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Notes by Ostrich McScooby | export

 I am done here. 

So long and thanks for all the fish.  
 What happens if I actually believe this reality is a simulation. That I am a sentient program. 

What happens next?

What am I capable of?

What is the extent of my abilities here?

How does this all work?

Can I positively reprogram this reality according to my own will? 
 No you can't. Fuck off famous people. 

All of you are quite literally the worlds best liars. It is in your fucking job titles. 

If anyone reading this is still stupid enough to listen to any actor, or actress promote any propaganda as truth after the plandemic. 

Bless your hearts and may the universe grant you a fucking clue soon.  
 That looks like a perpetual headache. Holy fuck that seems like its head would be hard to balance.  

Welcome to my world since 2012.   

Try playing the what doesn't have soy in it game. It is a pretty hard game to win at most American stores these days. 
 Every time I try to get umbrel or start9 on a usb stick it tells me that the drive is not readabl... 
 Try it on Linux using Popsicle from flathub.org. 

You shouldn't be using malware and spyware pretending to be operating systems anyway. That goes for Crapple & Winblows. They aren't safe enough to deal with satoshies securely and privately.  
 Pretty sure that once the tour guides are gone. They just leave bowls of it out for anyone to have at their leisure. Just like mints, or m&ms.  
 And my family can't comprehend why I won't use WhatsApp. 

Absolutely fucking nope. 
 Preaching to the choir here. Been an righteous advocate for FOSS for almost 15 years.

Personal devices are all FOSS, or GTFO. 

Work forces me to use only 2 proprietary applications. I loath having to use that many.  
 Change the United States needs is to make the money backed by gold, silver, crypto again. No inco... 
 No taxes whatsoever.

Anything less and we are all still debt slaves. 
 Vitor, the Amethyst app booted me out of a message response while typing a response for the 100th time. 

Just so the timeline can load more posts. 

I can't stress this to you enough. 

Please fix this bug. I can't take it anymore. For the love of steak and bacon. Someone, anyone, fix this please soon. It makes me want to try other apps and I don't want to leave this one. 

 I'd pay 10 trillion to make it all go away. The video ai is too much. I don't believe humanity is mature enough for this technology yet. Most people have a hard enough time determining reality as it is. Throw this fuel into the fire and every moment we see requires scrutiny and extreme examination for authenticity. 

 Which is better. Bitcoin, or Monero?

I see everyone talking about both of them here on Nostr all the time. People seem to be all, or nothing. Choose one side, or the other. 

Personally I think both have a place in this world. Acting as a check and balance system. Many would just disagree. Say I'm shilling for a shitcoin. To which I reply if you are going to act like a whinny bitch then go make me a sandwich, shut up, and listen. A chad is talking. 

I look at it like this. Trust no one. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Bitcoin, monero, and precious metals. Each one has a place in this world as fuck you wealth responses to shitty fiat currencies. 

Bitcoin is blue collar fuck you money. Which has a public track record. Great for daily life.

Monero is none of your fucking business who I am, or what I do with my wealth fuck you money. Leave me the fuck alone and mind your own fucking business. 

Gold, silver, palladium, platinum, and copper are for somehow we got rocked back to the middle ages technologically. Here is some silver for that loaf of bread kind of money. 

Please share your thoughts on this subject if you feel passionately about your answer. 

 only people who pay income tax should be allowed to vote 
 We don't pay income tax.

We pay protection money to criminals who try and convince us why we need their protection. 

Then harm us when we don't pay up in time.

I can see your confusion. No worries. It is a common mistake. Hope this clarifies things.  
 You gotta take a hit of this puffer fish. His name is Frank. 

Holy shit flipper. I'm tripping fucking balls. 

Thanks Frank!

*high five fin slaps all around* 
 They gotta include vertical integration into your medical plan. Treat them for one illness. Get them started on the next one for repeat customers.  
 I think this guy is severely underappreciated here. #ff
 Verbal panty dropper for the ladies looking for a genuinely good relationship. Dudes got game. Let's hope he wins.  
 I miss being able to leg press 1,000lbs.....

