be leading this country. They lie under oath, they're accused of perjury, but no one is ever held to account.

The case is made. We know who the criminals are. We know that nothing they say is true. We know that nothing they do is for America.

So when is it stopped? How do you take power back with a system designed with such corruption that even elections can't be relied upon? 
 We will vote in elections. We won't know how we voted until our enemies tell us. Our votes will be put into a system, designed so they can manipulate the numbers. Then the numbers will be sent to the MSM, our enemy, and they can literally report whatever they want because we can never see the paper ballots. Judges won't allow it.


Typical RINO response. Remove accountability so liars and DS whores can't be removed once they lie their way into the speakership. 

These RINOs are fine with Election Fraud, PACs and Lobbyists dominating politics, and Trump being attacked to keep We the People out of the system.

The Military IS the only way, and if critics are correct that there is no plan, then folks, WE ARE DONE! 
 Conservative Inc.


Not Conservative at all. They're simply petty partisans who only care about GOP defeating Democrats. Even if that means burning the country down with RINOs who's sell their own children for personal gain.

America First is non-partisan. Patriotism is non-partisan.

It's about the Constitution. Saving America, Freedom and Liberty.

We start with 8 in the House and 2-3 in the Senate. 
 ~75 Republicans voted against Dems and McCarthy on Debt Ceiling betrayal

~91 Republicans voted against Dems and McCarthy on 45-day CR betrayal

But all Republicans except 8 voted to reward McCarthy for the betrayals and broken promises. They picked a side against We the People.

That means ~215 House RINOs need to be primaried.

And Newt Gingrich and Mark Levin are now also added to the Swamp list. 
 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzcnqjr9w0x878vf9qwju3mwu3w2m40tasz986qka9tk9 nostr:npub1h05h8cffeptypv8p... 
 @0af78396 @bbe973e1 

This from an article talking about the EMF risks, not tracking. But as you can see, even when off, phones are still on and tracking.

"Some newer cell phones still maintain some functions when the phone is shut down. Location services and clocks will still be in use.

Smartphones also continue performing certain memory functions."

Again, with embedded chips there's no hiding it, and that's the globalists' goal. Track you EVERYWHERE and ALLWAYS. 

This was a "Doolittle's Raid". The DS has been shown to be vulnerable.

Bolster! Ready your defenses!

They're coming for Gaetz, Trump, and then you! 
I removed the battery from... 
 @87b56226 @0af78396 

Don't reject the possibility that even those phones have hidden backup batteries in them.

There is no reason that our masters are allowing our tracking devices to be turned off completely.

Only way to hide with one is to wrap it in metal or put it in a Faraday Bag.

They'll never admit it. Will always reverse engineer an alternative excuse for tracking you. 
 I can confirm the EAS message was NOT waiting for my phone to reconnect. 
 I survived 2 hours off grid.

I'm wondering when the last time I did that was? 

Ours stay turned off when... 

Turning off your phone does not completely turn it off.

I've proved this with an EMF sensor. A phone turned off should not emit regular pulses of EMF. My S20 does when it's off. How can that be if it's off?

It doesn't turn off.

These phones are calibrated to "run out" of battery with 30% remaining. This allows phones to stay connected in a stealth mode for days/weeks.

So why are they pushing embedded chips under skin?

You can't put your body in a Faraday Bag unless you're dead. 
 Remember, your phone may continue to be traceable/accessible by GPS if simply turned off. 

We aren't privy to the true tech capabilities of these devices we never separate ourselves from. 
 My test is ready today.

Can I prevent the intrusion of a Federal Govt digital invasion into my phones, TVs, and wireless network?

It should be simple. The only real test is my willingness to cutoff my digital presence from the universe for an hour or two?

FYI - my daughter did the tinfoil test yesterday. Yes, wrapping your phone in tinfoil will shield it from the cellphone and wireless networks. 
 Remember, your phone may continue to be traceable/accessible by GPS if simply turned off. 

We aren't privy to the true tech capabilities of these devices we never separate ourselves from. 
 Tomorrow my cell phone and watch will spend the day in a Farraday bag.

My Wireless Internet will be off at the modem source. My TVs will be turned off, and without Internet, unreachable by the cabal.

Now if I walk out into my neighborhood in the afternoon and see either Zombies, or bodies lying around everywhere, I guess I'll be able to say, I told you so.

