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Notes by Andy_S_64🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 | export

 Thick wankers of the world, unite.

These pathetic pricks really have way too much time on their terminally thick hands…


 “In 2023, telling the truth is being treated as a criminal act,” Perrin said, “with people prosecuted for displaying facts in public… I am deeply afraid of a world where truth, science and morality are not important, or where we are not free to fight for them.”

#FightBack #Resist #RiseUp 
 Turbo Tax’ parent company successfully lobbied the US IRS to stop it building a free to use platform for American citizens to file their taxes. There’s no profit to be made from ‘free’ after all…

ProPublica exposed their back room monopolistic scam and now Intuit is using *the* most ridiculous reasoning for why the gouging status quo should remain in place 🤯

#BoycottTurboTax #FilingTaxesWhileBlack #BlackMastodon 

 Before you start cheering on the coming mini-heatwave in October, here’s a reminder of just how close humans have pushed our one planet towards a mass extinction event — our own.

Risk of mass deaths as heatwaves start to pass survivability threshold

#ClimateCollapse #ClimateBreakdown #LeaveItInTheGround #ClimateCrisis #GlobalBoiling

 In #Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 peak fares are being removed across the board on #ScotRail to try and incentivise rail travel over car use.

If passenger numbers go up it’s entirely possible the temporary peak fares removal will become a permanent one.

You can only do that if your country owns your train operating company. 

No privatised company would consent to losing the profit they derive from gouging daily commuters. 
 It’s soooo much nicer living in a country whose Government puts the people living there ahead of the greed of profiteers and spivs. 

#Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 really is a completely different country to England… in every single respect.


#StayinPut #OffPeakFaresAllDayLong 
 Why it pays to stay well clear of the bleedin’ edge…

iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F

 Braverman is a clear and present threat to *all* our human rights.

She’s now pushing an extremist rightwing agenda that will basically bar anyone from anywhere seeking protection and shelter in another country.

Sky News is at fault. AEI is no more ‘centre right’ than Adolf Hitler.

The AEI is an extreme right wing neoconservative climate change denying, fossil fuel funded lie machine.

Still, the perfect audience for #ToryScum to spew vile hate fuelled ideology to.

 Just an fyi — here’s just one assessment (backed by actual factual evidence) of the American Enterprise Institute that Sky News ‘journalists’ might want to review before soft soaping a far right extremist organisation:

#AEI #FarRight

 Why do people in England carry on putting up with this crap?

Privatised rail will never ever deliver for the rail using public. 

#Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 has at least nationalised its train company. 

Labour need to stop being afraid of their own shadows and pledge to nationalise Network Rail as well as all the ToCs should they be elected. 

If they don’t or won’t then just #VoteGreen💚 instead and get you’ll  #FairVotes and #RejoinTheEU too 🥰

 In #Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 peak fares are being removed across the board on #ScotRail to try and incentivise rail travel over car use.

If passenger numbers go up it’s entirely possible the temporary peak fares removal will become a permanent one.

You can only do that if your country owns your train operating company. 

No privatised company would consent to losing the profit they derive from gouging daily commuters. 
 Turns out the engineer that replaced a blending valve last week on our system left the central heating valve shut off.

Lucky he did because it forced #ScotiaHomes to stop trying to ignore the problems and send their contractors back today.


The wiring to the boiler system is a complete indecipherable mess that bears no relation to the manufacturer’s wiring schematics and is wrong

The water pressure to the hot water is so low it’ll invalidate the boiler warranty.

Avoid Scotia Homes 🤡

 We reported total loss of heating to #NHBC🤡 “Emergency Response” service early morning on Sunday.  We got a phone call from their on call gas engineer at midday today. 🤷‍♂️

New build in Britain is a complete and utter scam — and it’s only getting worse as Tories weaken building regulations and standards in return for developer donations.

Until the law changes you have more consumer protection buying a 50p tin of beans than you do a £300k+ new build house. 

#PrideInTheBodge #NHBC #BoycottNewBuild 
 Cassidy Hutchinson's new book reveals a Trump White House even more chaotic than previously known

Also confirms that Trump privately admitted he’d lost the election but the gullible MAGAts had to be grifted…


 Did Trump commit a felony offence in a gun store? 

With 91 charges against him, what’s another one?

 Why September’s record-warm temperatures have scientists so worried 

#ClimateCollapse #ClimateCrisis 

 Yet Sunak says he can’t lead on the #ClimateEmergency and reduce the risk of flooding and wildfires for fear of upsetting some lunatic morons on his backbenches?