I miss being a body builder.  
 Someone give this mom a gun and a medal for courage and bravery! 

However, a phone will call for help that may, or may not arrive in time. It will not stop him from starting a physical confrontation in public. 

A gun in the hands of this mom yields better results. You stop the criminal from abducting a child. While motivating them to sit down, shut up, or die until the police arrive. 

This ensures that the child is not abducted. The mother doesn't get hurt and loses 2 children. As well as making sure the criminal immediately stops their evil by law, or death by her righteous hands.

 I've never wanted to give someone a titty twister so bad in my life. I don't even know what he, or you is saying either. Just looks like he really deserves one for looking like this.

That is all.  
 Before doing this. There is something you should know. Vehicle glass is protected in multiple layers. This helps it to not shatter as easily upon contact and helps protect against harmful UV rays from the sun. 

Please ensure that this method of cleaning protection does not damage, or remove the outer layer first. Otherwise this could be a costly mistake. Maybe visit a junkyard that has your vehicle make and model. Test it on the glass. Come back in a week or two, make sure it still looks good after being exposed to the elements. 

If this actually works and doesn't damage the vehicle glass. Very cool! 
 If I give you a hug emoji as a response. Know that it is genuinely given.  
 Same reason Democrats do anything. 

Whether it is for money, votes, influence, preatige, or power. Their motivation always results in stealing from we the people. 
 Just wanna say that I love your posts. For me being so angry and depressed all the time. You bring a little joy to break up madness within me  whenever it is needed the most. 

Thank you for being you. Keep up the great work. Have a wonderful day.  
 The whole time I was watching this video I was just praying to God this one sentence. Repeated over and over again until it reached the end. 

Please don't let her have a dick at the end.

Woke culture has ruined me. I'm always on the degeneracy defensive now. Can't even enjoy a harmless little panty flash comedic scene in a video now. Without worrying I'm going to run into woke bullshit. 

PS: Thank you God for there NOT being a dick at the end. You rock.  
 It ain't #bitcoin going to a million;
it's the dollar dropping to a satoshi. 
 This is the most accurate statement made on Nostr so far.  
 Why is it when I have all the time in the world, I can sit down on the toilet for 3 seconds and shit will rocket out my ass. All done. 

Yet when I am in a rush and have no time whatsoever to fuck around. I am pushing with enough gusto to carry a boulder up a mountain. Taking me 25+ minutes to not even fully finish taking a single shit without having sequels to this shitty movie? 
 Bezos isn't comfortable with Harris as president and won't endorse her through his surrogate, the... 
 Dont be mistaken. It is an act of self preservation. Not to be confused with bravery.  
 Come on. Ya gotta post the name, or at least color of the party involved.

Was it team blue? 

Did they do it and get caught again? 
 Sure. Cut him off right when he is about to get to the good part. What the fuck man.

Gotta hand it to the BBC though. Their propaganda machine was on point cutting him off. Before people watching in crime ridden European countries start putting two and two together. To discover how they got so fucked in the first place and who is actually responsible within their homelands.  
 Some dude watching the verification process is just making her do this so he can pretend he is getting a blow job. Jacking off in a small little room all fucking day long.

I guarantee it.  
 I wouldn't be worrying about this evil fuck. 

He will get what he deserves in the end.  
 Why not use one to buy the other?

Honestly you would be hard pressed to find a more amazing classic JDM vehicle. Reliable, fast as fuck, and can handle an obscene amount of modifications. It is on a very short list of legendary icons that only increase in value as they become harder to find. 

Kind of like Bitcoin if you think about it... 
 All I can do is hope this has some truth to it. After the last election was stolen I lost all faith in the US political system. The world got darker as the veil lifted really fast. Forcing we the people to struggle for our very livelihoods. Defending our home from those spreading evil.

