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Notes by vinney | export

 What's the best place to buy XMR if you're in the US? I'm okay with buying from an exchange and immediately moving to self-custody. #XMR #Monero 
 Yea I started clicking through the onramper thing in Cake and was like, "hang on a minute..." And came here 
 I didnt go through the whole flow. Might get stopped at the end due to region 
 I was thinking about Rothbard's two means to acquiring wealth: the political means (coercive) and the economic means (voluntary) and it dawned on me that this is the true distinction between ancomms and ancaps.  
The ancoms use the political means, the ancaps use the economic.  
 You know things are bad when the media arm of the State is making fun of itself this perfectly 

  nostr:npub12rv5lskctqxxs2c8rf2zlzc7xx3qpvzs3w4etgemauy9thegr43sf485vg What do you do when you be... 
 Where else are you leaving them? Forums and group chats and stuff? 

Day 12 of keto diet.  I'm only down 1.3 kg (about the weight of glycogen and water) so far... 
 Describing essentially what I do. Strongly carb-restricted "paleo" ish + dairy. Basically just buy whole food ingredients (vegetables, fruit, meat, fish) and combine them myself (except for the dairy products).

It's the healthiest I've ever been.  
 I don't mind "anti-keto". I cycle in and out as needed. I'm not dogmatic about it  
 What's wrong with calcium? 
 What do you mean? 
 I buy and use 100% whey protein isolate. But I also eat cheese..

Btw "cheese is a by-product of whey creation" is a greater zinger, thanks for that 😆 
 Wow I love this

 Based on my made-up categories, this is how I would split our most known apps. Also... Microapps ... 
 Yea this one got me too.
Is it for real? 
 I can seriously just buy contact lenses without a prescription? What brand lenses? Who runs this?! I'm flabbergasted  
 👍 The true contrarian goes against the grain when the grain is potentially being retarded and jumping to conclusions.  
 When people ask about your politics and you tell them "I believe all human interactions should be entirely voluntary" their heads really explode even though this is clearly unobjectionable and quite simple 
 I wonder how Italians would feel watching me break my spaghetti pasta then stirring it with chop ... 
 You put a horse at the end of your comment. I encourage you to look at my last name.  
 There's a lot of great stuff in this thread

Gonna have to double check this is real... 
 Community software. micro-apps that are unique to a network/fandom and provide specific function or experience that only the network understands.  
 Interesting that you're designing for this, because we're building an entire computing paradigm meant to facilitate this: https://github.com/operating-function/pallas

We should talk 😉 
 At this time, our GitHub repo and all of our docs are squarely aimed at software developers. We are a little ways off from have a product and written material appropriate for a wider audience, but the ultimate goal is your grandma should be running our software one day :)

To put it simply and overly briefly: open source sovereign personal server software that connects peer to peer with other similar nodes. "new Internet, new FOSS software market" yadda yadda lol 
 I just learned that 50-70% of the population doesn’t have an internal monologue. 

I honestly c... 
 One of the main techniques of speed reading is NOT subvocalizing the words in your head. Basically just going to pure information without the stopover in virtualized speech. 
Point being: might not be a problem for reading (or may even be beneficial!) 
 I don't know a ton about speed reading, but one tip I had heard was you slowly count to 10 over and over again (just barely whispered) as you're reading the words. It's hard at first, but you kind of get used to it. Once you can get the meaning of the words just by looking at them (rather than "saying them in your head" - which is impossible while youre counting aloud), you can scan them faster and faster. 
The upper bound for how fast you can scan your eyes over words is much higher than the speed at which you can "say them".  
 The other thing is looking at batches of words at a time. Like divide the page into two or three columns and look at the batch of words in one column on the current line, then hop directly to the next column, wrapping around when needed. 
So rather than sliding your eyes slowly over every word, you instantly "hop" two or three times per line 

 Cool as hell no matter the amount. 
Btw the "redeem" button in Amethyst didn't work, but I was able to copy and paste it into Minibits. Incredible! 
 You can probably understand this pretty well without having to learn any actual programming. 
How familiar are you with cryptography and cryptographic signatures? ("Not at all" is an acceptable answer) 
 Wait a second... This "Mr Obnoxious" show that I'm finally getting around to listing to - this is Peter McCormack?! 
 Supposed to be able to view the Northern light tonight and tomorrow night as far south as Wyoming... 
 Always a good sign. Definitely doesnt mean we're in immanent CME danger 
 Alternative Login Idea:
User name + 3-5 personal questions