Be nice if England roared back at him and put the tax evading Green Card holding twat out on his ear.

#London #floods: Roads turn into rivers after ‘monsoon’ rain with more coming from Hurricane Nigel 

 #SpinelessSunak poised to reveal major net zero policy reversal - as furious Speaker criticises timing of announcement

#RiseUP #TakeBackControl #ClimateCollapse

 We’re just going to have to stop using fossil fuels, period.

Fantasy projects like carbon capture and storage won’t work either. Don’t get me started on the cost of nuclear, or its toxic legacy. 

We have the technology to switch to 100% green renewable energy now. We just lack the will, despite the planet burning around us, to do it. 

That has to change and change quickly if we’re to survive:

#ClimateCollapse #ClimateEmergency #LeaveItInTheGround 

 FFS! Conservatives can see the planet burning and our climate breaking down, but rather than deal with the rabid extremists that have hijacked their Party they’re happier trashing the planet even more and just making it even more expensive for our children to escape the worsening impacts of man made #ClimateChange.

If Sunak back peddles on the Tory’s already piss weak net zero scam ‘commitments’ then we all have to rise up and kick him out of power. 

 Russell Brand latest: BBC and police begin inquiries into allegations 

 Heard three racist Northerners moaning about this, Muslims whining about Legionnaires disease and a whole panoply of other racist tropes while trying to enjoy late lunch at The Dalmore Inn (it isn’t) and Restaurant, haven to golf playing racist bores from the world over.

Knew there was a reason we don’t bother eating there as a rule….

20mph speed limit for residential roads comes into force in Wales🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

 Monarchy serves only one purpose — to enrich an unelected accident of birth and his or her family, their forelock tugging hangers on and ingratiating cronies, while doing the square root of fuck all for the people they ‘rule’ over.

It’s an affront to human dignity and stifles representative democracy: 


 Ex-wife of BP boss who resigned says he ended their marriage by text message 

 France to let fuel retailers sell below cost in inflation fight, prime minister says 

 “A second woman alleges that Brand assaulted her when he was 31 and she was 16 and still at school. She said he referred to her as “the child” during an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship that lasted for about three months, and that Brand once “forced his penis down her throat”, making her choke. She says she tried to push him off and said she had to punch him in the stomach to make him stop.”

#Rape #RussellBrand 
 “A third woman claims that he sexually assaulted her while she worked with him in Los Angeles, and that he threatened to take legal action if she told anyone else about her allegation.

The fourth described being sexually assaulted by Brand and him being physically and emotionally abusive towards her.”

#Rape #RussellBrand 
 “One woman alleges that Brand raped her against a wall in his Los Angeles home. She was treated at a rape crisis centre on the same day, according to medical records. Text messages show that in the hours after leaving his house, she told Brand that she had been scared by him and felt taken advantage of, adding: “When a girl say[s] NO it means no.” Brand replied saying he was “very sorry”.”

#Rape #RussellBrand 
 “A second woman alleges that Brand assaulted her when he was 31 and she was 16 and still at school. She said he referred to her as “the child” during an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship that lasted for about three months, and that Brand once “forced his penis down her throat”, making her choke. She says she tried to push him off and said she had to punch him in the stomach to make him stop.”

#Rape #RussellBrand 
 Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual assaults and abuse

 “One woman alleges that Brand raped her against a wall in his Los Angeles home. She was treated at a rape crisis centre on the same day, according to medical records. Text messages show that in the hours after leaving his house, she told Brand that she had been scared by him and felt taken advantage of, adding: “When a girl say[s] NO it means no.” Brand replied saying he was “very sorry”.”

#Rape #RussellBrand 
 Thirteen+ years of Conservative Party Government will tend to have that effect, impoverishing the entire nation while lining the pockets of the already obscenely wealthy:

‘It’s organised looting’: UK in grip of a shoplifting epidemic

 Global Britain, can’t even feed its own children:

“Earlier this week, Laurence Guinness, the chief executive of the Childhood Trust, told the Big Issue: “I have spoken to many children, some as young as seven, who have resorted to taking food from shops because they are hungry.””

You had enough of this crap yet?

#EnoughIsEnough #Resist #RiseUp #GTTO 
 What a calamitous farce the #Conservatives are:

“Pressure on Mr Sunak will increase on Monday when *Liz Truss* makes her first speech on the economy since leaving office – almost a year to the day since the “mini-Budget” which prompted a markets meltdown — and trashed the economy…

'The brand has been trashed'

You had enough of this crap yet?

#EnoughIsEnough #GTTO

 #Conservatives don’t represent anyone bar the wealthy elite and media barons who pull their strings.