If nothing happens, I'll connect my DSL line and take my phones out of the Faraday Bag.

No harm done. 
 My choice for Speaker is not Trump, but Steve Bannon.

Just IMAGINE what Bannon would do to fight the deepstate? 
 Yesterday it was Newt Gingrich's op-ed that exposed how thoroughly engulfed in the swamp Newt is, as he called for the expulsion of Matt Gaetz.

Today, it was the absolutely bonifide deceit of Jim Jordan, folk hero for his tough talk, who went to the floor for 3 minutes to blatantly lie about McCarthy successes that didn't exist.

Today we see the swamp, and it's crystal clear. 8 Republicans under attack from over 200 lobbyist owned, special interest owned, whores. 
 One other thing changes after this day? A lot of RINOs who like their seats are going to remake themselves, or get primaried. 
We do need a MAGA Speaker,... 

At some point we might get one, but it would only be so he could be set up for destruction. The deep state isn't quite ready for that, though, yet. 

They've got a lot of Paul Ryan types in the wings ready to go. 
 The deep state has a long line of McCarthy lieutenants ready to step up to run for Speaker. The installment of any one of them is likely no different than had McCarthy survived to continue.

Sadly, it's fantasy to believe that the House of Representatives can be quickly turned around into an America First institution. It's simply owned.

Anything short of a MAGA speaker will be another lesson in the futility of reforming the House. There are 200 RINOs in line. But that's the lesson. 
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 @0af78396 @ba92f80a @48bfa577 

No pain, no gain.

People have to see who's leading the GOP.

People were warned about McCarthy. The warnings were correct.

The next choices will be critiqued. May not be better. Can't be worse, but people are getting an education in the futility in trusting RINOs.

A lot of RINOs will have to primary on supporting McCarthy. 
 Democrats abandoned McCarthy on the vote to table the motion to Vacate the Chair. 

They're not very appreciative of everything McCarthy has done for the DS and Communism.

But we'll see on the actual vacate vote whether they save their pal McCarthy.

Why wouldn't they? They win everything with him as Speaker. 
 "It's Bigger Than Losing Any War (Losing Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency).” - President Trump

Couldn't agree more, but with this status came responsibility. But America abused this status to pressure foreign nations, and transfer wealth from the Middle Class to the Mega-Rich by printing tens of trillions of dollars and promoting a century of inflation.

Since 1913 to cumulative rate of inflation is over 3,000%.

$1 today buys 3.3¢ worth of goods/services it did in 1913. 
 > 210-11 RINOs to Republicans.

Yeah, that ratio checks out. 

Yeah, that's 10 fewer that opposed his speakership in January.

What were they given to turn to the Dark Side?

Or more accurately, what were they compromised with? 
 11 House GOP voted against tabling the motion to vacate the chair:

Davidson, Crane, Buck, Spartz, Biggs, Rosendale, Gaetz, Good, Mace, Burchett, Ogles

These are the Reps fighting for America.

210-11 RINOs to Republicans.

Note: MTG sided with McCarthy. 
 In letter to House, Minority Leader Jeffries says Democrats will vote Yes to Vacate the Chair. 
 General rule of thumb right now:

The "Conspiracy Theorists" are right about nearly everything.

The critics of conspiracy theorist are LYING about everything. 

Evidence was fictitious. Deborah Birx even admitted in her book she "made-up" social distancing.

And we knew from the start that masks were like stopping mosquitos with cyclone fencing.

It was all a fraud. Planned years ago, to exploit a virus invented in North Carolina decades ago and made a weapon against humans by Anthony Fauci. 
 So, everything that has happened, the hate, the treason, the Marxism, the "wars", J6, Covid to th... 

The only hoax bigger than the COVID plandemic is Climate Change.

0.04% of the atmosphere (99.96% is other elements)

Of which 97% of it is produced by the planet, and not man.

COVID fraud was not new evidence of the massive lies and deceit of govt, science and MSM, just the most recent.

The lies spread to control us are so vast that most people may be incapable of believing they're lies. 
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 @48bfa577 @bbe973e1 

6 years ago on a vacation to the Big Island, met a Lieutenant from Philly's police force. She had just retired - in her 50s - and had moved out of PA.

She said if she stayed she'd have been killed. The Democrat "community" in Philly hated cops so badly that they all knew they were targets for death. 

Oh, come on. He died of Climatechange. 

