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 #Thailand: #Bangkok Public Bus Driver Admits to Lying About Brake Failure, Had Dozed Off and Caused Massive Car Pile Up

 Guess that resolves that issue then…

Dianne Feinstein, centrist stalwart of the Senate, dies at 90

 Wuhan Virology Institute Warns of New #Coronavirus🦠 Strains

A study led by Dr. Shi Zhengli, Director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at #Wuhan Institute of Virology, #China, reveals more than 20 strains with a high-risk of human transmissions.

The #SARSCoV2🦠 pandemic isn’t over. Repeated infection will cripple you.

#WearAMask in crowded places — stay 😷 <— 2m —> 😷 when you can.

 Politicians talk about getting families onto the “property ladder” in order to build wealth. 

True, UK property has performed very well in recent decades, but one person’s house price windfall is another’s living cost inflation. 

“For society as a whole”, the property market creates “an illusion of wealth, not the real thing.” 

In the meantime UK house prices will keep falling … 

#Conservatives #Housing #Homelessness

 *This* is why Thatcher was so successful in persuading people to act against the broader common good by selling them publicly owned housing stock at knock down prices so they could generate illusory ‘wealth’ — all at huge cost to wider society, and spawning the crippling housing crisis we’ve endured ever since.

Labour had the chance to reverse this catastrophic policy in ‘97. 

It refused to — instead adding fuel to the fire by privatising social housing provision.

 Troops stormed a prison. They found inmates had built a luxury resort.


 The third kick of the #shutdown ‘mule’: 

Moscow Mitch’s warnings go unheeded 


 People seem to have short memories when it comes to Labour’s 13 years in power.

This is the legacy Blair left us: people killing themselves in prison after being locked up effectively for life for trivial offences, an NHS crippled by Labour privatisation and PFIs, and a housing crisis caused by Labour’s refusal to reverse Thatcher’s ‘Right To Buy’.

It would be insane to expect any different from Starmer in ‘24 — Tory-Lite Labour™️ isn’t a new phenomena.

So #VoteGreen💚

 FFS! Weren’t the Conservatives all for ‘localism’ at one point?

Now we live in a Stalinist top down autocracy.

At least the ‘Green’ Conservative mask has slipped and Sunak has outed the Tories as the child hating pro-pollution scum they always have been. 

Thousands of kids will die because Sunak is petrified of a teeny clique of terminally thick far right extremists on his backbenches.

You had enough of this crap yet?

#EnoughIsEnough #GTTO #RiseUp

 nostr:npub1r7ek026hg7gykthv9cydxqh7jx26a5eklpkml3dged98u0y2lfpsjcmre3 Whilst I applaud your disru... 
 @d55ed39b the sarcasm dripping from my toot wasn’t enough, obvs.

Also, it’s incredibly rare a phone jockey sat thousands of miles away in a call warehouse and incapable of answering even the simplest query will ever score more than a 1 anyhoo…🤷‍♂️ 
 Well, someone’s got to pay for:

— Massive tax cuts for the already filthy rich, 

— £bns of taxpayers cash paid out to donors and mates down the pub for useless PPE, 

— a high-speed railway to nowhere

— £bns more in subsidies to already obscenely profitable cartel fossil fuel companies so they can avoid paying a windfall tax to compensate us for gouging energy prices.

That someone is YOU.

You had enough of this crap yet?

#EnoughIsEnough #GTTO #RiseUp

 Musk really does have the X Factor — when it comes to popularising platforms he doesn’t own… 

Another stampede for the exits over at X is it?

 You know what? After the umpteenth ‘Let us know how your call went today’ email survey polluting my inbox just because I called a company to ask a sodding question, I’m going to start responding with exact opposite responses to my lived experience — a shite call will get a glowing review, a lovely call will be all 0s.

Survey that, corporate Britain! 
 nostr:npub1r7ek026hg7gykthv9cydxqh7jx26a5eklpkml3dged98u0y2lfpsjcmre3 What an arrogant wee twerp ... 
 @ecc67701 indeed. Pity is Yousaf appears to be letting them. 