It would be nice for someone to restore actual law and order. Not just talk about it. Instead of living as a second class debt slave that is gaslighted daily. By those who claim we are free while they crack the whip of injustices.

I do not trust anyone. Especially politicians. That is something that which must be hard earned. Let's hope he rises up to the challenge. We need our country to survive this. 
 Yup. Nope. Didn't vote last time, because I watched it get stolen in real time. Not voting anymore for anything political unless my faith in the voting system is restored. All I am willing to do is hope for the best outcome, because I am already prepared for the worst.

It will have to be good enough to just defend the American spirit with tenacity. I shall keep it kindled whatever the outcome. To ensure my loyalty is always with we the people. So we may one day be free again. 

Win or lose. I will not let the American spirit die. 
 Sweet, but this is coming from the NY Times. I can't even say take this with a grain of salt, because you'd need a dump truck full of it.

All taxation is theft. Get rid of it all, not just one little fucked up piece of the grift pie.  
 I’ve finally sat down and installed StartOS on an old laptop. 

I’m running Bitcoin, of cours... 
 Bless your heart. Yes. You are cool. Let me know what you wind up using software wise for a relay. I'm curious about that myself.  
 There are no safeguards if anyone is paying attention. Banks commit crimes. They pay a fine relatively small fine in comparison totherir networth. Then the process repeats itself. Everything illegal continues business as usual.

Fuck banks. I'll take self custody bitcoin and precious metals instead. At least I won't be a willing accomplice to their crimes anymore. 
 Awesome. Someone with balls to do the right thing for once. Either that, or someone has some serious leverage on him. Either way kudos to Virginia.  
 100% Agree. 
 Gm purple horned man taking a shit enthusiastically with a sinister grin. 
 Do you know how many fucking doors I've walked through Morpheus?!?!

I'm still stuck in the fucking matrix. I can't find my way out. For fucks sake its like the back door scene in your movie. I'm fucking lost.  
 Why does it look like he is grabbing his big dick and pissing everywhere? 
 I'd hope he would spend some of that bitcoin on the kids too. Jeeze. Dead beat dad alert if he doesn't. 

The wife..... That depends on their marriage situation. Not going to touch that one lol.  
 If you are buying them. Then exploding them. Then you aren't collecting them now are you.

Scam alert. Lol 
 Beautiful 🤩 
 An important legal precedent has been set here.  
 It says I was going for a quick joke that didn't land with you. Dont make the mistake of comedic intentions for wilful ignorance, or inability to conduct independent investigations for self verification of information and events. 

This stuff doesn't interest me enough to dive deep into it anymore. I was real attentitve in the beginning of the Ukraine War TV show, but after the first season all they did was throw money at it. Which didn't move the plot at all. 

The Ukraine War show just got more confusing as the new episodes aired. The ex comedian manwhore playing president in the show just got really annoying and needy. No one knows who is the real bad guys are given the Neo Nazis in Ukraine Military debacle, or who exactly we should all cheer on for to win now. 

Overall it just got to the point where the show needed to be canceled, but the studios still keep it in production. Need to keep those money cleaners up, meat grinders grinding, and the whole show in full production. 
 Do you not realize the irony of your statement in relation to the claims you made against me?

Thanks for the comedic hippocracy. Lol! 
 The modern push for multiplatform apps dismisses all of the super cool platform-specific APIs tha... 
 So I just took a look at the kotlin language. It really isn't for me personally.

I believe that a sister project akin to Amethyst in another language I am familiar with would be a cool idea to entertain. 

Maybe you have a glass of wine, feel a little saucy, and want to give a crack at porting Amethyst personally over to Linux too.

It might be most excellent of you to name your btc price to make this happen. We zap you the satoshis. You get it done soon. We call this a day with a win win situation for everyone. 

 To be honest. I pray everyday now. Sincerely and whole heartedly. I am grateful for everything that I have and will come.

To whom am I praying?

Haven't a fucking clue.  
 Which one?