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 @b5b9ea7b the weird thing is I live in the second largest town in Perth and Kinross (outside Perth as #1) but mobile data is patchy as hell, yet in the middle of the Cairngorms, with not a human habitation in sight theres often more stable mobile data available 🤷‍♂️

Our operator is trialling 5G in our town but it’s swamping 4G and causing no end of issues.

Most of Scotland has full fibre connections — the Govt used CoViD lockdowns as opportunity to roll out fibre backbone while roads deserted 
 @b5b9ea7b we stayed on a steading right in the middle of the Cairngorms near Glenlivet while were house hunting up here. The owner used a BT cell tower on the hill opposite to provide pretty fast wifi in his rental units. Scotland is definitely far more switched on when it comes to infrastructure than England. That steading had faster broadband via the mobile mast than many parts of London who still subsist on dial up over copper wire 🤷‍♂️