I cannot wait for Trump to be elected and for all the “patriots” to fall back asleep deep in the embrace of daddy Trump and the right wing Israeli handlers that run him
It’s really quite amazing
Remember when Reagan signed the GCA of 1986?
Just Like That. That’s where we are headed
Every time I watch a video like this I feel the universe is signaling to all of us to just abolish all of the federal government already
It’s way past time. A massively negative investment that is going to get all of us killed
JFC nostr:note1h3790yj6528efma73gz3lkfuakv83m5gjv83aegc7c4mx48drhjs3tyksz
We will go back to the decentralized nature of the State -> County -> Township/city model
It’s a very decentralized system that has been co-opted by globalist DC vampires
The natural way is being a “Virginian first” a’la Thomas Jefferson
Notes by deeznuts | export