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 It's not just cops.  I almost did this on a friend who was making increasingly shrill suicide threats.  We have patient's bill of rights, so our state errs on the side of the patient. 
 I wonder what one of these dudes would say if someone told him “I only like the taste of organi... 
 Considering the many, many posts about how bad their fauxginas smell, I don't know anyone who'd want to go down on them. 
 Just finished re-taking my annual abuse/harassment/hazing training for my coaching credentials and I'm surprised that more coaches have not been reported for violating child safeguarding standards wherein all coach/minor athlete communications must include the parent/guardian, that training sessions must have advance written parental consent, that one-on-one interactions between adult participants and minor athletes must be observable and interruptible, or that adult participants cannot change or shower around minor athletes.  When I read news reports of teacher/student interactions, I see how they violate these regularly and with impunity, including that one male coach who showered in front of his minor female athletes only to get re-hired.

Safeguarding standards have not changed, but enforcement seems to only apply to those who fail to invoke the magic words: I identify as. 
 12 years of post secondary education was worth it for all the crabs I met along the way. 
 I don't regret it even the parts I loathed. 
 When your narrative consists of mantras, it spares you from having to address the details.

 And if you are in the military, you need to know the difference between SNAFU, shitshow, and clusterfuck. 
 Also, their job now is only to run numbers.  They really are easily replaceable. 
 Long Beach used to hold an annual Funk Fest.  One year, they even got the Brides to reunite. 
 I had one friend just get hit with one.  We all asked, what kept you? 
 And by blurring the lines, it will be harder for women to gain equal pay.  How do you prove pay disparity if you don't have a recognizable class? 
 it was actually quite fast and you could burn your fingers on it.  Dangerous for a kid's toy but then, back in the day, they all were. 
 Beautifully rendered.  That will be hard to appeal. 
 People in CA will never hear of this even after the LA Dodgers fiasco, because the local press would not touch it with a ten foot pole: https://nypost.com/2023/09/13/sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence-member-caught-masturbating-at-park/ 
 And they thought the terf label would dissuade women from fighting back.  Glad to see it's having the reverse effect. 
 It's "equity selection" when they do it and book banning when others do it.  And this is just the first purge (pre 2008 books).  The next purge will be based on "diversity" yet will somehow not favor indigenous, POC or Global South works.  Funny how that "diversity" thing usually ends up favoring white dudes. 
 If he were a real woman and not a dude, everyone would be criticizing his weight. 
 Someone broke down the latest crime stats: https://twitter.com/2genders1truth/status/1701814659282518305 
 That's not Cathy Brennan. It's a horrid man who stole her identity. 
 That's why I did not use the full name.  The impersonation doesn't stop at the restroom door. 
 Well, suicides track with phone use.  I'm not subscribing to see "duh" but I am glad people are finally noticing. 
 Thank you! Lol I feel validated. People from this community are acting like it's the coolest thing. 
 The real performance is from the audience trying to out-virtue signal each other. 
 I remember those days. I worked with one of the first domestic abuse shelters in Michigan and eve... 
 I lived next to a women's shelter and would see them escorting women and children in and out under cover of darkness.  People really underestimate the danger.  Fully 60% of mass shootings in America are rooted in DV.  The societal costs are massive but we don't seem to count them. 
 I just found out that my state senator not only just loves him some trans, but voted to support -... 
 Part of me is sorry I don't live in Scott Weiner's district because I'd be down at his office every day making his life a living hell. 
 My guidance counselor when I was 15 wished I could come live with her, and I've wondered what she... 
 Again, that proves their only role in your emotional life should be under extraordinary circumstances.  Even when I left home and called my guidance counselor to ask if I could still graduate.  He didn't even ask. He just told me to send him an address where he could mail my diploma. 
 So it's book banning if you want to remove age inappropriate material from elementary school libraries, but it's "equity selection" when you remove Anne Frank's Diary, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Harry Potter from the shelves.  If you compare the books subject to removal, the one thing they have in common was they were all about growing up, something the pedos in charge want to prevent. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/peel-school-board-library-book-weeding-1.6964332 
 Loved Dylan Moran's take on her: she's chilly but she's also remote, so she's energy efficient. 
 I think Campbell's gave up that right when they let Warhol use it everywhere.  Besides, Kelly's clearly using it for political purposes. 
 nostr:npub19wx4trr08yt54madku9cxv95h3g3jk4n0xaje7nk7rval66pkgks9zresf what a fucking mess 
 And this isn't even "gender," it's sexual orientation.  Schools may scream they are protecting your kid from being outed to their parents but they sure are outing them to everyone else.  No wonder kids are seeing this as cringe. 
 Why do schools think so much is their damn business?  We can solve most of the debate on this typ... 
 I had one teacher write in my returned homework that she recognized my trauma and if I ever wanted to talk to someone, she would be available.  That's about the right level of teacher involvement in a student's private life.  I never took her up on it but it gave me confidence in knowing my family life was hellish. 
 You really can't trust men with anything: https://twitter.com/FourthWaver/status/1700162937048977599 
 So they are sunsetting the LGB in favor of the TQ+.  While I loathe the idea of having another month to dread, it's important for people to see these groups have nothing in common. 
 Good idea.  Often, though, people don’t know that men are allowed in the women’s restrooms or... 
 Was standing in the restroom line when one woman gave up and headed for the men's.  A woman commented that men could not enter the women's room, so I told her that it was legal in CA.  She was not happy.  The woke hate it when their policies come to bite them on the ass. 
 Last week she was yammering on about how she knew ALLLLLLLLLL about dysphoria because she’d bee... 
 I am mature enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.  I'm sorry you have emotional issues that prevent such discrimination. 
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 It's comforting to hear. 
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 More Satanic Panic? 
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 That will be me one day. 
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 Somehow the press always leaves that bit out. 
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 Scott Weiner is positively evil. 
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 He looks like my boy. 
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 Lily Wachowski now says porn made him trans.