If I voted I would vote for him, even tho he can hide it well at times, he’s such a boomer.
Last time around he lost because pf hubris. And I dont think he learned anything. He has a lot of deep rooted fiat ways like sanctions and trade wars. That’s stupid.
So even tho he’s by miles the best candidate outta bad bunch, its a No due to fiat retardation.
I am waiting for the memes tho 😂
I followed 1k+ and I didn’t see shit. I mostly use Damus so no fancy algos. I unfollowed all and followed just few people and my experience is 1000x better. My algo is me clicking on new notes or reply to notes and using advance thumb scrolling algo from there. Underrated tech 👍🏻
Till there is algo I can design with 4 clicks Im sticking to this on the go (phone). On laptop I can browse whats trending but unless Im at work, I dont care that much for hot news.
Great idea! Separate client necessary tho. In some jurisdictions, you can pay heavy fines due to accidentally seeding something like a movie. With separate client you prepare yourself before you open it and start seeding.
There is different problems you think about when you torrent and when you shitpost on damus. Torrents in damus is like adding a nuclear arsenal to a paintball place.
Right click, save. I have it forever. Limiting is nice, but once you use your documents online, they can be leaked and be on internet forever. I agree its better than sharing your documents with all those companies, but you still sharing it with some. Still a bullshit requirement.
Notes by Tetsu | export