It’s just another tool, perhaps not quite as lethal as your car
Respect and familiarity go very far in gun safety
Guns are the great equalizer among humans
51% of politicians like the idea.
They write it down in a ledger.
Now, a guy in a costume with a badge and gun (maybe no gun in AU) can put you in a cage for growing a plant that large corporations do every day right down the street
What am I missing??
Indeed. It is probably worth the trouble of supporting legacy nsec identities to get users in the door
And then write a sweet migration tool that automatically notifies your compatriots once you migrate to a proper seed phrase
Can you imagine the absolute retard level engineers that work at DOJ - cuz they probably cannot get private sector jobs - handling / securing this data or even trying to make heads or tails from it!?!
You got the blue talking points down!
Danger to Democracy! That’s the best one. If that was true I would actually vote at all.
What is actually good about Democracy?
I have to laugh at that line cuz no one can explain to me how 51% of voters shitting on the 49% has any value at all. What about the smallest minority like me who does not participate?
Democracy is trash
Sadly, voting for KamaLOL is not going to save you, her Citibank/JPMorgan/ BIS handlers would pick a disgusting cabinet…
I can’t wait til trump wins and all the “patriots” fall back asleep in daddy trumps arms, back to watching sportsball and sure everything gonna be alright
It’s absolutely pathetic
Popular vote is always a bad idea. There is nothing good about direct democracy
Tyranny of the majority.
Just leave me alone
I will not participate
The US federal government was created by the states, but that is really really hard to tell today
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