Pledging to start negotiating for a referendum sometime in the future with a London Government that won’t allow it at any point in time, just because you won a majority of Scottish Westminster seats under FPTP is just laughable. 

A UDI is the *only* way Scotland can regain its independence and start managing its own resources for the benefit of the people in Scotland — at least in our lifetimes. 

Boy, 16, arrested after Hadrian's Wall tree felled

Where the fuck are the parents? Who breeds this kind of malign ignorance?

 Worth remembering when you hear Sunak banging on about Britain exploiting its natural resources for the future that WE (you and me) own none of it.

Our jug eared tantrum prone accident of birth unelected Head of State owns *everything* the UK lays territorial claim to — even seabed way beyond our 12 mile territorial waters.

The Norwegians will be paying a fee to licence their drilling jug ear’s property — making him a colossal hypocrite

#Rosebank #LeaveItInTheGround

 Try not to shed too many tears, lovers, but Dan Wootton has been fired by the Daily Heil Online…

Apparently his behaviour with Laurence Pencil Dick Fox was beyond the pale even for them… 
 nostr:npub1r7ek026hg7gykthv9cydxqh7jx26a5eklpkml3dged98u0y2lfpsjcmre3 Or even better just never w... 
 @f705eff1 this is about being active rather than passively trying an “ignoring it and hoping it’ll go away” strategy. 

It won’t. Its needs gone, like RT. 
 People appear surprised that a conman found guilty of massive fraud just his week is actually a conman who is quite happy to use non-union non-autoworkers to pretend to be union autoworkers to create a false impression at one of his rallies at a non-union parts shop.

It’s almost as if his entire history of grift has passed them by…


 Trump will say or do anything, no matter how dishonest or even illegal, to get re-elected President in ‘24. 

It’s the only way his corrupt arse stays out jail.

He’s not running for President — he’s running to self-pardon.

 You’ve seen the revolting comments by Lawrence Fox on Dan Wootton’s show on #GBNews by now.

We can’t let this far right extremist misogynist crap pollute our airwaves for a moment longer.

There’s nothing impartial about GB News 24/7 hosing of bigoted hatred onto the public discourse.

Tell Ofcom to get off its butt and do something to halt the hatred:

The relevant show to complain about is Dan Wootton Tonight, broadcast on Tuesday 26 September at 9pm.

 You can do your bit by following the link in the Toot above this one in the thread on Wotton and Fox 

 nostr:npub1r7ek026hg7gykthv9cydxqh7jx26a5eklpkml3dged98u0y2lfpsjcmre3 The whole thing makes no se... 
 @aa35fcc8 not strictly true. Equinor and Ithaca are paying London lorks knows how much licensing wodge to operate the oilfield and extract the oil and gas for their profit.

The jug eared tantrum prone accident of birth we laughably call Head of State actually owns everything (even beyond the 12 mile territorial limit).

WE (you and me) own fuck all.

 Actor Sir Michael Gambon, known for Harry Potter role as Dumbledore, dies aged 82 😢

 'It is like hell on Earth': #LGBT+ Ugandans tortured, starving and evicted due to anti-gay law 

But British Conservative scum think being put to death for your ‘god given’ orientation (there’s an irony, eh?) isn’t enough to qualify you as a refugee.

When are people in England going the wake the fuck up, get off their arses and kick these crooks out of Westminster?

 Missed this… a bit of good news in the war the Conservatives are waging on our freedom of speech and civil liberties 24/7:

Britain Admits Defeat in Controversial Online Safety Bill


 World famous #SycamoreGap tree on Hadrian’s wall chopped down by 'vandal'

 Switzerland has lost 10% of its glaciers in just two years in 'catastrophic' ice melt

Maybe it’ll take taps running dry in Kensington before the rich realise we’re fucked as a species?

 Humza Yousaf has branded the controversial actor Laurence Fox a “vile Neanderthal” over comments made about a female journalist.

 There’s always more to an #SNP story than first meets the eye…

Quite why Sturgeon allowed this festering boil to simmer for so many years is a question, along with many many others, for her to answer to.