Answers to the questions would be con... 
 Unless you answer exactly the same (or do some sort of fuzzing on creating many valid hashes to begin with) - like including punctuation and upper/lowercase - the hashes won't match. 
But I like the idea and there's something there  
 When people talk about "problems for future me", they're talking about time preference. And they're probably on the wrong side of it. 
 code is a way to materialize your thoughts 
 And math 
 This note will be zapped 100k sats 
 So far just 1 
 What Bitcoin does to people's brains.

 Agreed that there are much better ways to handle sovereign and peer to peer file storage  
 ABSOLUTE LEGEND nostr:npub1gmhctt2hmjqz8ay2x8h5f8fl3h4fpfcezwqneal3usu3u65qca4s8094ea 
He didn’... 
 This is incredible!
(Also, imagine if Guy just took the BTC and disappeared from public life? Lololol. Obviously won't happen but the idea is hilarious)

 Anyone publish to your own server? What are the advantages? 
Control, posterity, reliability, fun, training. 
(I'm assuming you're talking about Nostr relays. But I also publish other stuff to other servers of mine so I guess it works either way) 
 God is the supreme statist fantasy - a nanny being more powerful than the most obscene one world government. 

God is the ultimate incarnation of pure fiat. 

Most "freedom influencers" are too scared to publicly agree due of audience capture.

Show me a "theist anarchist" and I'll show you someone who doesn't understand what the "arch" in an-arch means.  
 Fake thing that "exists" purely by decree and only in the intangible fantasy realm and if you refuse to believe in it and act in accordance, the people who maintain that the thing exists will get mad at you (and perhaps arrest or kill you).
 I mean the much simpler version: there is no god (person or otherwise) 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsw3mfhnrr0l6ll5zzsrtpeufckv2lazc8k3ru5c3wkjtv8vlwngkspz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t09uqsuamnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dshsq9cn9q nostr:nprofile1qqsqgc0uhmxycvm5gwvn944c7yfxnnxm0nyh8tt62zhrvtd3xkj8fhgprdmhxue69uhkwmr9v9ek7mnpw3hhytnyv4mz7un9d3shjqgcwaehxw309ahx7umywf5hvefwv9c8qtmjv4kxz7gpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumt0wd68ytnsw43z7s3al0v I want to login to straylight.cafe on my phone but the browser doesn't integrate with #amber and I don't want to paste my nsec in there. Any other ideas? 
 I'm okay with Firefox for this! Didn't know Firefox on mobile allowed extensions... I'm suspicious. I'll investigate 
 Man, if I didn't know better I would think Nostr was spying on me. I was reading reviews of various adjustable dumbbells this morning. 
I think I'm going to go with the Powerblock  Elites. 
 I was comparing these exact two products this morning. Was leaning towards Power blocks, mostly because of price (and less rolling around). Why do you prefer them? 


> There is no such thing as global state in reality. Therefore none is required in cyberspace. If there is a conflict of local state between relays, they can exist in parallel until they become aware of each other at which point POW reconciles the dispute.

 We will definitely pendulum swing with decentralization. But we will swing back to a balanced mid... 
 Trust + Right to Exit can take you very far for quite cheap ("cheap" as far as infrastructure investment goes at least) 

walk the talk
practice what you preac... 
 I do both  
 What's up with #Amethyst being very strange with auto-filling @ names? 
 Is web3 still a thing? In a room with several hundred people seemingly enthralled with the concep... 
 "unified" is optional in my view. At least for namespaces. I think there is a lot of value in subnets being able to define their own names - like DNS, for instance. That should be local to a subnet. 
Nothing stopping multiple subnets from all using the same DNS provider, which would make it _something like_ global, but another federation of subnets could have their own DNS.  
 Yea I'd happily elaborate on my thoughts sometime / re-state in terms that are more familiar to you! 
 A good portion of my life is built on top of my Obsidian markdown vault. The best part of it is that it's just markdown files in a folder.
I'll definitely be trying comet! 
 What's the source? 
 What video series is it? 
 I mean on the video. Where can I watch the rest? 
 #nostrnovember challenge. Only use nostr and no other social media for the month of november. Who... 