This is all HaHa, but my wife was a high school teacher, and things got so bad with students pulling the fire alarm that police were on-site to deter it.

And they didn't deter it.

And the stupid administration would dutifully empty the school, rain or shine, every time it happened.

Like clearing the school for a daily bomb threat; never questioning whether it was a kid pranking.

Stupid liberals! 
 @d6a30e9c @203536d6 @0af78396 

Self-reliance is worthy if shipwrecked on a desert island, or isolated in the woods somewhere.

If it comes to that reality, all those zombie movies will become real, without the zombies, but with zombie-like desperation. Our fellow starving men and women will be the issue and outnumber us 100-1. 
 Do you think Blue City mayors and governors have realized yet they are being sacrificed to usher in the deaths of their cities and states? 
How TF do you remove somet... 

They're structural. They have tensile strength. It's what makes them obviously not blood clots.

They can be pulled out of veins.

My mother had a friend who had a 3-inch long one pulled out of an artery in his neck, and lived. 
 Dr. Ryan Cole discusses the "not a" blood clots.

They're called Fibrous Amyloid Structures, are caused by the Spike Protein, and traditional blood thinners don't dissolve them.

Yes, people can survive them if removed. I know that from a true case I was told of.

Add IgG4 creation and these killer shots target long-term injury and death.

 From now on, when you read or hear about efforts to infuse vaccines into foods like meat and vegetables, it's imperative we remember this.

What is the DS Globalists' goal? Death.

What did Bill Gates say could be used to reduce population? Vaccines.

 Now RINOs going to attempt to expell Matt Gaetz.

Mob rules and Gaetz and his allies vastly outnumbered by DS traitors.

The DD has the money, MSM, and election fraud.

What do we have? 
 What are we hearing of damage to electric cars in NY after the massive weather-engineered flooding recently.

Oh, nothing? Hmm... I wonder why the MSM isn't reporting on the submerged batteries in EV frames underwater for days? 


Go to DC and look for this big white house at the center of town.  In there you'll find people trafficking, literally, MILLIONS of people, including tens of thousands of small children. 
 "Matt Gaetz

 made a side Ukraine deal with Democrats and didn’t tell House Republicans until after his Continuing Resolution passed. 

More deceit."

When McCarthy talks, picture John Boehner or Paul Ryan. He's a DS lying POS.

Our govts are at war with us. This CR was a bribe to ALL the Democrats with 125 RINOs agreeing.

That is the DS. The enemies of We the People.

The real insurrection.

AND many RINO no votes were pure politics for next year's elections 
 nostr:npub1ptmc89knq87ntjwhcehfzexgu6uvfjh3skrtn2pkcc60smljm5ys696rn8 We are in collapse. They de... 
 @203536d6 @0af78396 

And they are wiping out our wealth by printing money that makes them richer while inflation crushes our spending power.

Crushing farming and commercial real estate to buy and own everything.

Largest redistribution of wealth and PROPERTY in history.

They won't stop unless they're stopped. 
 After today there again is little doubt that Kevin McCarthy and 125 Republican RINOs are working with the entire Democrat Party against us.

This is a repeat of the McCarthy Debt Ceiling surrender and if there is not a Vacate the Chair motion by ONE of the 91 Republicans that stood up for America today, then there is no more proof necessary of the utter futility in winning House and Senate races in 2024.

There is literally no way to defeat these majorities.

Trump or death is our reality. 
 (kurwa, I told you: there will be no shutdown and you laughed me out!)

"House adopts stopgap fun... 

This is the weakest group of GOP stooges I've ever seen. 

Majority owned by the DS. 

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 F*ck Nikki Haley to hell! 
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It's not a coincidence that the people who go along with the wrongdoing get promoted. Get the higher pay.

When you get old enough you'll realize that virtually everybody in management in government are these people who compromise their integrity for advancement and riches. 

And once people head down that path, their fellow leaders realize that they now own them. 
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Typical RINO response. Remove accountability so liars and DS whores can't be removed once they lie their way into the speakership. 
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Actually, NO.

Those who attack the Red Hat are racists, traitors, and demons. 
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OMG, who is surprised? 

The CDC has helped kill tens of millions. You got to be a real idiot to still believe them. 
Event not found

Yeah, except most people don't know they have them growing throughout their bodies anywhere SP is. They're normally found by morticians after they kill people. 
Event not found

Make Trump speaker and he can launch investigations into all these crooked Soros DAs.