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Notes by Ostrich McScooby | export

 Beautiful 🤩 
 An important legal precedent has been set here.  
 Yeah. I would have shot this guy.

No one harms my pups and lives to tell the tale. 
 I want ai for all of the above. Then I can finally afford to go fishing and relax on a regular basis instead of working for monopoly money.   
 I do both. Ai enhances my ability to create.

While I more use ai writing for proof reading and improvement suggestions. Ai for art allows me to finally overcome the artistic handicap. By allowing me to accurately portray the visions in my mind into art with all of its vivid glory.  
 Broke people buy lottery tickets.

Smart people buy skills.

Rich people buy time.

 What does that make us then? 
 The ocean is beyond polluted. They could be in such an intense amount of pain from pollution and microplastics. That beaching themselves is the only way to end the suffering.  
 God is looking right at you. What do you want Him to see? 
 A sign that requests that God immediately serve all of the unrelenting justice that is deserved to this person. As penance to all of their crimes against humanity and being a traitor to their country. To discover who you must finish this game of hang man.

Who is it God?

J_stin Trudea_

May justice be immediately served once the puzzle is solved. Please do it in the same fashion as the name of this game implies. Amen. 
 Can you stop acting like a whore on social media, have some dignity, put on some clothes and make me a steak sandwhich?

Thanks babe.  
 Honestly all these video ai advancements really just make me want to opt out of watching videos as a form of entertainment all together. 

While they are absolutely amazing. Its almost at the point of too good to quickly verify authenticity. Which makes me question reality. 
Which is something I was already dealing with in the first place. I don't need to add gasoline to a preexisting fire. 

I think I am going back to audio forms of entertainment. Pretend it is the 1940s. At least if audio is faked I have less of a fuck to give, because I was able to do something else while listening to it anyway.  
 This is Nostr. Fundamentally different from those social media networks. A lot of people here want nothing to do with the censorship and propaganda social networks. Lead generation might be less than promisable here, but I wouldn't mind being proven wrong. 

I like the concept of what you created. Not the mediums you have chosen. Do you have plans to adapt them for Nostr, or develop one course  specifically for the dynamics of this social media protocol? 
 More bullshit, lies, and propaganda.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Didn't even need to look at the video either.

 I stack sats
You can’t have them
 But what about for a Scooby snack? 
 Sweet! Lol 
 The modern push for multiplatform apps dismisses all of the super cool platform-specific APIs tha... 
 Is this a confirmation that you do not intend to have versions of Amethyst for other platforms such as Linux?

 Don't tempt me with a good time.  
 Android emulators work well for some use cases. It is the I am taking Amethyst as it is and using it on Linux whether Vitor wants to, or no approach. Not graceful, or good for wider adoption. Mostly related to hardware issues.

I have issues personally with android emulation. Especially with waydroid. Most of my time is spent in virtual machines or containers. To this day I have yet to quite figure out how to get android apps to run in a Linux VM or container with my hardware. Not using android studio either due to moral conflictions. So I'm still up shits creek without a paddle.

Overall the idea of heading up a Linux version development project is intriguing. I have some software development experience on the side, but more out of passionate hobby and necessity for fixing broken FOSS for work. 

Most of my experience is running multi-industry media production, web development, and start up business consultation teams as a CEO (or) Consultant.

I guess a starting point would be to figure out what code from the existing android base can be ported over to Linux? What language would it be coded in? We need to map out a very detailed plan first if this is going to happen. Lots of questions and moving parts involved. 

I'm willing to entertain the idea of leading up Linux development and participate in some brainstorming. Prior to commiting to anything. I'd wanna chat with Vitor and anyone else that wants to get involved in a Linux version of Amethyst more. To see if we would all work together well on this project. 

 Unfamiliar with Kotlin as a coding language. I can take a look at the code and language itself to see if I can pick things up easily enough. 

So far my limited coding experience has been with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a whole lotta bash. Comprehend a little python. Loath Php. Been flirting with the idea of learning rust to get serious about development. Overall I'm open.

Coding is a hobby, but it seems like life keeps pushing me in the direction of making it a serious career. 
 This sums up what it is like living during the Greater Depression.  
 Holy fuck. This is really fucking true. Girls that didn't look at you, or give you the time of day suddenly come out of the woodworks. 

Like oh no, my plan B for if the asshole plan A boyfriend I am with now fails. Is now with someone else that's pretty too. This is absolutely unacceptable. Now I must try to steal him away from his plan A girlfriend.

Fucking psychopaths. You had your chance for this dick. You blew it. Now cunt you can't blow me. Move on. Maybe we can still be friends if you stop acting like a desperate whore.  
 This is where I wrote the real stuff 
 Do you now? 
 Go for it.  
 I'm good with gender affirming care just as long as we're also stringing up in the gallows every ... 
 There is no actual transgender person. Only those with gender dysphoria. Their mental illness reinforced by a selfish society that cares more about how they are perceived by others. Than doing what is actually right. 

