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 Loved Dylan Moran's take on her: she's chilly but she's also remote, so she's energy efficient. 
 Efficiency can be a good thing or a bad thing. 
 Did you hear that Dylan repudiated Linehan and won't stand against the trans religion? 
 No. Ugh. There's such a lack of courage to stand up to these fools these days it's depressing. 
 I just found out that my state senator not only just loves him some trans, but voted to support -- in the Maine Senate! big woo -- the war in Ukraine. I'm thinking of suggesting to him that he might borrow one of Eric Blakey's balls, but I'll probably content myself with sending him a postcard saying it's nice to know he's a Nazi. 
 I definitely think you should write to your elected officials, but you might want to rethink mentions of hhis balls or Nazis unless you're lonely and would like to get closer to a nice single FBI agent. 
 I guess they should come try to find me (this was a great safe house for battered women because no one could find it!). My sister pushed an FBI agent out of her apartment and I'd love to see my father's files. 
 I remember those days. I worked with one of the first domestic abuse shelters in Michigan and everyone was sworn to silence about it's location. There were angry John Bircher (Men's rights advocates) who wanted to burn it own and called it a shelter for traitorous run away wives. (Traitor is their favorite smear). We never had FBI involved, but the local police would show up allegedly looking for minor "run aways" all the time with manufacutred evidence and do everything in their power to intimidate and harass us. I learned that there is nothing that men hate and fear more than whome who try to empower other women to live without them. 
 I lived next to a women's shelter and would see them escorting women and children in and out under cover of darkness.  People really underestimate the danger.  Fully 60% of mass shootings in America are rooted in DV.  The societal costs are massive but we don't seem to count them. 
 Part of me is sorry I don't live in Scott Weiner's district because I'd be down at his office every day making his life a living hell. 
 I remeber this now. It's been a minute. My friends and I sat around howling at this when it originally came out because so many Americans shared the same sentiment about the car glove box after the DNC forced Hillary on us. 
 Unfortunately, the laughing audience members are now screaming KILL THE TERFS! 
 Yep. It took a little time and a lot of efforts underneath the surface that we didn't see.  It's amazing how fast the world changed after the 2016 elections when irrational hatred of the oppostion came back into style full blast. It was probably slowly changing duriing the Obama administration but most people were not paying attention to politics back then. There has always been contempt for radical feminists, but it suddenly became okay to be as blatant about it as possible after the failed "deplorables" campaign. It's as if the world responded with: Deplorable? I'll show you what deplorable really is. I first noticed the shift when that NPR 1A show came out. It was obviously an attempt to get people use to the idea that government should be able to take away rights and determine what 'hate speech' is. That was the first sublte wave. When that worked, they just got more and more brazen about demonizing the opposition. 
 I'm not familiar with NPR 1A since I stopped listening years ago. I liked a friend's comparison: Her sister listened to NPR when the teachers were striking in Chiapas, with NPR reporter in hotel in Mexico City talking shit about the strike. Friend and I listened to Free Speech Radio News with reporter IN Chiapas speaking truth about what was going on. 
 Mary Daly got cancelled for reals in 1999 or 2000 (IRC) by the mens. After almost getting cancelled in 1968 for offending the other kind of men (religious). That's a 30 year window. That's all women get.