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 Yesterday it was Newt Gingrich's op-ed that exposed how thoroughly engulfed in the swamp Newt is, as he called for the expulsion of Matt Gaetz.

Today, it was the absolutely bonifide deceit of Jim Jordan, folk hero for his tough talk, who went to the floor for 3 minutes to blatantly lie about McCarthy successes that didn't exist.

Today we see the swamp, and it's crystal clear. 8 Republicans under attack from over 200 lobbyist owned, special interest owned, whores. 

How did Jordan get so popular?

He's your standard issue talking head politician that's done nothing for us. 


Those who assemble against Gaetz.
Pay attention.
Remember the names.
They are your enemies. 

Seems to me, contrary to the conservatives conventional belief, that it could be the republicans who are destroyed first, with Dems coming later, which I’m good with. 

Especially since this highly functional fraud machine only works with the faux opposition the GOP provides.