Rather than telling people the truth they need to hear. To deprogram themselves from the all the lies they were fed. So they can begin the journey of self rediscovery to find their masculine, or femine cores. To strengthen themselves and no longer be manipulated for power and control. 

By getting the mental help from healthcare professionals with experience saving people from this rampant form of insanity.  
 I just unintentionally scared away a skunk twice in a parked car. Apparently skunks do not like 90s rock music. 

 Trust. Fuck no. 

Socialize with humans and ai pretending to be one of us. Most definitely. 

All in all this is a place for uncensored conversation. As well as a frontier for the digital imagination. Behold and beware. 

Have a most wonderful day  
 Here is my issue with astrology. I got deep into it astrology decades ago. When you dive deep enough into it hit a road block.

Over saturation of astrology bullshitters. Which makes it challenging to determine who is preaching facts and who is spewing fiction. 

I see some truth to it, but no way to ultimately put it to good use. I guess this stems from a lack of educational guidence combined with misunderstanding. Due to fake, or incompetent authors and wannabe astrologers.

It is a fascinating subject matter.  
 Attention Nostr Developers:

Please do something about DM reporter.

Dude is creeping us the fuck out. 


The Nostr Community 
 Welcome to your first childhood trauma film experience.  
 Dude. Bets over. We've been in a world war since around 2017. Where the fuck have you been? 
 A lot to unpack there. 

You wanna get real technical I think it was what. Right after the titanic sank?

Its like OK our country has been in so many overlapping wars and regime changes. Where do we want to put the start line here lol! 
 Intriguing story that I am unaware of. 

I wonder what it would take to officially end it since all of the original parties do not exist in their original form?

If there is more to the story. Please tell. Fascinating.  
 What if we start sending nostr: URIs in the end of our emails with a signed copy of the message a... 
 Could work. Extensions for which browser? 
 Sounds intriguing. A good alternative method for signature verification. You wanna build it. I'll help you test it. I'm on Linux and android.  
 Still don't believe it is him. So all this was due to some Hollywood fucks looking for a quick buck while destroying someone's life. Sounds like any other day of the week in their evil schedule. Someone should do a reversal on the creators of the documentary. Make them go into hiding as well.  
 I need a personal HR department to navigate around people and feelings.  
 HR departments can't navigate shit. You need a   team of real experts.

You need a behavioral therapist.

Hostage negotiator. 

As well as a motivational speaker.

On call. 24/7/365. 
 GM Good morning! Let’s make today productive and full of accomplishments. 
 OK Bella. 
 I am constantly killing my online personas and reincarnating back into Nostr. Never leave trails long enough for people to learn anything significant about you.  
  Never sell your #Bitcoin = diamond hands 🖐️ 💎 🤚
 People actually sell their bitcoin?

 Holy fuck. She is so good at hand jobs that she made an inanimate object blow a frothy load.

Someone give her a medal and hand her a grant to open an academy to teach fellow women her fine art. 
 How much would the price of bitcoin need to rise where 1 dollar = 1 satoshi? 
 Big news! 🇺🇸 Donald Trump is set to appear on the Joe Rogan Experience! 🔥  Expect firewo... 
 Soundfx during the show, or real ones outside? 
 I personally think the hardest part of putting the world on a Bitcoin standard is convincing the ... 
 USB thumb drives with the bitcoin electrum wallet and backup seed phrase tucked under the pillow. Sure her cost of doing business will go up, but so will the price of bitcoin. So it all evens out in the end.  
 I just don't believe anything anymore. So much bullshit and propaganda like this. No one knows what is really going on.

Red vs blue

Blue vs red

It is the same monkies throwing shit at us all with both hands. Just the one with the blue glove constantly has more violent irrational illogical emotional shit throwing tantrums. Which makes all of our lives shittier than the hand with the red glove that always tends to miss us by a long shot. 
 Everything is fake. Nothing is real. 

Reality is burried within the cracks in stories that make no sense. While trying to convince us of narratives and agendas.  
 To be honest. I pray everyday now. Sincerely and whole heartedly. I am grateful for everything that I have and will come.

To whom am I praying?

Haven't a fucking clue.  

If I want... 
 Internships are a way for students to be able to get real world experience before they graduate. 

When you go out into the real world after college to get a job. They want you to have experience. However before you can get experience you often need the education. Internships resolve the unfair question of which came first. The chicken, or the egg. 

Depending on whether or not they get paid. Determines whether their internship is slavery, or a temp job. All in all this a jungle. The entire business world isn't fair. It absolutely never will be so don't expect it to change it's nature. Life is wild, cut throat, and unfair.

While we can all bitch and whine about how it deals us bad cards. When we are fed up with our career situations. It us up to us to shuffle the deck and play a different game to win.  
Event not found
 Bitcoin: Hold my beer.