The SNP doesn’t seem that good at getting ahead of a story anymore… which imperils #independence — unless it gets its act together sharpish…

 It got loud, and it got weird: The 5 biggest moments from the second #Republican Presidential wannabes debate

 Peter Brookes Times cartoon: September 28, 2023 - The Times and The Sunday Times


 The Tories’ huge new oilfield is a moral obscenity – but #Rosebank can still be stopped! 

(Note: Labour will *not* reverse this licence, despite the double-speak coming out of Starmer’s office — *all* licences granted by the Conservatives will be left in place by Tory-Lite Labour™️)

The only way to ensure we transition to CHEAP clean energy in your lifetime is to #VoteGreen💚 whenever you get the chance…

#ClimateCollapse #GlobalBoiling #LeaveItInTheGround

 The UK is considered one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.

Now one in six UK of the species left are  threatened with extinction – here's what we could lose (plus how to save them)

#Ecology #Nature

 Fuck they’re craven.

Labour U-turns on plan to scrap charitable status of private schools 

 Trump Was Privately Chanting for Mike Pence’s Hanging on January 6

 GB News suspends Dan Wootton and Laurence Fox over comments about journalist Ava Evans on show


 nostr:npub1r7ek026hg7gykthv9cydxqh7jx26a5eklpkml3dged98u0y2lfpsjcmre3 A question that occurs to m... 
 @16bddcc6 Musk’s Twitter buyout was funded to a large degree by private individuals with an axe to grind against freedom of speech, Saudis et al 


But you’re right banks can and do pick wronguns… see sub prime and the collapse of the global economy in 2008… 
 Labour conference rule changes could stop members debating certain issues — like economy wrecking Tory Brexit…

Anyone still seriously considering voting for Starmer’s Labour needs to ask themselves whether they are, in reality, just a closet Conservative.

Stop voting Labour, #VoteGreen💚 instead. If Scotland can break free under FPTP — so can England!

Consign Starmer and his rudderless Tory-lite party to wastebin of political history, where it belongs.

 This just formalises the right’s contempt for internal democracy within Labour. Starmer already ignores key policy decisions made by members:

“Last year’s conference overwhelmingly backed a motion calling for PR, an idea ignored by Keir Starmer.”

Question is why are so many still deluding themselves that Starmer is playing a brilliant game of 3D chess when the stark reality is he’s making Labour utterly indistinguishable from the Conservatives on any major policy issue?

Vote Labour get Tory 
 Suella Braverman’s race baiting refugee speech is a deflection from UK’s failings


 One of the most intense El Niños ever observed could be forming

#ClimateCollapse #GlobalBoiling #ClimateCrisis

https://wapo.st/3Pu0bT7 (🎁) 
 “The decision orders the parties to suggest candidates for receivers who will oversee the dissolution of the various entities that make up the Trump Organization’s corporate structure — a ruling that appears to mean the collapse of its operations in New York.”

Which is nice… 

All Trump’s lenders won’t be too keen to see the security against their loans vanish into receivership … which one will file to bankrupt the obese orange shitgibbon first, do you think?

https://wapo.st/3Zzd6HL 🎁 
 MSNBC reporting its highly probable Trump will be evicted from Trump Tower and other key Trump properties as a result of his years long fraud against America.

Which is nice.

Bankrupt the obese orange shitgibbon then #LockHimUp for the rest of his natural, along with his brats their partners. 
 @b5b9ea7b the weird thing is I live in the second largest town in Perth and Kinross (outside Perth as #1) but mobile data is patchy as hell, yet in the middle of the Cairngorms, with not a human habitation in sight theres often more stable mobile data available 🤷‍♂️

Our operator is trialling 5G in our town but it’s swamping 4G and causing no end of issues.

Most of Scotland has full fibre connections — the Govt used CoViD lockdowns as opportunity to roll out fibre backbone while roads deserted 
 @b5b9ea7b we stayed on a steading right in the middle of the Cairngorms near Glenlivet while were house hunting up here. The owner used a BT cell tower on the hill opposite to provide pretty fast wifi in his rental units. Scotland is definitely far more switched on when it comes to infrastructure than England. That steading had faster broadband via the mobile mast than many parts of London who still subsist on dial up over copper wire 🤷‍♂️ 
 Strong winds and heavy rain could cause floods, power cuts and tear down trees, according to the Met Office and a Scottish weather agency.

