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 FRANCE: Criminal “Misgendering” Complaint Filed Against Women’s Rights Campaigner

"A prominent advocate for women’s rights in France is being taken to criminal court over accusations of “misgendering” two transgender public figures. Dora Moutot, a best-selling author and social media influencer, is facing a legal complaint alleging insults on the basis of gender identity, and public incitement to hatred or violence towards a group of people on the basis of their gender identity."

"Journalist Léa Salamé asked Moutot whether she regarded the mayor as a woman, to which Moutot replied, “To me, Marie Cau is a man.” A statement released by Mousse accused Moutot of “violently attacking” Cau by calling him both a man, and a “transfeminine man.”"

"Speaking to Reduxx, Moutot stated that Escurier had encouraged violence against women who are labelled “TERFs,” as well as threatened to physically harm Moutot herself at a drag event in 2020 that was held at a club in Paris called La Mutinerie. TERF is an acronym which stands for “trans exclusionary radical feminist” and is frequently used as a slur to denounce the target or to invite harassment against individuals who question gender identity politics."

"It was the experience of being labeled a “TERF” that led Moutot to develop her understanding of feminist criticisms of the pornography and prostitution industries. For her, the abuse has had the opposite of its intended effect and has motivated her to become more vocal in her criticism of gender identity ideology."

#ItNeverHappens #YWNBAW #WomenDontHavePenises #TeamTERF #OccupyWoman #GenderCritical #SexNotGender #GenderWoo #GenderAtheist #EndGenderExtremism #GenderIsHarmful #Feminism #Feminist #PornCulture 
#PeakTrans #TransCult #DropTheT #GenderAtheist #SexNotGender #LGBAlliance #WomenDeserveAVoice
#StopGenderTotalitarianism #cults #skeptic #freespeech


 >>> DONATE to Dora Moutot legal fund,


Is this a crime in France?  I thought freedom of speech and the press existed in France.

Dora Moutot is accused of having said the following sentence on the TV set of the show “Quelle époque” on France 2:

“For me Marie Cau, he is a man. A transfeminine man. He is a person who is biologically a male except that this person has tastes which correspond to what we call the female gender”.

"Criminal misgendering" is a joke and makes a mockery out of the criminal justice system.  How is it a crime to call a male a man?  

Calling a male a man is a factual statement.  Nicolas, "Marie", Cau is a divorced father.  Males father children.  

The man calling himself Marie Cau is the mayor of Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes, France.  This man is a perfect example of why people should NEVER vote trans people into any position of power.  When he was campaigning, he said he wasn't an activist and wanted to focus on economic issues, etc.  He lied.  Trans eventually use their position and power to push their political agenda, and they just keep demanding more and more special treatment.  

This is what he was saying in 2020.  

"The 55-year-old ran on a platform of ecological sustainability and building the local economy.

Speaking to the AFP news agency, Ms Cau said she was "not an activist" and wanted to focus on municipal politics."


He went from saying he wanted to focus on municipal issues and the economy to kowtow to trans or else.  

He is just another autogynephile.  He is a heterosexual divorced man who admits to getting a thrill from cross dressing.

"In his autobiography, Cau also detailed his divorce from his wife, and railed against the justice system, which granted custody of their children to his former wife.

“The woman is always the victim, while the man is always the executioner, often accused of violence or alcoholism,” he wrote. The judge presiding over their divorce proceedings ordered him to leave the home and granted him limited visitation rights – a situation that Cau says “is one that the courts traditionally reserve for a failing or even violent father.” 
 And they thought the terf label would dissuade women from fighting back.  Glad to see it's having the reverse effect.