FPTP allows this manipulation — we need full STV proportional representation — a ban on corporate money in politics would be a boon too…

Murdoch executives ‘told #Sunak not to resign after #Partygate fine’

 Surely it should just shut down if it’s too shit at doing business to stay solvent? 

Isn’t that the way of the ‘free market’?


 Dawkins wept!  TV journalist sexually assaulted while live on air in #Madrid


 Channel 4 #Dispatches tonight looks like being a corker… 

21:00 tonight. Don’t miss it! 🍿

 Lords kills off 'hatchet job' Conservatives plan to rip up EU pollution laws so gouging developers can build more cramped, overpriced leaky housing while billing the taxpayer for the pollution and environmental damage their crappy developments cause:

 Risk of mass deaths as heatwaves start to pass survivability threshold

You were warned.

You chose the 65” TV and Gogglebox over fighting for your future.

#ClimateCollapse #CimateCrisis

 Privatisation of UK air traffic control has, like all the other Conservative and Labour privatisations being an unmitigated failure.

Yet Labour hasn’t got the balls to take back control from the vulture capitalists.

Now wonder England is shafted…

Air traffic chaos and Thames Water woes put heat on pensions giant

 As always, doing the bare minimum and always TOO FUCKING LATE!

Covid vaccine: Conservatives  consider booster jabs for over-50s to protect the NHS this winter 

 Labour rules out Scottish independence talks with SNP after next general election 

Of course it does. It’s an anti-democratic clone of the Conservative Party.

But England, please go ahead and piss your vote up the wall on Labour — them losing to the Tories again will all but guarantee UDI in Scotland…

 Could the #SNP win #independence without a referendum? 

 More than 3,000 arrested as massive climate protests block major Netherlands motorway for fifth day 

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateCollapse 

 Earth just had its warmest August — and summer — on record, spurring dire warnings 

#ClimateCollapse #ClimateCrisis #GlobalBoiling

 Just lock the fucker up while he awaits trial — it’s what normally happens to traitorous scumbags that try to launch a coup and overturn people’s democratic choice.

Special counsel asks for 'narrow' gag order for Trump in election interference case

#Jan6 #SeditiousConspiracy

 #Thailand's Pita quits as leader of election-winning party after failed PM bid 

 Covid hotspots revealed as hospital admissions in England climb

 No huge surprise all bar the Tory core vote are being thrown to the wolves.

Public could pay for #Covid jabs if new Pirola variants spark surge - but not until 2024, when it’ll be too late!

You had enough of this crap yet?

#EnoughIsEnough #GTTO 

 DeSantis's Campaign Slogan Amounts to 'LGBTQ+ People Are the Enemy' 

 Wow. There’s some arrogance…

Lucy Letby to appeal against conviction over babies’ murders 

 Gun-crazed America: 

Police fatally shot her husband after they went to the wrong house — then detained her for hours
 Another day trip — this time Edinburgh by publicly owned and therefore not a rip-off #ScotRail🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 train. 

Castle booked for 14:30 — better be a damn sight less Disney than Stirling’s hideous ‘painting by numbers’ effort..

 Brazil court convicts first defendant in pro-Bolsonaro riots

 Blimey, England really is falling apart at the seams…

Massive Greater Manchester Police ID badge data breach - what we know so far 


 nostr:npub1r7ek026hg7gykthv9cydxqh7jx26a5eklpkml3dged98u0y2lfpsjcmre3 Absolutely not 'having a go... 
 @5ff784c4 You get off your arse and collapse their Government. Sitting at home muttering isn’t going to change anything. If you think ‘24 is going to be your salvation I worry. Starmer won’t win, he can’t without taking most if not all of the Scottish seats. Not a cat in hell’s chance.

Mind you — Tories in again in England would make independence a cert… so fill yer boots muttering at home, I say  🙃 
 13 years of #Conservatives in power, defunding our critical infrastructure and services while giving tax bungs to their obsecenely wealthy mates will tend to have that effect…

Record number of people waiting for NHS hospital treatment in England

You had enough of this crap yet?

#EnoughIsEnough #GTTO

 Tony Blair: I won’t be backseat driver to Keir Starmer 

Of course not. Starmer will in the boot, bound and gagged.

If Labour are your answer you really really are asking the wrong questions…

 Sunak blocked rebuild of hospitals riddled with crumbling concrete 

You had enough of being shafted year after year, without lube?