Tiles may be blown from roofs while railways and roads could be disrupted.
The Met Office has issued a yellow wind warning from midday on Wednesday until 7am on Thursday in the following areas:

— Southwest England
— West Midlands 
— North England
— Scotland
— Northern Ireland
— Wales 
 The most powerful winds are expected to hit the Irish Sea coasts, with up to 75mph on higher grounds and in exposed coastal areas. 
 Strong winds and heavy rain could cause floods, power cuts and tear down trees, according to the Met Office and a Scottish weather agency.

Tiles may be blown from roofs while railways and roads could be disrupted.
The Met Office has issued a yellow wind warning from midday on Wednesday until 7am on Thursday in the following areas:

— Southwest England
— West Midlands 
— North England
— Scotland
— Northern Ireland
— Wales 
 Shakira charged with €6,700,000 tax fraud in second case in Spain

#TaxEvasion #PAYEForAll 

 Gammon Broadcast News suspends misogynist pencil dicked loser Laurence Fox as he refuses to apologise for 'totally unacceptable' comments about Ava Evans.

When is Wooton going to be fired?


 The Origins of the Socialist Slur

Reconstruction-era opponents of racial equality popularized the charge that protecting civil rights would amount to the end of capitalism.

 🚨 Batten down the hatches, lovers in Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🚨

Storm #Agnes: Scotland told to brace for 75-mph winds 

 Religious fundamentalist deludes herself (its all god botherers are capable of, after all) that she could have won #SNP Leadership had she lied about her dogmatic myth belief and the rancid bigotry that spews from it:

 Laurence Fox, the pencil dicked incel’s favourite incel: 

Ava Evans says comments by Fox on #GBNews made her feel “physically sick” 

#GammonBroadcastNews #Ofcom 

 It’s not just Sturgeon trashing the #SNP’s legacy and putting independence at risk — they’re all at it...

Tribal cults of personality rarely prosper. Yousaf is looking increasingly weak and has yet to stamp his authority on a fractious party seemingly intent on self-destructing.


 nostr:npub1r7ek026hg7gykthv9cydxqh7jx26a5eklpkml3dged98u0y2lfpsjcmre3 what kind of speed do you g... 
 @b5b9ea7b the weird thing is I live in the second largest town in Perth and Kinross (outside Perth as #1) but mobile data is patchy as hell, yet in the middle of the Cairngorms, with not a human habitation in sight theres often more stable mobile data available 🤷‍♂️

Our operator is trialling 5G in our town but it’s swamping 4G and causing no end of issues.

Most of Scotland has full fibre connections — the Govt used CoViD lockdowns as opportunity to roll out fibre backbone while roads deserted 
 Trump appears to remain worried that 2024 won’t be rigged to his benefit

 Labour have a lot to answer for — rather than scrapping Thatcher’s right-to-buy and stopping the decimation of social housing they further privatised affordable housing. 

People have short memories about the wasted 13 yrs of Labour under Tory Bliar:

 Martin Rowson on Rishi Sunak’s precarious future – cartoon

 Sunak actually employed this far right extremist despite the fact she was sacked for subverting our national security and undermining her own Government’s foreign policy.

It’s all Conservatives have to offer — corruption and division.

#RiseUp #EnoughIsEnough #GTTO 

 “She also refused to rule out the UK leaving the global refugee charter if it remains unchanged”

We’re a few goose steps away from the pariah status only afforded to totalitarian shitholes.. 
 The future conservatives want for workers in England…they’ll succeed to, if you let them by wasting your vote in ‘24 on the same old same old…

California workers who cut countertops are dying of an incurable disease 

 The Tories have warped an already crooked electoral system, pushing millions of voters off the rolls. 