#EnoughIsEnough #GTTO

 Starmer’s view of the desperate men, women and children fleeing war and persecution being forced to cross the Channel in unsafe dinghies and small boats because the Conservatives have removed all lawful safe routes to claim asylum:

"The first job of any government is national security - protecting the British people from threats that come from here and overseas.”

Refugees are now *threats* to Labour.

Let that sink in.

Then decide whether you can really support a party that has sunk so low.. 
 #Scotland🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿: democracy in action MSPs vote against Tory bid to delay short-term lets scheme in a win for young people and renters in general.

Side bar: why is Tory clone Ewing still an #SNP MSP? Surely its long beyond time he was kicked — the frothing fringes of Alba are a better fit, surely?

 Just in case you had *any* doubts just how Tory #Labour has become:

“Labour MSPs backed the Tories”

That’s Labour, the Party that pretends it puts people first.

Labour isn’t ‘progressive’, it’s now a conservative reactionary irrelevance of a party that is so bereft of principles it has to steal other party’s policies to see if they can get a few votes off them.

Labour is dead in Scotland — its so weird that they just keep on pissing on their own grave…

England can bury them too. #VoteGreen 
 Tory Northern Powerhouse wheezes to a shuddering halt…

Just scrap the whole of HS2 and use the £bns to upgrade our national rail network instead, ffs!

Spineless Sunak and the failed marmalade salesman he put in charge of the nation’s finances in talks to scrap phase two of #HS2 as costs spiral 

 Met police pays damages to women arrested at Sarah Everard vigil 

Given how utterly riven the Met Police is with racism, misogyny and homophobia its way beyond time it was disbanded.

Maybe follow Scotland’s lead and have a unified Police force… demolish all those silos and put the money spent on ineffective top brass in each county towards more Police on the beat.

Just a thought…

Obvious typo. Should be Ba... 
 @5bedf0f1 I know! Shocking slackness from some inattentive child in the store, no doubt.. 🙄 
 Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’

Slow hand clap, humanity. You keep driving your brats the half a mile to school in your diesel 4x4s while bitching about ULEZ, eh?


 ‘Sea is constantly dumping bodies’: fears Libya flood death toll may hit 20,000 

#ClimateCatastrophe #EnoughIsEnough 

 Tobias Ellwood has resigned as chair of the defence select committee after four of its members called for a vote of no confidence in light of comments he made praising the Taliban after a visit to Afghanistan in July. 
Not for introducing a Chinese spy to the heart of Parliament then?
#EnoughIsEnough #GTTO 
 Oh the bliss of having publicly owned rail service…🥰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

England should give it a go — along with a public owned water supply, it’s really terribly modern.

Only way it’ll happen though is if you #VoteGreen — Labour think privatisation rip offs are just peachy…

Peak ScotRail fares set to be scrapped from October 2 in #Scottish🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Government pilot scheme 

 Stonking victory for #ScottishIndependence.

We shouldn’t have to beg Tory scum in London for permission to follow scientific evidence that can save the lives of people living in Scotland.

UK will not stop Scotland's safe drug consumption room pilot in Glasgow

 Highland Homes Not Holiday Lets: 

Stop Short-Term Lets Destroying Our Communities

#AirBNB #ShortLets #Housing #Scotland 

 MI5 warned #Conservatives that MP hopefuls could be spies

Pity they didn’t warn them about their Parliamentary advisors, eh?

 A far-right figure who is involved in a secretive invitation-only fraternal organization, whose founder has spoken of being at war with the US government, is also part-owner of an ammunition company that has contracts with… the federal government

Best cancel those contracts, Biden:

 Calls for #Starbucks boycott grow amid aggressive union-busting activities

 ‘Toxic poster child of Europe’: 

UK fails to ban 36 harmful pesticides outlawed for use in EU

 Oh the joys of privatised water in England…

West London schools closed and thousands of homes left with no water or low pressure 


Event not found
 @1a9414ab @b516afaf that said the onus is on people living in England.

Scotland has proportional representation for its Parliament and votes for 14 yrs old upwards. 

We need independence to cut ourselves free right enough, but people in England need to gain STV PR to avoid being trapped in a never ending Tory Government once we’re gone.

FPTP without Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland = PermaTory™️ Rule 
Event not found
 Turns out the engineer that replaced a blending valve last week on our system left the central heating valve shut off.

Lucky he did because it forced #ScotiaHomes to stop trying to ignore the problems and send their contractors back today.


The wiring to the boiler system is a complete indecipherable mess that bears no relation to the manufacturer’s wiring schematics and is wrong

The water pressure to the hot water is so low it’ll invalidate the boiler warranty.

Avoid Scotia Homes 🤡