#Democracy #VotingRights #MakeAllVotesMatter #ProportionalRepresentation #EnoughIsEnough

 “These grassroots community organisers…have set up voter registration hubs to reach communities around the country through mosques, churches and temples”

Hate to piss on a noble cause but I’ll wager far fewer people believe in cloud fairies than actually haven’t registered to vote.

The only way to counter Tory voter suppression is door to door canvassing and registration drives.

You can help by making sure all your friends and family are registered to vote.

In Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 that means anyone 16+ 
 That glossy sheen starting to look a bit rusty…

“That does not excuse Justin Trudeau’s failure to have his massive diplomatic and intelligence apparatus vet and prevent honouring a Nazi” 

Sometimes conservatives are right…. Even a broken analog watch is right twice a day, albeit briefly…

 Thoroughly vile and disgraced and previously sacked for breaching National Security and foreign policy, Home Secretary Sue Ellen Braverman claims illegal migration is 'existential challenge' and hits out at 'dogma of multiculturalism'.

Always vomit inducing to see a brown person doing their white supremacist master’s racist dog whistle bidding for them.


 …mind you, give it a week and Starmer will be falling into line behind Braverman, wringing his Tory hands as he announces yet another lurch to the right for Labour.

If you’re sick and tired of all this bs, then *YOU* have the power to stop it.

You’ve just got to break the habits of a lifetime when voting in England and actually vote for the change you want to see rather than settling for 2nd or 3rd best just coz they ain’t officially a Tory.

#VoteGreen💚 whenever you get the chance, lovers. 
 #Amazon used market power to warp prices of goods across the internet, costing consumers £billions FTC alleges as it launches massive anti-trust suit against the company.

Which is nice.

#AntiTrust #Monopoly #CostOfLivingCrisis 

 Oh dear, the #CryptoBros will be furious…

Crypto is now soooo infested with bad actors that Banks are refusing to allow their customers to be fleeced.

Which is nice.

#CraptoCurrency #Crypto #CryptoCurrency #Scam

 🚨8 Flood Alerts in force for #Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🚨

 Your loved one did enough damage to the planet while they were alive, don’t fuck it over again by buggering up fragile ecosystems with their ashes — there’s a love… 


 For anyone living in Scotland: avoid MAK Electrical — absolutely clueless 🤠s and 🤡s.

The idiot who wired this house like a demented crack addicted 3 yr old is still working for them — despite being kicked off this site (albeit Scotia Homes kicked the useless w⚓️ off this site for being too slow, not for being utterly shite at his job).

New build relies on children straight out of school on apprenticeships to keep costs way down while they gouge buyers by restricting supply. 
 More quality work from #ScotiaHomes…

Our back door was so poorly hung its had to be ripped out and re-hung.

Now there’s a two inch gap around the frame and render — so that has to be ripped out and replaced — creating no end of mess and dust.

Avoid new build, lovers. It’s a total scam run by 🤠 w⚓️s and 🤡s.  

Scotia Homes is going bust soon anyhoo — 200+ houses in Forfar and Aberdeenshire have defective cladding Scotia botched the install on

German manufacturer is refusing to engage 🙃


 Thick wankers of the world, unite.

These pathetic pricks really have way too much time on their terminally thick hands…


 @6b3caab6 see my toot about the notification from Chase. Banks are refusing to allow their customers to be ripped off anymore. Which is nice… 
 We reported total loss of heating to #NHBC🤡 “Emergency Response” service early morning on Sunday.  We got a phone call from their on call gas engineer at midday today. 🤷‍♂️

New build in Britain is a complete and utter scam — and it’s only getting worse as Tories weaken building regulations and standards in return for developer donations.

Until the law changes you have more consumer protection buying a 50p tin of beans than you do a £300k+ new build house. 

#PrideInTheBodge #NHBC #BoycottNewBuild 
 For anyone living in Scotland: avoid MAK Electrical — absolutely clueless 🤠s and 🤡s.

The idiot who wired this house like a demented crack addicted 3 yr old is still working for them — despite being kicked off this site (albeit Scotia Homes kicked the useless w⚓️ off this site for being too slow, not for being utterly shite at his job).

New build relies on children straight out of school on apprenticeships to keep costs way down while they gouge buyers by restricting supply.